Lean Manufacturing – Most Effective Way of Production

Lean manufacturing is a process where the focus is to reduce waste. Also, to increase productivity during the manufacture of the product. We all know that a lot of waste gets created while manufacturing any goods. The customers are also not ready to pay for the trash. Hence, today the companies are trying to find […]
Sales Strategy 2020 – A Guide to Run Successful Business

Sales strategy means you make a strategy to sell your product to the customer. It is very clear from the term itself. We all have to face a challenge in every field. There is a need to show that you are the best. Then only you become the center of attraction. People start to know […]
Backward and Forward Integration – How Companies Use Them?

Backward integration and forward integration both are the two types of vertical integration. In these two types of methods, companies either can choose backward vertical strategy or can choose the forward vertical strategy. Thus they can choose both strategies. So in this blog, you will know everything about backward integration and forward integration. Also, you […]
What is a Sales funnel? Beginner to Advanced Full Guide

Do you sell products or you wanna retain your buyers for years, then you should know what is a sales funnel and you need to apply effective sales-funnel so that you can significantly increase your customers for a lifetime. What’s in it for me? What is a Sales Funnel? The word sales-funnel has 2 words, […]
Product Life Cycle – Different Stages and Examples

This concept is in use by management and by marketing professionals as a factor in deciding when it is appropriate to increase advertising, reduce prices, expand to new markets, or redesign packaging. It is the nature that the old one replaces by the new one. Product Life Cycle is the period of a product that […]
Market Segmentation – Definition, Types, and Benefits

Market segmentation is essentially the identification of subsets of buyers within a market that share similar needs and demonstrate similar buyer behavior. So, The world has billions of buyers with their sets of needs and behavior. Also, Segmentation aims to match a group of purchasers with the same set of needs and buyers’ behavior. Such […]
How to Develop an Effective Marketing Plan in Just 7 Steps

Planning always plays a vital role in any work or task, because work without a plan can always lead to losing. In that way, marketing also needs complete planning and after that effective way to develop. Let learn, How you can develop your marketing plan effectively in 7 steps: Define your Goals All starts with […]
Jung’s personality theory- 4 functions and 8 types

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Jung’s work was influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. Jung also worked as a research scientist at the famous Burghölzli hospital, under Eugen Bleuler. Carl jung was initially influenced by Freud, but later he choose a […]
4 steps to build your own unique brand persona | Just like Coca-cola

Do you know what Coca-Cola is? Absolutely, a soft drink brand that serves their drinks all over the world. It is the Brand persona. The image that is created in your mind about Coca-Cola is its brand image. This image is created by Coca-cola with the help of their marketing campaigns, appealing stories, etc. You […]
Demand and supply curves | Meaning, Definition, Example, and Laws

Do you know the price of anything you buy? Obviously, yes. But most of the people don’t know the backbone of the price i.e. Demand and Supply. Therefore, these terms play an important role in deciding the price of a commodity. Let’s learn these concepts clearly: Concept of Demand Ordinarily, the terms desire and demand […]