Hello Marketers, Today you will know the Best Guide of Persuasion Marketing from Scratch.
In this, you will learn how to persuade online customer or buyer,
To purchase the products according to your interest,
Which means that you want to sell the product.
You will completely find the knowledge of Persuasion Marketing in this Article.
So let’s follow the following Steps to Learn about Persuasion Marketing.
Let’s Find out
Definition of Persuasion
In this, you will learn the complete definition of Persuasion or Persuasion Marketing.
So we think intuitively persuasion marketing is, you know, being able to change somebody’s mind,
Being able to get them to do something that we want them to do.

But Dan O’Keefe defines persuasion in the following way: He says it’s a successful, intentional effort to change the mental state– change the mind of someone free to change their mind,
and something we do with communication.
So let me go through each of those elements of the definition. So it’s a successful attempt.
It doesn’t make any sense to say something like, “I persuaded him, but he didn’t change his mind.” “I persuaded him to buy the car, but he didn’t buy the car.” That doesn’t make any sense.
Persuasion implies success in the influence attempt.
The second element is it’s intentional. It’s very unusual to say something like, “I accidentally persuaded him to buy the car.” “I didn’t mean to, but I persuaded him to vote for my candidate.”
Persuasion implies some effort-full, intentional communicative activity.
Third, it involves communication. So, we can do a lot– we can get people to do things through coercion and other means, and this gets to the next point about freedom.
Let me take on freedom first. So persuasion assumes that a person is free to choose.
It doesn’t make sense to say something like, “I took out my gun and persuaded him to give me his wallet.”
If we use the term persuasion in that sense, or, “I threatened to fire him, and in that way persuaded him to stay late.”
So if we use coercion, or if we use violence, or if we use force then it’s not persuasion anymore. It’s coercion, or violence, or force.
So persuasion seems to imply using communication under circumstances where someone is free to choose how to behave or what to think.
And finally, persuasion involves communication. There may be other ways to change people’s minds, but a persuasion is a communicative act.
So A successful, intentional attempt to change the mind of someone free to choose otherwise, using communication.
That is persuasion.

So what’s the mental state we’re trying to change? The mental state we’re trying to change is generally an attitude.
An attitude– I’ll do another video briefly about what attitude is, but just for now, an attitude is an evaluation of some object.
That object could be a person, place, thing, policy, a candidate, a consumer good,
But some evaluation of that object is what an attitude is.
And the evaluation could be along almost any dimension: like or dislike, cheap or expensive, honest or dishonest, admirable or contemptible– We can evaluate objects in a million different ways.
But When we’re persuading people, we’re normally trying to change their mind, and the part of their mental state,
We’re trying to change their attitude towards some action, towards some object, towards some candidate, towards some consumer product, to get them to behave in a particular way.
So that’s it! In less than five minutes. The definition of persuasion.
A successful, intentional act to persuade someone free to choose, using communication to get them to change their mental state.
And the mental state we’re changing is their attitude, their evaluation of some object.
Now you know about the definition of Persuasion Marketing.
What is Persuasion Marketing
In this, you will learn completely what persuasion marketing is.
Persuasion marketing is a new term that I’ve come up with to accurately express what I feel is a very important subject,
And especially in terms of marketing and sales funnels, it provides the right mental context for you to consider how to more effectively sell in,
So what it says is this that marketing should not be considered in a vacuum,
So it’s not just about stating benefits it’s not about stating even a logical argument necessarily it’s about marketing in the context of persuasion,
And the idea that we as humans make decisions especially purchase decisions for completely irrational reasons,
Persuasion Marketing Examples
In this, you will learn complete examples of Persuasion Marketing.
Let me tell you a bit more and give you some examples of Persuasion Marketing,
So to be clear the definition of persuasion marketing is the idea that people can make that,
We as people can make a rational purchase of any product or decisions some of the time or when much of the time we do not,
And instead, we make decisions based on emotion and factors that are completely not logical reasons at all like the fact that,
For Example
Other people have bought a product because when you logically think about it just,
Because someone else has bought a product although that might be a shortcut to that we often use and quite naturally to decide if we should go to a restaurant to buy a product buy service whatever,
It’s not a logical argument it’s just kind of a shortcut and an irrational thing,
Because those people are completely different from us and they could have completely different reasons contexts businesses whatever that motivated them to buy in the first place,
Perhaps they were just following other people that came before them right,
So let me give you an example of it’s it’s a bit almost freaky if you look at this example and it demonstrates how just one part of your mind is subordinate to another,
Because Even though you know rational reality is one way you perceive it your brain perceives it visually to be another way,
And that’s how your ears also perceive it and this is called the McGurk effect and,
I encourage you to take a minute to watch this short video it’s a fascinating experiment where the experimenters will show you a face of the person saying the word I believe it’s BA first,

