Top 8 Ways To Beat The Fear of Failure

Every person I do know is scared of failure. It’s in the attribute. Once we get out of our temperature, we feel scared. As a citizenry, our ego and identity become so bound up in what we do, that when things don’t go as we would like, we will literally feel frustrated and have the […]

Top 50 Personal Morale Booster

Firstly high morale organizations consistently demonstrate less stress and better performance. Also with these benefits, it makes no sense why companies fail to ascertain the larger picture -they fail to understand that the workers are the key players in generating profits. Employee morale can quickly make or break a company’s success. WHAT’S IN IT Common […]

The ABC Technique Overcoming Pessimistic Thinking

Shreya has worked hard on a report all week. The deadline was tight, and, as she hands it over to her boss for an initial read-through, she swells proudly. She knows her boss goes to commend the standard of her work. However, as her boss reads it, she develops a little frown. a flash later, […]

10 Ways to Stay Calm During in Crisis

When an intense situation gets into your life, your first instinct may be to panic or be afraid. Moreover, Sadly, it is severe anxiety, depression, and stress attacks that can result in a complete breakdown or heart-related issues. For example, many of the world’s greatest kings, business owners, including entrepreneurs, athletes, and artists, could not […]

Using Affirmation Harnessing Power of Positive Thinking

You might have heard the quote that “What you think that shall you become.” because it applies to your mindset. For example “I’m not good at sports; I’m not can’t play this game.” “I’m not an honest speaker; I can’t speak ahead of individuals you would possibly never be ready to speak.” “I’m not good […]

How to handle post-traumatic growth?

Many human beings experience potentially traumatic events in their life whether it is community violence, severe accident, combat exposure, life-threatening situation, or other kinds of abuse or trauma. Old researches have focused on the development of mental health problems after a trauma, such as anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, or acute stress disorder. However, not […]

Albrecht’s four types of stress-managing common pressures

Stress is an important part of our life. Everyone irrespective of age or gender faces some or the other kind of stress in their day-to-day life. And stress in short term is not an issue, in fact, it is a motivating factor that can actually help you to achieve something that you are looking forward […]

Identifying the causes of short term stress

Stress being a part of life never actually leaves you. It comes in many ways to all people whether it is a 2-year-old child or a hundred-year-old person. It can be in any form and to anyone. Stress however is not considered a big issue in a country like India. Stress can be sometimes big […]

Supporting a friend or co-worker suffering from stress

Stress is an increasing issue in today’s time. The most important reason why stress is increasing is that people don’t talk about it. People don’t discuss it with their friends and families and alone keep suffering from it. We need to understand that discussing our issues with someone can actually help us in getting a […]

The holmes and rahe stress scale-understanding the impact of long term stress

The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale Stress is the most common issue in today’s era. Everyone starting from a young kid to an old person faces some kind of stress in their day-to-day life. Stress can also help you with instant motivation and help you perform better than you actually can. However, stress beyond the […]