70-20-10 rule – As you know from its name that this is a rule anyone can adopt. Because all these types of rules and methods used in this way help you to move in the right direction.
Also helps you to make some important decisions which can prove to be useful for you in the future.
It does not mean that all the things mentioned in these rules are considered correct; you can also modify them according to your need.
It depends on you what changes you want to see in your organization (be it large or small).
This rule is mostly used in the training profession to build the learning and development model. Therefore it is also called the learning and development model.
For some years, organizations from all over the world have been preparing world-class employees for themselves by adopting the 70-20-10 rule.
So let’s look at and understand how this model can prove beneficial for you.
What is the 70-20-10 rule?
This rule was developed in the 1980s by three researchers named Morgan McCall, Michael M. Lombardo and Robert A. Eichinger.
The 70-20-10 rule is based on many surveys and research which is a strategic framework for learning and development in a workspace that enhances your manpower. And gives them an organized way to enable them to do their work more efficiently.
According to this 70- 20 -10 learning model, you should provide 70% experiential, 20% social, and 10% formal learning to your manpower, which will give a new impetus to your manpower.
Suppose your organization is keen on institutionalizing, coaching interventions, sending employees for continuous education. And encouraging people to attend programs, conferences, and reading various articles and materials.
So, this rule will prove the best methodology for your organization because all these are part of employee development practices.
It is also called the adult learning model.
Experiential learning(70%)-
This type of learning comes from on-the-job experiences.
In this, you perform your task and solve the real problem in an organization due to which the learning you get is called experiential learning.
In short, we can say that this learning comes only by practising itself.
Social learning(20%)-
It is learning where you learn from other’s experiences. It involves coaching, collaborative learning, mentoring, and other methods of interaction with peers.
In this, you can also learn by observing your role model.
By the way, it is very good to learn from the experience of others, because you can avoid repeating the mistake made by that person in his task, due to which you can save a lot of time, and you can utilize this time to explore other things.

Formal learning(10%)-
We also call this learning “traditional” training. In this learning, our employees learn through a variety of educational events and formal courses. It’s cost-effective learning and development.
How to apply the 70-20-10 rule effectively?
Work on challenging or new projects-
You can bring any new projects to your staff members that they have never done before. Because of this, they will get new experiences.
But here one thing has to be kept in mind that the work you are going to give him should be a bit similar to his role only when he will understand it.
You can give some incentives, bonuses, and awards for your staff members to make it successful, Because of which an atmosphere of excitement will be created among your team members.
Seek job rotation, transfers, and travel-
You can exchange the jobs of your employees with another team member, due to which he will get an opportunity to know about other departments.
For this, you can make a plan by sitting with your senior managers and leaders that which employe can be transported to which department.
Sometimes you can also send your employee for an important meeting, due to which your employee will experience some important experiences.
When he successfully manages that meeting, then he will also know his importance, and in the future, he will be able to do some of your important work in your absence.
Lead a team meeting-
You can organize a meeting with your team members and staff on a weekly and monthly basis where you listen to your members as much as possible.
As far as possible, it would be best if you let your team members talk to each other and find a solution to a problem.
Then share the conclusion of the meeting with all your employees.

Shadow a high-performer you admire-
In this learning, you can take advice from high performing colleagues. It helps you to make the right decision.
And the members of every level in your organization should ensure by themselves that whoever needs help, they must help and guide them.
Seek out a mentor-
If you want to be like anyone in your organization, you can make that person your mentor, or if you need some specific skills, then you can make that person your mentor, in which those qualities are already present.
Informally solicit feedback from your peers, direct manager, and other managers.
Attend an outside networking event specific to your role or interests.
- Attend a training class.
- Take an online learning module focused on the skill or behaviour you want to develop or improve upon.
- Attend an outside training seminar.
Benefits of the 70-20-10 rule model
Since this rule focuses on experiential and social learning more and more, it benefits small organizations more because you can work more effectively with your less staff.
According to a study, the 70-20-10 rule gives more confidence to your manpower that they can implement it practically whatever they have learned. This habit brings a positive change to your team members.
When your employees, managers, HR and top management help each other to grow, then the environment of your organization will become very positive. Each member will treat your organization as their own family.
After adopting the 70-20-10 learning model, every team member in your workplace will know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, due to which they will be able to work more efficiently by being in a community.
This understanding will give your organization a boost.
The specialty of this rule is that it is flexible, meaning you can change it according to your business needs, and you can apply it in the development of a specific person.
As you have seen, this rule can prove to be effective in taking your business or organization to the next level.
With the help of this rule, each of your team members will get a boost, & they will be able to get a fair idea of their importance.
Therefore, from time to time, you will have to keep talking with your staff related to this rule, and you will have to keep making changes to it if someone encounters some problem.
Bringing changes in anything increases its momentum.
Learning and development is a continuous process. That’s why you should always learn while you are at any level.
Let’s take a slightly different example of how this rule can be used.
Google became such a big search engine because it adopted this rule.
It invests 70% of its manpower, budget, time, resources, energy, passion, & planning on its core business.
Core business means whatever work he is currently doing, such as search engines and some other projects.
20% of google puts everything on its projects to convert its old version to the new version, which is going to be launched in some time and develops such things that people will need in the future.
And the remaining 10%, google puts in ideas that do not exist yet, nor can anyone think such technology.
There is no guarantee of these projects. that it will be successful or not, so only 2 of its 1000 products are successful.
That’s why most organizations are unable to take this risk, and this is what makes google different from everyone.
Because whenever a product comes into the market that no one can imagine, google will only exist in the market. This thing increases its market value.
Also, you can read our blog on The Journey Method Technique
Formal learning is that which you learn while sitting in a classroom and seminar halls or take some digital training through a webinar.
This learning and development model is designed by Morgan McCall, Michael M. Lombardo, and Robert A.
Eichinger. During working with the Center for Creative Leadership, a nonprofit educational institution in Greensboro.
70/20/10 rule is a learning strategy for your employees where 70% of learning comes from doing tasks practically, 20% of learning by following others, and the remaining 10% of learning from educational sessions, classroom courses, and webinars.