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7 things you should not do after quarantine ends


We are all waiting for this quarantine to finally end. The governments of different countries, including ours, have announced a relaxation of restrictions, and we hope that at least by the middle of summer people will be able to return to a more or less normal rhythm of life. However, exemptions do not mean permissiveness. And here we are not talking about attacks on freedom, but about common sense. If everyone unanimously reverts to their old habits, humanity is very likely to overwhelm the second wave of the pandemic or even several. So here’s a list of things you should not do after quarantine ends or coronavirus end

  1. Don’t forget about social distance
  2. Don’t throw away masks
  3. Do not visit crowded places
  4. Skip plan overseas trips
  5. Conclusion

Don’t forget about social distance

At first, the researchers stated the need to maintain a distance of one meter, and later – one and a half and two meters. coronavirus can travel through the air up to four meters. Therefore, it is important to continue to maintain a social distance and be as far away from crowds as possible, especially those that show signs of a respiratory infection (runny nose, sneezing, dry cough).

Do not throw away masks to spreads coronavirus

Coronavirus is not the first pandemic and, believe me, not the last. Soon, shopping centers, sports complexes, and other places of entertainment will open, and thousands of people will reach there. Naturally, in euphoria, many will forget about all quarantine measures, begin to snuggle up to each other, spit on personal hygiene – in general, they will return to their original position. And at least the first time after quarantine should continue to use personal protective equipment. Plus, the World Health Organization and governments do not deny the likelihood of a second wave of coronavirus this fall, which means that throwing away masks and respirators now means voluntarily locking yourself in four walls if it happens.

Don’t stop washing your hands

Even if quarantine or lockdown measures are almost completely lifted, the vaccine has not yet been invented. And even if it already were, it takes time to provide all of humanity with it. Therefore, continue to wash your hands thoroughly – make it your habit. The washing procedure should last at least 30 seconds. The World Health Organization has specially compiled a poster that shows how to wash your hands to minimize the risk of infection. Remember that you need to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid not only the coronavirus but also other viruses and bacteria that are no less dangerous than Covid-19. Washing hands after contact with people and various surfaces, preferably using a disinfectant after soap.

Don’t visit crowded places

Gyms and fitness centres are some of the most powerful sources of human infection because of the following factors: – A large crowd of people in a small area (especially in the locker rooms and the common soul); – Intensive training, which leads to increased breathing; – the use by people of several simulators per training session (this leads to the fact that a potentially infected athlete can touch almost all the equipment during one training session, which other visitors to the gym will touch later)

constant interaction with other things (for example, you will need to constantly tighten your athletic shape, especially during active strength and fitness training, open and close a bottle of water or with energy or protein-carbohydrate shake, and then wipe your face from sweat ), which increases the risk of infection. So the first time, if you really want to play sports so much, it is better to exercise or do yoga.

Naturally, keeping a distance from other people. Also, do not throw parties or go to bars.

We understand the desire to arrange a hookah with a hookah – in our editorial office, they love to smoke under jazz in an atmosphere of twilight.

But for now, you have to wait a while. Think for yourself a lot of people in a small room in a circle blow hookah (and it does not matter that they smoke through personal mouthpieces) – this is just a gift for the virus!

The same goes for bars, especially hookah bars, for the reasons already mentioned above. Who knows how well the mugs were washed, were they and the hookahs sanitized?

But does the bartender get sick and, while pouring drinks, does he infect every visitor? Better arrange an online conference with friends with virtual toasts and smoking your own little hookah. Well, or you have another option: throw a party where there will be an asymptomatic coronavirus.

Then this friendly meeting will last at least 14 days.

Do not interact with relatives during coronavirus quarantine

You can be sure that your parents or close friend are definitely not coves. But what about distant relatives or friends with whom you have not seen for a long time? Can you be 100% sure that they are not asymptomatic? Therefore, after quarantine cancellation, you should not only shake hands but also hug. And even more

Avoid visit people at risk in coronavirus pendamic

Recall that there is no vaccine yet, and you may be asymptomatic and not notice how you bring this infection to your adult parents or grandparents who are at risk. No, this does not mean that now you will not see your loved ones the whole year, but it is worth the time

The tests now available can produce false-negative results, so your lack of covide from the survey results is not 100% confirmation that you are healthy. So let your elderly relatives stay in isolation for now. If you really want to see them, use video calling.

Skip plan overseas trips in coronavirus pendamic

After quarantine, air carriers and travel agencies will offer extremely favourable conditions that many people peck at for a long time who wanted to go abroad. But this is not worth doing.

It was the tourists who transported the coronavirus around the world, and the first thing that was banned was regular air traffic.

Do not forget that the second wave is quite possible, and, having flown to a country with a warm climate,

Where traditionally people have the habit of gathering in large companies, you run the risk of getting infected.


Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Stay home if you feel unwell.

If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority. Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively, therefore protecting you and others.

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