Home Uncategorized 16 Exercise Tips everyone should follow to get Fast results

16 Exercise Tips everyone should follow to get Fast results


You have finally decided that you are going to start exercising but don’t know where to get started. You have come to the right place. I will walk you through the most important exercise tips to get you started!

But Why Should We Exercise in the first place?

  1. Helps to lose weight
  2. Decreases the risk of major diseases
  3. Helps a person to age slower
  4. Boosts mental health
  5. Also gives an energy boost
  6. Also improves a person’s mood
  7. Exercise gives healthier skin
  8. Exercise increases bone and muscle strength

And the list just goes on and on. So, it’s just a no brainer to start exercising. Use these exercise tips and see the results coming in a record time!

So, here are my top 16 Exercise tips for first-timers to follow:

  1. Start Small
  2. Be Consistent
  3. Always Warm up before exercise
  4. Set Realistic Goals
  5. Do exercises with the right form
  6. Don’t rush through the workout
  7. Take adequate breaks
  8. Keep Learning
  9. Do Full Body Workouts
  10. Give your body rest
  11. Never miss cooling down
  12. Track your progress
  13. Drink lots of water
  14. Sensible over Cool
  15. Always give your 101%
  16. Play a sport you love


You have decided you want to transform your body, lose your weight or gain muscle but have never done any exercise in your entire life and are extremely motivated and are on your way to take a 1-year gym membership.


The first thing I want you to do is, start small. You are going to exercise for the first time in your life.

You don’t need to rush into the gym and do 2-hour gym sessions, daily. That’s not going to happen.

You have to take it one step at a time. Start with a 20-minute walk 5 days a week. Once you do it for 2-3 weeks, Add 10 pushups and 10 pullups to that routine.

Once you do it for 2-3 weeks, Increase the pushups and pullups to 25 and add squats and crunches to your workout.

That’s how you build a habit of exercising. No problem if you miss a day or two. Listen to your body, You won’t be motivated every single day. 

But remember the 2-Day RULE.

What’s the 2 Day Rule?

According to the 2 Day Rule, you cannot take 2 breaks on 2 consecutive days. For example, You workout on Monday and Tuesday and don’t feel like working out on Wednesday.

Take that rest, but get back to your routine on Thursday. You cannot take a break again on Thursday.

This way you will be able to keep the momentum in your workouts and also get the required breaks in between.


I talked about the 2-Day Rule. This is just an extension. You need to follow the 2-Day Rule religiously. Consistency is key to seek the benefits of exercising. Without consistency, you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits I listed above.

Make it a going goal to workout 3 days or 5 days a week every week, according to your needs, goals, and body.

If I had to give 2 exercise tips, then I would absolutely include this one in those two!


This is probably the most important exercise tip. Most people ignore the warm-up before they start the real workout which leads to bad injuries and long-term health problems.

You should warm up at least 5-10 minutes full body. There are numerous warm-up exercises which you can do.

But make sure you do them before every workout. 


Here’s the deal. You cannot expect to lose 10 kgs in the first month of exercising or gain 10 kgs as well. But you can lose or gain 2 kgs in the first month of exercising.

Setting realistic goals is important for your mind and motivation. The mistake that most people do is set unrealistic goals for themselves and expect to reach them.

When they don’t reach that goal, they think exercising has no value and leave exercising for good. 

So, don’t commit the same mistake. Set goals that are achievable.


Most people don’t know the right form of the most important exercise which leads to injuries and little to no growth in their fitness journey.

Learn the basic form of the exercises you perform. Consult a fitness coach, or ask someone who is experienced in the field or watch videos on youtube.

If you are watching videos on youtube then I would recommend a few youtube channels to follow.

These are probably the best fitness youtube channels which you should refer to understand the basics of exercising and more exercise tips!

Learn the right form of Push-ups, Pull-ups, Squats, Bench Presses, Curls, and Deadlifts because these are the foundational exercises. Once you master these exercises, other exercises just become much easier.


Never rush through a workout. Complete all your sets and reps. Don’t cheat yourself in the process.

This is one of the most important exercise tips I can give. Do your workouts mindfully.


You need adequate breaks in between sets of exercises. Don’t undermine the value of breaks in between the workout.

This is one of the most underrated exercise tips to will ever listen to.

Just take 30 seconds breaks in between sets. But not more than that.

Anything more than 30-40 seconds is not helpful for your workout. 


Keep yourself updated with new exercises and new workout routines. Learning is a life long part of this journey. Keep learning and evolving your fitness game.


Full Body Workouts are one of my favorite kinds of workouts. You can target all your muscle groups in a single workout.

Getting in a full workout is good for those who are busy and can give only 3-4 days a week to exercise.

They can just go all in, in these 3 workouts they perform in the week.


We all put great efforts into our workouts and do our exercises with full intensity. But sleep just 5-6 hours at night.

Will you see your desired results? Not Really.

You see, your body recovers and grows when it gets good rest.

My 10th exercise tips for you guys would be, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours in the night to get muscle recovery and growth.

Most people put huge importance on workout and diet but ignore the fact that rest and sleep are equally crucial.

Remember it almost takes up 1/4th to 1/6th of your entire day. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep.


Do you just go out of the gym once you finish the last set of your workout?

Then it’s a huge mistake. Cooling down is as important as warming up before a workout.

Make sure you stretch your body for 5-10 minutes after you are done with your workout. It will help you to recover faster for your next workout and also help the muscles in your body relax.


Every week, track your progress. Maintain a journal where you write down the workout you completed every day and then at the end of every week just check if you were able to lift more weight or were able to lift a weight more times.

Also, check if you gained or loosed weight.

This regular ritual of tracking your progress will help you to be in course.


I just can’t say it enough. Staying hydrated is extremely important for your body. You should drink at least 3-4 liters of water every single day.

PRO TIP: Drink water from one bottle throughout the day, so that you can measure how much water you drank. Always keep that bottle with yourself.

Also, you should drink water in between your workout sets. You can drink from somewhere between 500 ml to 750 ml distributed throughout the workout.

SENSIBLE OVER COOL (One the most important Exercise Tips)

Do, what you can do.

I cannot stress this enough. Out of all the exercise tips, this is something very few people advise.

Only lift weights which you can lift with the right form. 

Don’t lift weights to look cool or impress someone. I have seen enough people messing up while doing such stupid stuff. 

Always choose sensibility over being cool.


Don’t know where to get started?

Play a sport you love at least twice a week. When we get older, we stop playing sports like we used to play in our childhood.

The goal is to start playing sports again. It could be Cricket, Football, Badminton.

Anything that keeps you moving. The goal of exercising is to bring a positive impact on your life and also to enjoy the process. What better way to start than playing a sport you love?

ALWAYS GIVE YOUR 101% (The Most Important Exercise Tips of them all)

The final thing I want from you is to give your 101% every time you exercise. It’s all in the mind. When you can convince your mind to start exercising, you can do it physically.

I can give you 100 exercise tips but it won’t be of any use if you don’t give your 101% into what you do.

Always try your best and apply these exercise tips in your life.

Which of these exercise tips are you applying first?

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