Hello guys, welcome to our blog today we are going to talk about file management, Managing Electronic Files and organizing computer files.
Yes, it is one of the very searched topics like how to manage our electronic or any files or in our computer on a laptop.
Today we are going to discuss the key elements which will help you manage your files efficiently the efficient file management technique.
Don’t save files on the desktop

Do you know 98% of people don’t organize their laptop or PC desktop screen?
Tell me, the desktop screen is full of icons or it’s just empty. In both of the cases your desktop files not managed. So what should we do, I think we should delete all the files. Absolutely not so the solution which I have come with by using millions of times is to don’t save your important files desktop.
The desktop is the second recycle bin, where we are all of the things. The main thing is we should store the important files into the folders, not into the desktop screen.
Even if your file is an important habit of clearing the desktop on a daily or weekly basis where you will shift all of the important files into a folder or you will delete it from the desktop screen.
Don’t create many folders for file management
Have a different habit of creating different folders for different files but the reality is that we don’t need them.
It helps us to synchronize or divided but it creates a lot of hindrances to creating these many folders. Just imagine on a daily basis you create different folders. In just one year you will create more
than 365 folders. Within a span of 5 years, you will create more than 2000 plus folders which will be very difficult to manage.
That is the reason why we are discussing this today and forming a new habit of not creating many folders.
Creating folders is a habit ya believe it or not it’s a habit so what we have to do we have to control these things.
Today itself go to your computer have a look at it and remove all of the important things which are not necessary to specify the folders which are not required and you haven’t used it from past few years and months.
Strategically name your files and folders for file management

Same way if you are creating a folder you should name it rightly. Naming is an important part of anything. If you are having a baby you should name him right.
Naming should be done according to segments. Keeping in mind whether it is personal or business material. According to the date-time and usage
Its name should be decided. Like for example, You want to keep your music collection you will make a folder with the name of music inside it you can create it by different years, by different albums, by different artists or bat different genre.
So there are many types of things which help us to strategically name are file and folder accordingly.
And you will start doing this in everything whether you are creating a music folder or a file folder this will help you make it more effectively and efficiently.
In the long run, it is a great thing to learn and apply while managing electronic files in a file management.
Managing electronic files & documents differently
Managing document differently means you should keep your things differently whether it is personal or business.
These are the two segments which divide differently. You should create a personal folder or a drive where you will put all of the things which is regarding your personal things whether it is an insurance, documents, files, ID, and many more things.
After sometime when you will realise that managing documents differently will help you in the synchronisation or ineffective management.
There are different types of people who are running and mixing up things together. So this way not in the right path to managing these things.
That is the main thing which we have to follow we have to put our personal files and business files totally differently so not mix up in any way.
So let’s move to more things which comes under this
Personal things are one of the most important things related to our personal life whether it is
- Passport
- Identification cards
- Marksheet and qualification documents
- Important emails
- Photos and recordings
- Insurance
- Bank details
Business things are one of the professional things which we have to maintain from personal life things of personal things. Likewise
- Documents
- quotations
- Bills
- Professional emails
- Product details
- Salary slip
- And many more things
Follow the hierarchy model for file management

In every corporate world, people follow the scalar chain. Where top management is something different, middle management is different, lower management is different.
Each management handles a different path with different work. There are many things. So we should follow these things in managing our files.
Top management equals to business or personal account Middle management is files, documents, photos, project, collection.
Lower management files which will contain into these folders image voice anything.
Used automatic organizing tools
This is one of the latest things which are using by multiple peoples as they feel better lazy and
organising these files.
What happens in automatic organising is there is a software which is party application which will
scan your all the files and divided into multiple segments bye different types, names,
The software is helping peoples on a daily basis who lack time and managing their own things.
The software helps us to organise our each and every material into personal to business. Short by
images, videos, pDF, emails.
There are many more things which are available in the software.
Arrange file according to your convenience
See arranging it by different things or using any software will only one thing but it will not be applicable according to your convenience.
So I have a strong suggestion for you that you should file arrange according to your convenience as than file management would become much easier comparatively any other thing.
The file management requires proper guidance and hierarchy get you to the ultimate map or file.
Amin process of file management is to make our efforts simpler and get the file directly without any wastage of time.
So it is according to you like you want to manage it through date wise early pattern or any other thing. You should have a to-do list which will manage your files daily on a daily basis to work on it.
Backup your files and regularly

Likewise, this is the add-on information which I want to add diet you should take a backup of your file as you are using it more often.
The file management requires a backup. As all of the things will help us to take a recovery we lost these things by mistake. Backup can be made on cloud storage.
Use cloud storage
Cloud storage is much more good option comparatively saving files locally As it does not require any backup and it is easily accessible from anywhere anytime you just need an Internet connection.
In worldwide, most of the forms are using cloud storage facility as it is more accessible and it requires fewer efforts to be managing any files.
In the meantime with the growth of the internet is increasing day by day same way the cloud storage the facility is increasing day by day more and more people are trying to get access to these things as it is very good and acceptable universally.
So here we come to the end of a blog, today we have discussed the file management system and how we can manage electronic files and effectively.
This blog is one of the core blogs on managing your files on the desktop, personal computer, laptop or smartphone. As time passes on you will see that you have more of the files comparatively last year so managing your files will become an essential part of life.
Also You can read our blog on Managing Your Documents and Your Time – The Art of Filing
Effective file management is a system of creating a model where you manage your files basic
electronic files and paper files to an extent where you don’t have to make much efforts to find
There are multiple tips and benefits we have discussed in our blog which you can apply to
manage your emails efficiently.
There are some of the tips like not managing the files on desktop creating a proper folder and its
name synchronisation and different types of things to organise your computer files for more you
can read our blog we have mentioned the step by step process how to manage it.
There are various benefits of file management the main core benefit of file management is time
saving. As you are using file management techniques it will become more effective for you and
save your time many times.
There are different types of file management – personal file management, organisational file
management, synchronised file management, alphabetical file management and many more
Managing the files in a synchronised way to save the time and get the files according to the Neet
in the fastest way possible.