Best Ways to Developing an Executive Presence

Executive presence? what exactly is it? If you are in the corporate world and you are being considered for that next level leadership or seniority position is called executive presence. You may have heard your manager or boss hint you something that you need to develop for yourself, something that they are looking to see […]

Motivating Good Manager – Improving Morale & Engagement

Why do some employees stay in a good mood & are actually happy to go & work daily in their organization? On the other hand, why do some employees never look happy while they’re working? The reason is a good manager who knows how to inspire and motivate employees. Behind this is their morale. Employee’s […]

Integrity- How to Preserve it?

Integrity is a term that means being honest or being consistent with ethical principle and values. There are 5 essential behaviors that can help you to preserve integrity as a leader. Every time we look at all the successful leaders or entrepreneurs, the one thing which defines or we can say that making a difference […]

INTRAPRENEURSHIP – The New Definition of an Entrepreneur

Do you know what Intrapreneurship is? Yes, you know Intrapreneurship. It is the system in the organization in which an employee acts as an Entrepreneur. Do you know how an employee can become an intrapreneur? An employee can become an intrapreneur by understanding his company, building leadership qualities, always think about the growth of the company, […]

SWOT Analysis for Finding Your Talent and Opportunities

SWOT Analysis is a simple and useful method that allows us to group and find strengths, weaknesses and to identify potential threats and new opportunities in the market. In this blog, we are gonna teach you about this Analysis and also give some examples. WHAT’S IN IT What is SWOT Analysis? SWOT analysis plays a […]


In Today’s world retaining memory is a challenging part and every day to day routine work need memory to perform the task. I would like to share some tips that will improve your memory and get rid of forgetfulness. WHAT’S IN IT The issue of poor memory and forgetfulness Quite times, dealing with problems related […]

Planning a training session- Organizing key concepts for learning

Every institution arranges a training session and programs to achieve its goals because every company or institution needs its colleagues to enhance their professional skills, confidence in the work, knowledge, etc. So, let us understand what it is. WHAT’S IN IT What is a training session?  Training sessions are the program arranged for the people […]

9 Tips to Remember Names- How to Remember People’s Names

Remember people’s names is very important. If you forget people’s names easily, can’t remember names or during conversations. You tell the wrong name. Then say sorry for that so if you’re having this habit then it’s a bad habit. In this blog, I’ll discuss the tips to learn names easily. WHAT’S IN IT If you’re in business then […]

Servant Leadership and their 9 Characteristics

You might have heard about servant leadership. If you are listening to this word the first time you may find it weird or strange but we explore this word in an incoming blog. So, this word can consist of two words one is servant and one is leadership. What kind of words comes to your […]

Mindfulness in the Workplace – Focusing the Mind by Staying Present

Mindfulness, apart from being a buzzword, is a solution to a problem which not only the corporate world is facing, but can dramatically positively impact our daily lives. So, let’s see what is the problem we are talking about being mindful.  WHAT’S IN IT In today’s fast-paced world at times we find ourselves dwelling in […]