How To Avoid Distraction | 10 Ways to Control Your Day
Do this ever happen with you, when your colleague is asking something from you in office but you are thinking about something else in your mind and not listening to him? Or if you are a student and your teacher is teaching in class but you are seeing outside from the window beside you, hence, […]
ESG metrics criteria are an increasingly popular way for investors to evaluate companies. Environment, Social, and governance or ESG for short is a factor-based way of evaluating companies or investments’ sustainability rating. Every company will soon use it to promote their stock is this rating system. Is this good and should you care at all, […]
How to manage time wisely – the best way to use dead time wisely
WHAT’S IN IT What is dead time? To be very honest and straight forward, dead time meaning varies from person to person. For Instance, for someone who is an early bird his meaning of dead time will not match with a night owl. So, if we look through the same lens dead time is a […]
Dealing With Lateness – Solving
WHAT’S IN IT Punctuality Problems So, It is nothing, just a bad habit that comes by Laziness. If a person is too lazy then he must be late in maximum task/work. But It is not a problem which is cannot be solved or we have to put so much effort to overcome the lateness problem. […]
What Is Interruption – How To Manage It
What is Interruption? it hinders the internal and external way of doing any work, due to which you are unable to complete your work on time. Everyone in the world faces it once or a while. Everyone faces it whether they are student or job worker/employee. I know you must have faced it too. If […]
9 Best Way To Meet The Deadline
There are many ways to complete any work on time, you just have to follow some rules. You always need to stick with this rule, so that you can do any work before the deadline. Successful are the people who get their work done on time or before the deadline. They never leave their work […]
Is This a “Morning” task? – 11 schedule of activities for the right time of day
Is this a morning task? No, it’s not a morning task. Meanwhile, every successful person who is currently in a good position follows this schedule. This is the secret of all the rich people of the world, that they follow their schedule strictly. Because they know that this is important (key of life) to live […]
How to get more done in less time: 10 simple productivity hacks
Everything in the world is according to the time and as a result nothing is free from time. The truth is that life is minuscule in which we have many things to do, but we don’t know how to utilize time. Due to time management, each one of us has the same hour in a […]
How to Keep People Satisfied?
By the end of the week, Radha has to complete a project, but she has another more important project that she needs to finish for another customer, and there is no way that she can complete both projects on time. How does she tell her client that his plan isn’t as urgent as the other […]
What is the urgent v/s important Rule? How it works
So, Have you ever wondered what time management is? also, How does this happen? Some people have a lot of time to do what they want. While some people are unable to finish anything. Today in this blog, we will try to understand how to manage time so that we can do all the work […]