And then he says we’re not it’s not a word but saying the sound band then says the word For repeatedly,
But even though like the lips will move the same way for both however you will hear For instead of BA even though you know,
And even though they tell you that he’s saying ba alright and,
So this is just one example of how one part of your mind is subordinate to the other the visual sense is superior to the auditory sense and this is just one example of that,
Here’s an example
Number two from marketing professor Jonah Berger over at Wharton University and he’s a marketing professor there and,
He did this experiment this research call and concluded that,
It must be based on what he calls the rule of 100 which says that even if a marketing discount is equal to or greater than in terms of the actual amount,
Now, for example, he claimed that $500 off converted customers much better than 25% off because the number 500 is bigger than 25,
So even though this discount is the same it didn’t make any difference to the customer’s purchase decision,
Right, So rationally just to break it down once again rationally as customers we know that 25 per cent and $500 is the same amount,
But In terms of advertising putting the bigger number out there converted substantially better in Jonah burgers experiment here,
This is further reinforced by other anecdotal blog posts and research that I’ve read for example I’ve seen other a/b tests in regards to pricing we’re removing a comma or the decimal place for example point zero,
That would lead to a higher conversion rate just,
Because they’re the fewer numbers displayed or even making the font size of the price smaller versus bigger,
Let me just come back to the burger effect that I mentioned a second ago because one of the main points,
That I wanted to convey with this example was the fact that persuasion,
Which can be used and can be the filter through which we view on our marketing that it works even when we are aware that it’s happening,
Because for example, in this case, we know that he’s saying one thing and yet we still hear the other thing because,
As humans you know we often think that we are so highly evolved and we may be so super-rational and,
I think I’m a rational person and I try to make rational decisions,
But the fact is that we are not and our brains are limited in terms of how we can perceive reality and that is the reason,
Why we make irrational purchase decisions and or why we are influenced by irrational factors or arguments that simply aren’t logical,
So Here’s the one action that I want you to take today and it’s not so much of an action as it is a mindset,

I want you to spend the rest of today internalising this definition of persuasion marketing what it is,
And I want you to think about just trying to objectively kind of watch yourself throughout the day and,
You may start to find some little hint of what I’m saying and how you are not rational,
You might say if you’re watching yourself closely enough you can pick up on things that are influencing you one way,
Or another even for something as simple as well should I go to the store to get some milk on the way home,
And if you just kind of watch your thought process evolve you’re going to notice some really interesting patterns,
And you’re going to even entertain yourself with some of the interesting reasons that you give yourself for doing something or not doing something alright,
So that’s your homework I want you to meditate on this idea internalise it and watch yourself throughout the rest of today,
And think about you know viewing your moment to moment life through this lens of persuasion and persuasion marketing okay.
Principles of Persuasion Marketing in Your Video Marketing Strategy or Techniques
In this, you will learn the Principles of Persuasion Marketing.
There are the 6 main principles of Persuasion Marketing which are discussed below.
we make hundreds of decisions every day but do you know why we make particular decisions well most people don’t,
In this article, I’m gonna share with you the six scientifically proven methods but influence her decisions now you can use them video marketing,
You know ever increasingly busy world we tend to look for shortcuts to help us guide us through our decision-making process,
Now in the classic book influence the psychology of persuasion doctor Robert chill day,
A professor of psychology marketing identified that there are just six key principles the guard human decision-making,
Influencing others is a lot of some sort of black magic its sites now where you use these proven methods in an honest,
And ethical manner you can help make your customers say yes and make your business more successful,
So here are the six principles of persuasion,
1. Reciprocity
When you give something to other people don’t want to be something in return,

