Internet is a vast network of interconnected computer systems that permit users to communicate and share information. Online advertising and marketing is the fact that a portion of advertising and marketing which uses online-based electronic technologies such as cellular telephones, laptop computers, along with alternative social networking programs to advertise services and products. As digital […]

Youth today are continually evolving with new ideas. More than anyone, they are the only ones having most of the buying power. They are the early adopters and quickly get attracted to new trends. But at the same time, they are not sold promptly because they do not just buy stuff, they buy stuff only […]
Time Marketing: An Unknown Concept

Have you ever heard of this term Time Marketing? Maybe or maybe not. It sounds like a new concept right, but it’s not, timing is always needed in marketing. So let’s understand what exactly this concept means. Time Marketing, formally known as “purchase timing “behaviour, is the concept of when to introduce a new product […]

You all must have heard about traditional marketing. Well, Telemarketing is one of the types of it. Let’s understand what does telemarketing means? So, It means making a sales pitch to potential consumers or existing consumers to handle questions of the customers over the telephone. But as technology developed, it is also done over web […]
Technical Marketing- Complex but Inevitable

Let us first understand what marketing is. Marketing is an action of promoting or placing a company’s product or services in a market in such a creative way that it attracts not only the existing customers but also the potential customers. Hence, Technical Marketing is a Part of Marketing It is a fact that no […]
Trade Show Marketing- A Place of Innovation

The trade show is a combination of 2 essential elements: trade which means sales and show which means marketing and PR. It’s an occasion held by organizations of the specific marketplace to showcase, establish, or talk about their own most recent products or solutions. Tradeshows usually are available just for people who have enrolled by […]
Traditional Marketing- Old, not Abortive

I assume that some of you may know the meaning of marketing, but let me give you a short definition for some who don’t: Marketing refers to activities/actions a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Traditional marketing is old yet effective, and everyone must have heard of it […]
Managing Team Emotions

Emotions are part of our life. We stay connected to people and work just because of our emotions. And when it comes to the workplace and team then our work-spirit determines our attachments and emotions towards our team and work. Thus, managing team emotions are very important to us. Emotions of the team can either […]
Social Marketing – History and Important Aspects

Social Marketing is the orderly use of showcasing alongside different ideas and procedures to accomplish explicit conduct objectives for a social decent. For instance, this may incorporate asking individuals not to smoke in open zones, requesting that they use safety belts or inciting to cause them to follow speed limits. The essential point of social […]
Street Marketing I Definition and History of Street marketing

Street Marketing conveys the brand or item directly to the customer as the objective of Street Marketing. So, To accomplish that objective, organizations complete a wide range of activities on the street and in broad daylight places. One of the main points is innovativeness. Paying little attention to how low your Street Marketing spending plan […]