Time Worth – Finding Out How Much Value of Your Time

Hello guys, welcome to today’s blog today we are going to talk about your time worth, costing your time, don’t you think your time is very important and precious. Hence, Time is the luxury which can’t be measured in words of money. So, Today we are going to see and work of your time. Hence, […]
Work While Travelling- How to Stay Productive While Travelling

It has always been a challenge to be productive and work while travelling as you don’t have adequate resources to work, your schedule is disturbed, you eat differently, you do little or no physical exercise. We know that it’s not completely able to do all your works while travelling, but one can still use that […]
How to Improve Concentration -Achieving Focus Amid Distractions

Concentration and focus. Everyone knows these words, but what everyone doesn’t know is how to achieve it, even when they are at a place where every single thing distracts them. Achieving concentration is a continuous process. But one should know how to achieve concentration and focus. Concentration is the ability to focus the attention on […]
Stay Focused While Working From Home- How to Work From Home

Work from home has become a new culture of working. Every organization is shifting To work from home culture due to this lockdown. But everyone faces some problems, so here are some tips which may help you with how to work from home. Lockdown has changed the way of working, every organization is trying to […]
Time Management Skill – Maximizing a Busy Schedule

It has been seen that people are so busy with their work that they have to omit their personal time, just to complete their work. They don’t have time management skill so they can’t handle all their work. But one can develop those time management skill which will help them in managing the work according […]
The Art of Concise and Good Communication -How to Put-up Your Point

Had you ever been in a situation where you have to stick on a point but it turns out to be an argument or maybe a fight or when you want to put forward your point but no one is listening to you. And you are confused, how to make them listen to you? What […]
How To Avoid Distraction | 10 Ways to Control Your Day

Do this ever happen with you, when your colleague is asking something from you in office but you are thinking about something else in your mind and not listening to him? Or if you are a student and your teacher is teaching in class but you are seeing outside from the window beside you, hence, […]

ESG metrics criteria are an increasingly popular way for investors to evaluate companies. Environment, Social, and governance or ESG for short is a factor-based way of evaluating companies or investments’ sustainability rating. Every company will soon use it to promote their stock is this rating system. Is this good and should you care at all, […]
How to manage time wisely – the best way to use dead time wisely

WHAT’S IN IT What is dead time? To be very honest and straight forward, dead time meaning varies from person to person. For Instance, for someone who is an early bird his meaning of dead time will not match with a night owl. So, if we look through the same lens dead time is a […]
Dealing With Lateness – Solving

WHAT’S IN IT Punctuality Problems So, It is nothing, just a bad habit that comes by Laziness. If a person is too lazy then he must be late in maximum task/work. But It is not a problem which is cannot be solved or we have to put so much effort to overcome the lateness problem. […]