As a video marketing you must be the first to give in your videos give you is valuable information,
Now if you can help solve a problem now more likely to listen to your message and it’s not just what you give but How you give it,
A personal between you and then and make an unexpected.
2. Social Proof
How many marketers as a tack to change a libel none they’ve automated up that camera after you hear on sitcoms on TV is to help the viewers think that the comedies funny it does work,
Because they do use it it’s just like we had a restaurant and a full will look for social proof two helpers when we’re not quite sure what decision to make,
We saw think well it was all people doing that they must be okay especially if it appears in your marketing videos include testimonials from satisfied customers,
Show you target audience a people similar to themselves enjoy using your products and services,
And they are more likely to become customers themselves.
3. Consistency
And see how to say something we all strive for it shows that your rational stable trustworthy decisive,
Consistency, on the other hand, show secure indecisive deceptive unstable,
So how to use consistency in video marketing well we use commitment,
If you can get someone to make a simple commitment such as using a free sample we can trigger the need for consistency which can later then trigger a yes response to a large request.
4. Liking
People more likely to say yes to those they know like particularly similar to themselves,

So what are things you can do in any video is view it that there are similar to current customers that you understand the challenges and preferences?
5. Authority
People tend to respect authority they were for all the leads real experts business titles, present clothing, expensive cars all in credibility to any individual,
Giving the appearance of authority increases the likelihood that others will comply with the requests,
In your videos use the knowledge of experts to support your business,
Now if you are in front of the camera you need to share authority, make direct eye contact with the camera, use positive body language and be confident.
6. Scarcity
It’s all about supply and demand now the less there is a something more valuable it is and more people want,
So in videos, you need to focus more than just the benefits of the product,
But what your potential customers may lose out if they don’t take up on your offer,

Now people are more sensitive to possible losses and possible gains now this is one of the strongest motivations and marketing so be sure you use it.
So switch a message from your benefits and emphasize the potential loss of wasted opportunity.
And there you have it the six scientifically proven principles of persuasion but you can use as part of your video marketing strategy.
Now you have known about the principles of Persuasion Marketing.
Persuasion Marketing Techniques for Sales and Marketing Executive
In this, you will learn about the Techniques of Persuasion Marketing.
Here’s the first thing: did you know that if you use the word “Because” that can increase the odds of somebody agreeing with you by 50% well that’s just crazy but it’s true here.
Another one for you did you know that hotels found by just changing one phrase in a sign they can get 26% more people to recycle their towels I know stuff like that is just mind-boggling.
I got one last one for you did you know that there are two laws of reciprocity, not just one there are two one is called the law of reciprocity around material items,
The other is called the law of reciprocity around emotional things we’re going to talk about all of that.
I’ve developed something called the persuasion pipeline starting in the bottom left quadrant is a mindset,
How you talk to yourself to make sure you’re accomplishing everything that you’re trying to accomplish,
The next is mentoring which is basically what you tell others when you’re talking to them one-to-one bottom right-hand quadrant is management,
If you’re leading a team you need to be talking to yourself before you go lead a team we’re gonna talk about that in the management quadrant,
Then finally the marketing side of the equation that’s one-to-many what you tell others when you’re talking one-to-many,
With that in mind let’s take a look at the mindset quadrant of the persuasion pipeline these are again four things I’m going to talk to you about that will help you become a power persuader in your life and your career,
First things first power persuaders understand that there are only four real objections to a sale
The first is I don’t need what you’re selling well you don’t have much control over that if they don’t need what you’re selling you can’t control that,
The second is I don’t have money for this well you might be able to control how much you charge for something a tiny bit,
The third is I don’t have time for this hey I’m not interested in talking about this right now those are people that you don’t want to try to persuade because they’re not in the mindset that they need to be in for you to work with them,
And then the fourth is trust I don’t trust you the only real things that we control are number two and number four,
The key point here’s power persuaders understand that there are only four real objections to a sale,
Let’s keep moving the complaint to action ratio is important if you’re a big complainer,
And you don’t do much about your complaints then your complaint to action ratio is out of whack,
What do I mean by that good power persuaders have an appropriate complaint to action ratio they complain a little bit everybody complains a little bit,
But You take action on your complaints and only by doing that can you move to the next levels out let’s move on to the next quadrant which is mentoring this is one to one outward well here’s an interesting thing,
A handwritten note makes it personal and personalization is good here’s a research study that happened many years ago,
They sat down they had a large organization that needed people to fill out a survey,
They divided the groupings into three so 1,000 people in the large corporation got one set of surveys,
Another thousand got another and another thousand got the third set of surveys,
Now the only thing they did that was different with the surveys is the first thousand got a blank survey just a survey for them to fill out stuffed into their mailbox,
The second group got the same survey but a yellow sticky was put on it nothing was written on it just a yellow sticky,

