Vertical Integration and Horizontal Integration – Ultimate guide for you

Vertical integration and horizontal integration both are equally important and very interesting topics to understand for business. Especially, if you want to start a business then you need to realize the concept of these two methods. Vertical integration means two companies in the different levels of the value chain starting working together. And Horizontal integration […]
Distribution Management – How it Change The Business

Distribution is one of the most important parts of the business. Distribution is basically the process from suppliers to the manufacturers to the step of the sale. Only because of this, one company can control and manage the overall system. It has different parts of the channel and also has different types of methods and […]
Ways to Attract the Non-Consumer?

The consumer is the key point to a business we all know. But if you want to start a business and you confuse how to attract consumers then this blog is for you. Consumer – sounds small and easy to understand but it is important to realize to attract non-consumers or capturing the overall consumers […]
What is Product Wise Profitability? Simple Method to Calculate It

People need to understand the product wise profitability not only for which product is profitable, but which product as sold to which customer and delivered to which locations for those customers. Product-wise profitability affects the most out when you decide you are finding the best product out of your other product. Anyone uses this to […]
What is Bootstrapping in Business? 4 Simple Ways to Get Started

Listening to startup ideas is mind-blowing undoubtedly. If we add motivation, it becomes exhilarating. According to me, bootstrapping in business is the best way to start. Implementing these into your actions can be life-changing for anyone who is working hard and also being persistent. May be you can build the next Amazon, YouTube or Instagram. […]
What is Consumer Insight? 5 Real-World Examples – Lapaas

Consumer insight is essential for the company to survive against its competitors. The less the company can understand its consumer, the more difficult it becomes for them to survive in the market. In the end, consumers that generate demand, directly or indirectly, for all products and services. For examples: And the farther you removed from […]
How to do COGS Calculation? 2 Simple Ways to Calculate

by Team Lapaas | Aug 21, 2020, | Strategy | 0 comments 2 Minute Summary COGS stands for Cost Of Goods Sold. It is the cost that a company pays to produce its product or service. All companies incur/bears the cost in the creation of their products. The labour, material, and operating costs, such as building rentals and utility expenses, contribute to […]
Retail Management – Meaning, Strategies, Importance, and Career

If you are a businessman or working for a business, you have heard about the term supply chain management in manufacturing or wholesale business and retail management in retail business. So, You might be manufacturing a product, selling a ready-made product or providing any kind of service to the customers. If you are a seller […]
Logistics Management – Overview, Types, and Process

by Team Lapaas | Aug 21, 2020, | Strategy | 0 comments 2 Minute Summary Logistics is basically a process of transporting goods (either raw material or finished products) from one point to another point. The two major functions of logistics are transportation and warehousing. now you should also know what are the types of logistics. Following are the major types of logistics Like Inbound […]
Online Retail – Advantages, Growth and Future of Digital Retail

What is an online retail business? So, If you are from a commerce background, You might have heard many definitions about business and aware of physical retail and digital retail. In brief, business is a process or activity of selling a product or providing a service to others and earn money in return. Also, The […]