So, The standard approach for any kind of goal planning is to start planning from beginning and end with the final task. But there is a problem with this type of planning when you are wanted to tackle any big goal.
Also, In recent years, a method known as backward goal setting or reverse planning is tacking a lot of attention due to its goal-oriented planning technique. As it named the planning also done the reverse, start from your end goal and then planning to an action plan.
So, in the blog, I will explain to you that reverse planning is better to archive big goals in life and steps to implement it.
What is Reverse Planning?

Reverse planning or backward goal setting is a technique of planning to archive your desired outcome. Also, The idea of this planning start with your end goal or ultimate objective and work backward to develop an actionable plan.
Meanwhile, through this technique, you working backward from your big end goal to a daily, weekly, or monthly task list which gets you closer to your goal. For example, if you want to lose weight instead of directly start
working on diet and exercise, in the backward goal setting you will fix an end goal like I will lose 15 kg weight in the next 3 months and then so divided this work into a small task on weekly basis. Also, plan the exercise and diet per week.
Research about reverse planning
Many studies show that planning of any goal enhances self-control and improve performance. But it also matters how we plan?
So, As per the research conducted on the students of the many universities by the University of Lowa and Peking University, it is found that students who use reverse planning for their exam preparation and job interview, were more motivated and felt less time pressure rather than students who use planning.
Also, the students who use reverse planning had higher goal expectancy and their actual outcome better than others in terms ofgrades.
Why reverse planning is better?
So, Future Retrospection- Reverse planning allows imagining the future event at present which becomes easier to take the step we will need to tack. Also, It helps to increase our anticipation of pleasure from getting our goal.
Positive Outcome
Reverse planning is better than forwarding planning is that it brings our focus on positive outcomes. Hence, This so chronological planning might prevent us to think about obstacles rather than reaching our goals.
Stay focused

So, Research shows that our motivation reaches the highest point at the start or finishing of the project. But reverse planning provides small-small tasks at the stage which keeps motivating us to work towards the main goal.
This kind of planning also helps to stop spending time on unnecessary and unproductive activities while archiving the goal. It also shows where you need to more creative and tacks the next step.
Make your reverse plan?
After knowing so much about reverse planning and backward planning so, let’s find out how you can complete your reverse planning to get your goals.
first step -Define your goal
So, You may have a lot of long-term goals in your mind that you want to archive but many of them not seem to be realistic. So, the first step in backward planning is to decide the ultimate goal that you want to archive and also seem realistic for you.
Meanwhile, The goal should not be like I want to start a business. But, That looks like an incomplete, unrealistic, and unclear. Also, The instant of that you should define like I want to start a business of that particular service or product within one year.
Next, second step – Break it into the small goal

Also, After deciding your end goal comes to just one step back from it. Write down what to need to do or resources required to complete the goal.
For instance, If we continue to the above example find out what skills you required so, to start the business of that particular service or product. Similarly what kind of resources like money, people, and place need to be had to start the business at what time? like
- write down your business plan
- define the product or services you want to sell
- choose a location for business
- also, create a marketing plan
So, Now you have a more clear idea about your goal and each or above point is your new goal which you need to be archived.
Now, Third step – Divide the small goal into the task
So, The next step is taking each of the small goals and breaking them into small tasks. For instance, you can break “write down your business plan” into these targets-
- Research about your target market cap
- also, Find out the type of business plan you going to take
- Complete study about your competitors
- Know what will make you different from your competitors?
Similarly, you can break “create a marketing plan” into these targets-
- Find out your targeted audience
- Understand the need of your audience
- List all the likes and dislikes your audience
- also, Choose the marking strategy which you going to be used
All the above targets should be defined with the deadline-driven timeline.
In fourth step – Create a list of activities for each task
The final step of the reverse planning or backward planning is to create a list of each action that you need to take to complete the small tasks and that small will reach you to the main goal.
So, You can make a list of activities for the task “find out your target audience” like-
- Find out the age group of your target audience
- Their working profession
- Their living standard
- What is their source of income?
- Which product do they use currently instead of your product?
- How you can reach them?
Also, Identifying these single-action builds momentum and motivation for you to work towards your goal every day. It may have a lot of parts but once you list out all of them you will get a clear idea of what you need to do.
Hence, Throughout the process always remember that every small action is better than inaction.
So, On the surface, we can say that backward planning or reverse planning is not much different than the traditional goal setting. In reverse planning, you just start with the end goal then ask yourself what you required to archive that vision.
However backward planning is much more than reversing the direction of traditional planning.
Also you can read our blog on How to get more done in less time: 10 simple productivity hacks
Reverse planning or backward goal setting is the technique of
planning to archive your desired outcome. The idea of this planning
start with your end goal or ultimate objective and work backward to
develop an actionable plan.
These are the following steps for reverse planning-
the first step – Define your goal
The second step – Break it into the small goal
fourth step – Divide the small goal into the task
fifth step – Create a list of activities for each task
Reverse planning is better than traditional planning because
· It helps to increase our anticipation of pleasure from getting
our goal.
· Reverse planning is better than forwarding planning is
that it brings our focus on the positive outcome.
As per the research conducted on the students of the many
universities by the University of Lowa and Peking University, it is
found that students who use reverse planning for their exam
preparation and job interview, were more motivated and felt less time
pressure rather than students who use planning.
The reverse planning is better than forwarding planning because
it brings our focus on a positive outcome. This chronological planning
might prevent us to think about obstacles rather than reaching our
This kind of planning also helps to stop spending time on
unnecessary and unproductive activities while archiving the goal. It
also shows where you need to more creative and tacks the next step.
Decide the ultimate goal that you want to archive and also seem
realistic for you.
The goal should not be like I want to start a business. That looks like
an incomplete, unrealistic, and unclear. The instant of that you should
define like I want to start a business of that particular service or
product within one year.