And then the third thousand people got a handwritten sticky note that said hey can you please fill out this survey,
What were the results well 34 per cent filled out the survey without a sticky note 43 per cent filled it out with a blank sticky note and sixty-nine per cent filled it out with a handwritten sticky note,
This is important to remember that when you personalize something you’ll get twice the response than you did if you didn’t personalize what it is you’re asking that person to do so keep that in mind as you move forward,
Now There’s also something called the law of reciprocity. We’ve talked about this a little bit but there are two different kinds of emotion and material.
Emotional is when you go in and give somebody a gift of emotion “hey isn’t it a great day today”, “hey aren’t you glad it’s Friday”,
Anything like that’s a positive emotion when you do that subconsciously they’re more inclined to give you something back,
So keep in mind that genuine emotional response to somebody or something is the best way to engage with people,
And get them nodding in agreement with whatever it is you’re going to talk to him about,
Material reciprocity is when you give somebody a gift let’s say you’re going over to your parent’s house for dinner you bring a bottle of wine,
Or you bring a small gift that’s just a great way to start the process of engaging with people,
And engaging with them in a positive way that will ultimately result in a win-win engagement,
So Keep the law of reciprocity in mind as you move through things and understand that there’s two kind emotional and material,
Now here’s another example of leveraging the power of the word because they did a research study at a university where they had a line of people in line to use the copier,
And they wanted to see if somebody just broke into the line how many people would allow them to break into the line,
So when the researcher said may I use the copier 60% of the time somebody would let them break into the line but here’s what’s interesting when she said,
Because I’m in a rush 94% said yes what’s fascinating is that when she just used the word because 93% still said yes,
In other words when she just broke a line and said may I use the copier,
Because and never finished that sentence 93% still allowed her to break into the line because they assumed that she had a good reason behind what she was doing,
Now let’s move into the last one or the third or last one which is the management quadrant this is what you tell yourself if you’re managing other people,
Well, there are four kinds of persuaders out there, of course, we all know Steve Jobs he was one of the most brilliant persuaders partly,
Because he had a vision so one of the four kinds of persuaders is people who provide a vision some people provide data,
These are people who lead with data that’s not as good a way to lead people and to persuade people as you might imagine,
The third is people who provide warmth and,
The fourth is people who provide details,
Now number two and number four data and details are important but if you lead with those,
And only use those two or one of those two you’re not gonna have the success you’ll have if you have a vision and if you have warmth,
People follow people who they enjoy being around and who are leaders when you have a vision,
And warmth supported by data in details you’ll get the best results you’re looking for when you’re trying to manage teams,
Here’s another interesting point when you start with facts people judge when you start with a story people engage,
Now you have to use this judiciously you can’t always start with a story but there are gonna be times where you’re trying to lead a team and by telling a story,
You’ll get people to engage with you and all of a sudden lean into what it is you’re saying,
Because They’re not judging you based on the facts are saying yet they’re listening with a differ part of their brain,
And that enables them to lean in and to engage with you emotionally as you’re moving through this,

