Home Fashion & Lifestyle How to Improve Communication Skills ?

How to Improve Communication Skills ?


Communication skills are the most important skill which is needed to grow in life. You have to improve your communication skills for becoming a leader.

A person with the best technical knowledge also fails in front of a person with average technical knowledge but strong communication skills. It helps you in all aspects of life either career growth or relationships.

Some people are naturally gifted with this skill but some people are full of shy nature and introverted type but If you are not good in this skill doesn’t mean you can’t master this skill. This skill develops with practice of some things in daily life

Mastering Communication skills can improve your relation with your friends, your spouse, parents and even your boss.

Below are the top 11 tips to Improve your communication skills  

  1. Always take a smile with you
  2. Don’t be eager to talk
  3. Start Listening
  4. Be funny
  5. Nobody is interested in your past
  6. Control your anger
  7. You are not always right
  8. Don’t indulge in political conversations
  9. Feel according to environment
  10. Attitude is everything
  11. Find good things in everyone
  12. Conclusion
  13. FAQ

Always take a smile with you

You should always carry a little smile on your face. There are so many studies conducted in this world which proves that your one smile can attract people towards you. It makes the environment positive and even changes the mood of the other person. 

You must have seen if you talk with someone with a genuine smile, their smile automatically comes out. 

There are many other benefits also of smile like blood pressure is always in control of a happy person, smile makes your skin shinier and also makes you active.

Don’t be eager to talk

Some people are very eager to talk. They will step into two people’s conversation without knowing the topic which is being discussed there and start talking of their own topic which is a very bad habit and results in mockery of them.

To be an effective communicator, you should control your emotions which always force you to talk anywhere. Sometimes being silent is best in a conversation especially when it’s a third party conversation.

Start Listening

Listening is a habit which develops over time. Listening ability means to listen to the other person message clearly by maintaining eye contact and understand it and then respond.

You should keep an open mind in the conversation because sometimes the other person can speak something which contradicts your thoughts but you should not react immediately because what you think is right doesn’t mean it is right.

In the step to improve your communication skills, you should always listen more and speak less. The person lacking this ability reacts immediately to a second person message without understanding it which creates problems.

Be funny

Funny people are always liked by everyone. Fun makes a conversation interesting due to which everybody always likes to talk with people having great sense of humour. 

According to a study, relationships of people who can make others laugh are much better and last longer than boring people.

To have a great sense of humour, you do not need to do some diploma or degree in Comedy subject. You just have to find something funny in every moment. 

Cracking santa banta jokes are not in trend now so avoid these things. You can use real life situations to get natural fun.

Learn in detail – How to improve your sense of humor ?

Nobody is interested in your past

There is a habit in most of the people to talk about their past happening and discuss it everywhere at any occasion. 

Grandparents talk to their grandchildren about their life is a logical thing but if you start talking about your past to random people or to your children or grandchildren friends, then you should avoid it from now as nobody is interested in your past.

You should not repeat the same incidents to someone more than one time as it also makes the conversation irritating for the other person. 

If you are talking with a person every time about your past achievements, then you should work on controlling yourself as you are making the other person uncomfortable. You have to improve this thing if you want to improve your communication skills and be great in this skill.

Control your anger

Anger is the enemy of communication skill. It never differentiate in ruining a relationship.

Anger ruins every relationship either brother-sister, parents – child or husband – wife. . It is the main reason every divorce happens around the world. Anger is also one of the main reasons for all the bad crimes which happens around the world. It all starts with anger.

If you want to be a good communicator, you have to control your anger. You can speak something in anger which you never want to speak in normal situations and any words which you speak cannot be taken back. This is the reality.

So you can do some exercises like there are many asanas in yoga and meditation which can help you control your anger. A person who has successfully controlled his anger can never get defeat in life. 

You are not always right

History proves that egoistic people have never established a good relation with anyone.

There is a famous quote out there that 

“A person dont die due to death but dies due to the Ego”. 

You have to keep in mind that you are not always right. Different people have experienced different things and situations in life due to which they can have different perspectives to see life.

This ego happens in all religious people who believe blindly that their religious book is the truth only and rest everything in this world is a lie and when somebody talks about something which doesn’t agree to their holy book, they start arguing with the other person which is a complete sign of poor communication skills.

You can never make the other person agree with you because their beliefs can be different and you should respect this.

Let’s take again a simple example to explain this thing. If there is a day outside, it doesn’t mean that for everyone there is a day. For species like owls, humans day time is their night time.

So we should respect everyone’s point of view and never fight with anyone if they don’t agree with our point. 

Don’t indulge in political conversations

Political conversations are the most baseless conversations as it disturbs your mind and it never ends. 

Always notice that if two people are having a conversation on two political leaders, they will argue for a long time and will always end the conversation with no solutions in it.

This type of conversation distributes people in groups and can affect the relation of them. Whatever political view you have, you should never discuss it with anyone as discussing them leads to no benefits.

You should be diplomatic always because there is a chance in life when you need someone to help who belongs to a different party whom you don’t vote for.

Feel according to environment

A Great communicator always changes their emotion according to the environment and you should make a habit of this.

 You cannot be boring and sit in the back seat in your friend’s marriage if you had a fight with your love before the party and you cannot laugh if you are in a serious and important meeting.

If you want to improve your communication skills, you should control your emotions and use them for your benefits according to the situation.

Attitude is everything

A person with the right kind of attitude is always successful in his life. If you don’t like the other person, it will show up on your facial expression. Your body language is described by the kind of attitude you are carrying.

So A right kind of attitude is very important in life. A person with a positive attitude will always attract positive things in life.

For example, nobody likes people who always cry in their life. Everyone used to always stay away from these kinds of people. You should have also seen someone in your life who always cries for everything bad in life. You should understand that good and bad things are part of life but our job is to always stay positive in life.

Find good things in everyone

There is always something good in someone. You should always focus on good things. If you want to start a conversation with a strange person, this technique will always help you out. 

You can praise them for the good dress or a good hair color or anything which you really find good in the other person. 

Never try to fake because as I have told you earlier that your facial expressions can tell the truth. If you truly believe that the thing is good, only then appreciate it.


Implement all these tips in your lifestyle and you will be the master of communication skills in the upcoming days. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below. I will be grateful to help you more in your life.


1. Which communication skills are more important ?

Actually all the communication skills are important but the most important which everyone should have are listening , anger management and sense of humor.

2. Where to practice communication skills ?

you don’t need any special place to practice these skills. you can practice it on daily basis on every situation.

3. What are the main components of communication skills ?

In the technical terms, normally there are major four types. First is encoding , then comes transmission after then encoding and in the last but not least is the feedback.

4. How can I improve my communication skills ?

Just implement all the steps mentioned in the article and you will master this skill.

5. Is communication skills only matter in english ?

No, not at all. Language doesn’t play any role in communication skills.



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