Out of many leadership ways, blue ocean strategy and blue ocean leadership are some of the ways that can boost the productivity of team members.
According to Gallup 2013 American workplace report, only 30% of team members are committed to doing their job. It’s kind of a sad thing.
Also, according to the same report, only 50% of people in your team merely put their time into their job. And 20% of people negatively influence your business.
You will feel amazed that according to the same research, this 20% of people alone cost the developed nations like the US each year by half-trillion-dollar.
Now you still think what the reason for this loss is? Leadership is the main reason behind all these losses.
Blue Ocean Leadership:

It is just an obvious thing that no one wants these losses in their business, and no leader leaves this fresh talent and energy intentionally. Marketers and CEOs believe that one of the best methods to use this unused energy and talent is blue ocean leadership; additionally, unlike other ways of leadership which solely focus on cognitive skills and psychology. With blue ocean leadership leaders only focus on the field of strategy.
In over twenty-five years of research, marketers found a blue ocean strategy that enhances productivity and changes your cooled customers to hot customers or potential customers.
Marketers coined the word blue ocean. The concept reflects the deep blue sea of talent, and team members still have not discovered this talent yet. And by this method, we have to find this untapped talent and energy.
The Link Between Blue Ocean Leadership and Blue Ocean Strategy:
Not only in this case. But also with other matters, strategy and executing leadership linked with each other. Even without a plan, no leadership can tap fresh talent and energy and vice versa.
In the research of over twenty-five years in the blue ocean leadership, markets observed that over time organisation spends dollars and dollars on leadership coaching but barely moves a needle in leadership skills.
Key Difference Between Traditional Leadership and Blue Ocean Leadership:

Blue ocean leadership brings profound changes not only in productivity but also in the result. It is different from the current administration in many ways. There are some differences between them.
Focus more on activities:
Many years of research on marketing and leadership found that qualities, values, and behavioural styles are the fundamental pillar of good leadership. And these formed an executive coaching and development program. This research also concludes that qualities, values, and behavioural styles might translate to boost high productivity.
The matter of fact is that when people look backwards, they find any noticeable changes. And here, the question arises.
Without maximum effort, how can you change the behavioural traits or person characters? Also, is there any measure that tells that leaders start to adopt these changes? In theory, it is but in practical life is hard to figure out.
Blue ocean leadership and blue ocean leadership strategy are only focused on what activities and acts leaders should adopt. This difference is essential because changing people’s behaviour traits, qualities, and values are hard than changing people’s movements and actions.
However, it’s just an obvious thing that changing people’s activities and actions is not a complete solution. But sometimes activities and actions are the only things that can change and measure both theoretically and practically.
Connects the person to the market:
Conventional leadership development programs detach the person from the market.
In other words, in the blue ocean leadership and blue ocean strategy. The Interviewer asks people who face the market. The interviewer also asked what the essential bad qualities of a leader hold them back. Even in the blue ocean leadership, people asked what the things that leaders could do to boost productivity among team members and help them to serve stakeholders and customers are.
This willingness of cooperation in team members minimises the implementation cost and maximises the new method of leadership.
Also Read: The Future of Leadership Development
4 Steps of Blue Ocean Leadership:
Now it’s higher time for you to practice the blue ocean leadership and blue ocean strategy. And here are the necessary four steps of blue ocean leadership.

Observer your leadership reality:
The common mistake that organisations do is that they are discussing changes in the present leadership over what leaders are thinking and what they are doing. Also, without a shared understanding of what leaders think and do, how can a leadership stand? And this causes the fall of the present administration.
Doing this first step ensures the data collected from all levels of the organisation. This day shows how managers at each level think and invest their efforts and time.
For this step, 10-15 members are selected. It should be noticed that these 10-15 members are from each level. Doing this will increase credibility at different levels. After this, the team is divided into three small subparts. Additionally, each side interviews current leadership customers, both subordinates and bosses.
The aim of this step is to ensure communication between each level and what are some changes that they should do in the current leadership. Additionally, in the interview process, the customers, including bosses and subordinates, asked what are some activities either it is wrong or right that their leaders spend the most time on. What are the factors, including motivation and performance, that is ignored or neglected by leaders?
Develop leadership profiles:
At this stage, each subteam is eager to know which leadership profile will be active at each level. To answer this question marketer recommended going back to the interview process with two questions.
The first step aimed at locating the extent to which action is a cold spot on canvas and which is a hot spot. Here the cold place is referred to as the interviewer absorbing leader time and but the interviewer adding very little or no value. Whereas, in the warm spot interviewer motivates, and inspires the employees to use their untapped talent and energy in their work.
The second step allows the interviewee to think beyond the company favour. Also, the second step solely focuses on effective leadership that they observed outside the organisation. This helps the leaders to apply effective leadership that they found outside the organisation to use inside the organisation.
In the same process leaders also asked to think about their role model. These role models act and actions can be copied in the internal organisation too.
After the finding in the second step interviewer can use an analytic tool to find the answer that they get from interviews, Blue ocean or blue ocean strategy grid is widely used as an analytic tool.
Present the Leadership Profiles:

After some time or three or four weeks, the interviewers present their analytics in the leadership fair. The leadership fair includes all managers, team members, and leaders.
A head member of the team has started the fair by describing all efforts and procedures behind the whole process. With analytics, the senior leader describes why the change is necessary for the organisation. Presenting the analytics at the fair ensures a comfortable environment in the organisation. The main criteria of fair should not criticise any leaders but ensure that they feel that they are in the same boat.
Practice new leadership profile:
After the fair leaders planned according to analytics, leaders after planning the next step are to create a strategy that ensures maximum output. Also, leaders have to take part in the monthly meeting. In this monthly meeting, head members asked leaders to present their reports. Many leaders give their story after practising new leadership.
Additionally, in these reports, leaders present how they cut their old activities and actions. These reports indicate activity that affects an organisation to achieve its goals. And also they asked to give the story on how new businesses and operations will profit the organisation.
We are all amazed to discover the hidden talent in our organisations. But we were also surprised that this hidden talent was untapped for a very long time. And how this undiscovered talent harms our organisation.
The leadership canvas gives visual to the leader and team members how they can concentrate on the surface program to ensure more productivity in the organisation.
Whatever your position is. You don’t have to wait for your organization to start these leadership programs. Additionally, you can independently begin this program to boost your productivity. Whatever management class you are in, you can start this program.
Always remember it is still better to start something than relying on someone.
Also Read: Amazing Things You Should Know About Leadership Excellence
By blue ocean leadership and blue ocean leadership strategy, marketers focus on what activities and acts leaders should adopt. This ensures to boost the productivity of their team. Additionally, this difference is essential because changing people’s behaviour traits, qualities, and values are harder than changing people’s activities and actions.
After the fair leaders planned according to analytics, leaders, after planning the next step, are to create a strategy that ensures maximum output. Also, leaders have to take part in the monthly meeting.
Additionally, in this monthly meeting, head members asked leaders to present their reports. Many leaders show their story after practising new leadership.