I use this when I’m on stage doing speeches around the globe all the time probably about thirty per cent of what I do is tell stories,
Because people listen to stories where when you start with facts people are judging,
So Keep that in mind as you’re trying to lead teams and manage your teams in your organization,
Now, what’s the last one is marketing this is one too many and also outward it’s the fourth quadrant of the four quadrants of the persuasion pipeline,
Let’s take a look at marketing and what you can do now here is an interesting study that was done they use social proof to improve the results at a hotel,
We’ve all seen signs that say please help the environment by reusing your towel well they tested that to find out if they could improve the results,
And what they found is that when they incorporated the idea that other people were recycling their towels and,
You should too the results increase so they change the sign to read most of our guests choose to help the environment by reusing their towels,
This is called social proof other people are doing this you should do it too when they switched out and use this sign instead of the previous one,
That improved the results by 26% simply because they were saying other people choose to help the environment by reusing their towel,
So keep that in mind as you’re doing your marketing campaigns social proof is one of the best things you can do to get better results from your campaigns.
Now you have completely known about the Persuasion Marketing Techniques.
Now use these Persuasion Marketing Techniques in your business.
Power of Persuasion Marketing
In this, you will learn about the Power of Persuasion Marketing.
Power makes people persuasive or so the conventional wisdom goes but according to inside marketing professor David wah not everyone is convinced by it,
So, people, the first question is when we look at powerful communicators from Winston Churchill to Richard Branson,
The powerful or are often seen as the most convincing and but what is your research show,
So The basic question we’re asking in this paper is to an extent our inner feelings of power transform what we say in an interpersonal context,

Now context in which we have to convince someone else about some things,
And these can be interview settings right where you have to sell yourself it could be a sales context where you do not have to sell yourself necessarily you have to sell brand or product,
But also even a word-of-mouth context in which people are sharing information with others,
So We find is that power shifts the balance as to what kind of information as a communicator, you are going to share,
High power is going to trigger a propensity to use competence arguments a state of low power is going to trigger a propensity to use warmth and warm arguments,
So it doesn’t mean that high power in communicators are always better off or that low power people are always better off,
What we find is that it depends on the context where the competence is valued or warmth is valued,
So essentially both can be convincing it just depends on who they’re addressing,
Both can be convincing indeed and different factors can lead people to favour warmth or competence,
So power is one high power audiences favour competence low power audiences favour warmth,
But You can also think about different contexts you can also think about how context varies,
Whether people are more sensitive to competence information or warmth information,
You can think about the charity for instance where people might be more sensitive to warmth information,
Because they want to know why they donate and why they should care about the cause thinking contrast for instance about more professional context interview context right,
There are people if you have to hire someone we care more about competence than warmth,
And why are powerful people more receptive to those competence-based arguments and the perhaps less powerful audience why are they more interested in in a warmth based arguments,
So this effect takes place mostly because at both the communication and the reception stages power prompts very different perspectives in people,
High power prompts people to be more agentic, low power promise people to be more communal,
So when you’re agentic what does it mean well it means that you’re going to value things like action orientation like someone who can summarize something quickly and get to the point,
When you’re communal you’re going to start looking first at someone’s emotion,
Whether the recipient cares about you or not,
So What are the implications then for someone looking to be persuasive does it mean that the powerful should always be sort of put aside in the context where warmth is required or can they adjust their approach,
Depending on the context and depending on who you talk to it seems that different types of arguments are more or less impactful,
This also points to a very interesting implication which is that when a crisis occurs that’s in social media hour after an accident,
The people who are addressing those who’ve been affected by a crisis tends to be high power,
And this research suggests that it might not be the best thing to do because of the gap that exists between communicators and recipient recipients,
We’ll in the, in this case, expect warmth and the communicators are going to be very high incompetence right,
Of course, you can train people to use both sets of arguments to be warmer or more competent,
But at least what you could do is try to give communicators information about who they might be speaking to,
Because the communicators might be able to tune their messages based on audience characteristics.
And what does this mean that for companies in the way they communicate with customers,

