Action Centred Leadership Development Qualities – Everything You Should Know

As a team leader, you will face many difficulties. Either it will be your team members’ problem or your work problems. At every level, nature will test your leadership development qualities. Sometimes it is difficult to think about your responsibilities and to take specific action to achieve your goal.  WHAT’S IN IT What is Action […]

What Is High-Performance Culture: A Simple Guide

Every company or organisation is currently trying to improve its culture performance or framework so the talented employees will not exit from the company.  This is the reason why high-performance culture is playing a significant role in a company.  Many companies don’t focus on the company’s culture or environment, which is not suitable for companies. […]

Model of Learning Styles: Why and How to use the Models

Learning, the only thing that can completely transform our lives and make us better one. Learning will be more comfortable when we prefer Learning styles. Every day we learn many new skills, new information, new concepts, and many more in our way. Though you are undoubtedly reading this article, you are a good learner and […]

Competition with Rivals- Keeping Your Integrity While Protecting Territory

Competition with Rivals: Competition is everywhere and it comes within the law of nature. We have been used to it since we were in school. It all starts with who got the highest marks in school. But apart from that, integrity is also equally important. We even read about the competition through Darwin’s “Survival of […]

The MPS Process: Discovering work that you Love

MPS process is the technique that allows you to identify the work that matches your passion, gives you pleasure, and give you strengths. Remember when was the last time when you enjoyed doing your work.  For instance, you are so much involved and get pleasure out of it that you didn’t even care about your […]

Top 10 Tips for Working at a Clients Site

If you have ever been in a clients-facing place and I bet if you are reading this, you’ve got. It is rather simple to distinguish between a fantastic customer connection and a one-on-one. To work online, you need to follow all the tips & you will be ready to work online with your clients Fantastic customer relationships […]

What is Organisational Politics? | Political Tactics | Causes

Politics is a word that everybody know. But, do you know what is organisational politics? If no, then you will get to know and learn something new and interesting. So, let’s start this article where you come to know many things related to organisational politics such as its causes, tactics, and management. WHAT’S IN IT  […]

Everything About The PVI Model – Standing Out From the Crowd

Have you ever heard about PVI Model? No? I guess a few of you might have observed that you and your co-worker are working on the same project with the same approach, dedication, and hard work. But in the end, your co-worker gets accomplishments, raises, extra bonuses, and even sometimes promotion also. On the other […]

Employee Retention Strategy: Everything You Need To Know in 2021

You get all the knowledge about the employee retention strategy in this blog, I will also tell you plans how you can retain your employees in your company.  WHAT’S IN IT What is an Employee Retention Strategy? Employee Retention strategy is the strategy used to keep the employees in your company for a long time […]

Everything you need to know about Path-Goal Theory in 2021

Path-goal theory is not an original theory, it’s just a leader’s style and way to maintain the perfect balance of the work environment. This style helps employees and team leaders to work more efficiently toward achieving mutual goals.  Also, in path-goal theory, leaders have to choose a process that suits their employees and their work […]