Well for companies big takeaway is that they should always balance competence and warmth depending on context and depending on the audience,
So let’s take an example let’s say you’re working for a charity so you’re interested in getting the nations from people,
And You’re particularly interested in rich and very wealthy individuals because they might make an impact,
What a lot of charities do out there is focus on warmth. Right says they’d put the image of someone who has been a victim of the crisis.
Or they emphasize the warmth aspect of a message,
What this research suggests is that this is the wrong way of going because using this strategy you’re going to be particularly effective at getting low power donors,
Maybe getting a lot of small donations. But you might not be effective as tapping into these very high power donors who might expect competence,
And who might expect information about the charity’s competence?
So now you have completely known about the Power of Persuasion Marketing.
Now use the power of Persuasion Marketing in your business to increase your sale.
Science of Persuasion Marketing
In this, you will learn complete Science of Persuasion Marketing,
The first thing I have been asked to share is the answer to a question. Here’s the question.
How can you make someone interested in your product or service in the first place?

Choose you. Take action, choose your company product, service over some other person’s, some alternative product or service
So let’s look at the most predictable ways, most results certain to occur.
The 1st 1 is you have to start with a mindset. The mindset has to be. I am going to be your most trusted adviser.
As your most trusted adviser. I am going to understand your dreams, your needs, your problems,
Your goals about my product or service better than any of my competitors.
I’m not just going to understand it from a technical point of view. But I’m going to something very rare in the Japanese culture.
I am going to connect with you on a net empathic on an emotional point of view. I am going to commit myself to understand deeply and clearly what it is like to be you,
So What if I’m selling you software or I’m selling you material items or I’m selling you services,
I have a keen understanding of what you’re thinking, what you’re trying to accomplish, what’s going on in your life,
How you are looking at this transaction and how this transaction is supposed to benefit or protect or enhance you,
That requires you to fall in love with the market you served and care more deeply about adding value to them,
And their life than merely looking at how you can do a transaction.
The keyword in all that I will say.
And I think the key threat and all the doctor Chaldean E will share is the fact that it is highly ethical.
You have to permit yourself if you know in your heart and your mind that your company your product is service,
when acquired and utilized by your market plays, improves their life, protects their life, enhances their life, enriches their life.
And You know that your product service or your company and team care more doom or support Mawr will be there for the buyer more.
So you have a moral obligation and a responsibility.
Or have a commitment that you have to do everything ethically available to persuade that client. That’s the first thing.
It’s a mindset.
The second thing is you have to adopt the role of a leader. This is going to sound very simplistic, but when you get right down to it on a psychological basis,
Every man and woman in every situation IHS silently begging to be led.
However, they want to be led by someone they trust by someone they respect and by someone that they feel absolutely,
And unequivocally has their best interest at heart.
So you can’t lead somebody if you don’t understand what the role of leadership looks like in different business situations.
Leading somebody in his selling environment can mean many things in your advertising.
It doesn’t mean just making static statements or means taking a position.
It means communicating in language and words that resonate and touch what the people are thinking and feeling.
And means having the ability to express and convey better than anybody else what the product service or your company is supposed to do for the prospective buyer.
So They will feel very comfortable and certain that you know them and you understand them better,
And thus your company, product or service can fulfil their need better, that’s the first thing,
The second thing is you have to continually convey to them during the entire sales cycle if there is a sale cycle,
And I’m saying this because every product service and business is different.
Some of you sell something right away. Some of you sell something over many different instalments of progressive communication.
Or Some of you sell something right away, but then your profit comes from reselling,
And reselling the same product or additional products over and over.
All of these different scenarios or dynamics require you to be a leader.
They require you to be the most trusted adviser.
They require you to be able to stop for a moment and clearly and, um masterfully, and I’ll get into how to gain mastery,
But clearly and master Fleet, turn and put yourself on the receiving side of every step of the communication or the connection or the contact or the message that your audience is receiving.
It may sound a little complicated, so let me try to simplify.
You sell so many different people in this room selling so many different things to so many different markets in so many different ways that I will just give you a few examples.
And again If I had three days with you, I could spend a lot deeper. I’ve got 30-50 minutes.
So let’s say you sell with the sale sports. Your sales force has to start the contact with a distinct positioning that you and your company, product or service understand their need.

Better understand their outcome, expectation better and have a product or service and a team behind that product or service that will deliver it better.
And this could get very fascinating. But I can’t get deep in this.
If you sell by catalogues or by brochures, you have to have the brochure or catalogue.
Convey this. If you sell by boosts at trade shows, you have to have your sign Edge convey that you understand them better, not just have your name.
It’s got a telegraph. The big payoff, the big outcome, the big benefit, the big advantage they would get from doing business with you instead of your competition.
And you’ve got to be able to understand what is called preemptive marketing.
Preemptive marketing is a wonderfully powerful and an exhilarating and liberating way of controlling the selling environment without being manipulative, being ethical and in control.
What does it mean? Preemptive marketing means several things.
Number one, it means being able to think through every situation that is going to occur both the steps of decision making,
The questions that will be verbalised, the questions that will not be verbalised in the mind of the prospect and being able to overcome and not just satisfy.

But, stunningly and powerfully and positively demonstrate that you grasp these situations before they’re ever vert verbalised,
And you already have answers to them. The next preemptive marketing means explaining to the buyer prospect you, repeat, quiet all the things,
That you do for the product or service in them and your team that nobody else has ever explained.
That could mean the way you find the product in the products you evaluate.
So that could mean the way you produce, create and deliver the service. That can mean explaining all the support team, their education, their roles.
Or that could mean talking about why you’re in business and how you are committed to their betterment.
I’m gonna get into how you can lock into their mind and heart in a few minutes. But I want to get you some of these elements.
The next thing you have to do if you want to get their trust can differentiate and distinguish yourself far above and beyond all the alternatives.
Now Let’s look at the mind of a buyer. The mind of the buyer is this.
They want to buy a product or service, but they want the result.
The outcome, the benefit the product or service produces when it’s in their life or their business.
They have infinite choices within your product or service category.
Interestingly, there’s probably infinite alternative products or services that could do the same or a better job they could buy.
And they had the choice of doing nothing.
You have to be able to understand those factors and dynamics and be able to out, think out, market out, communicate out, connect and out, persuade them.
The key to doing it is communicating in language patterns that mirror and match what their mind and their thought are thinking.
So now you have known about the Science of Persuasion Marketing.
Now use this Science of Persuasion Marketing in your online business to increase your sales.
So I hope that Now you have completely known about Persuasion Marketing. What is it and how it works,
Now use these ideas that all are discussed above completely step by step easily.
In the marketing point of view, Persuasion is defined as changing the mind of people to buy that product. What I want to buy like I want to buy a Samsung phone and change my mind to buy the same Samsung phone is the Persuasion.
In advertising, the product mentions 500$ off on some product which has a price of 1000$ instead of using 50% off because 50% is looking less as compared to 500% whether it is the same meaning.