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Framework Types | Let’s make knowledge of Popular JS Framework use in real life


So, my dear readers if you make a career in web development, and make a project of it, and Do you have confusion about what Types of Framework you choose for your project?

Which Type of Framework is more useful in the real world?

This blog we try to cover all this stuff and explain which types of the framework used in industry?

Why we choose this type of framework, and how we can use it?

Here I am solving all your doubts regarding to Framework.

An Industry world demanded framework is,

  • Angular JS
  • React JS
  • Spring
  • Node JS
  • Hibernate
  • Hadoop
  • Ruby
  • Django
  • GWT

The project related best framework is

  • Angular JS
  • React JS
  • Node JS
  • GWT
  • Hadoop
  • Ruby
  • Django

I hope now your doubts will be clear for choosing a framework.

So, shall we move on next…………

Let’s start our main topic

What’s in it to learn

  1. Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  2. Set up GWT
  3. Hibernate
  4. Django
  5. Node JS
  6. Django vs Node JS
  7. FAQ

What is GWT?

Google Web Toolkit is founded by Google, and This toolkit uses many web developers.

GWT automatically generates JavaScript code for a suitable browser. It is a framework to build a strong and large-scale performance web application.

It provides easy conversion between Junit and Maven. Java-based application. providing a custom widget, and easy to run on browsers and phones.

GWT is Java to JS compiler means a powerful tool to translate Java code to JavaScript And UI building library includes UI components, History Management, and many more.

Now how-to setup GWT

System requirement

  • JDK
  1. Verify java installation
  2. Set up JDK
  3. Set up Eclipse IDE
  4. Install GWT SDK

This are steps for setup GWT on your system.

With the help of GWT, you can create your application with the language of HTML, CSS, and AJAX.

You can style your web application with the help of CSS, and you can set your API with GWT.

There are basic widgets consider UI elements, layouts, and behavior, and include layout panel, basic widgets, and form widgets.

GWT form widget provides button, Pushbutton, Toggle button, Checkbox, List box, text box, text area, and hidden and complex widget includes Tree, Menu bar, Date Picker, Cell tree, Cell table, Cell Browser.

In the layout panel consider the Flow panel, horizontal, and vertical panel, flex table, grid, simple panel, scroll panel, HTML panel, focus panel, popup panel, and dialog box.

The GWT event handler provides a blur handler, change handler, click handler, close handler, context menu handler, error handler, load handler, Mouse down, up, move handler, and value change handler.

A GWT consists of Client-side as well as server-side module.

Now that’s it about GWT, I hope you can understand how to use GWT in your system.


Hibernate is a relational object, and provide query services. It is free to download, and open source.

It is providing services like mapping of java database tables, data query, and retrieval facilities. The updated version of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).

ORM is a technique for converting data between OOP, and database languages such as Java, C#, etc.

Here API to perform basic CRUD object, and API refer to classes, and properties.

ORM Framework stores, and retrieves objects into the database.

  • Spring DAO
  • Hibernate
  • Java Data Objects
  • TopLink

Support Java classes to a database table using XML files, and without writing any code. It is providing APIs for storing and retrieving Java objects to the database.

Can you want to change any table data or database, so you need to change the only XML file property? It is manipulating complex object of database, and provide a simple, and easy queries.

Supported databases & technologies like MySQL, Oracle, HSQL Database Engine, J2EE, Maven, etc.

Hibernate application architecture

It uses different Java APIs, like JDBC, Java Transaction API, and Java Naming, and Directory Interface. JDBC provides the level of abstraction of common Relational objects.

Hibernate application object provides two key components like

  • Database Connection
  • Class Mapping setup

Session Factory object is a thread-safe object, and created during the start-up of your application. Session object use to destroyed the tread.

Transaction in hibernate is handled transaction manager, and transaction from JDBC.

Query objects use Hibernate Query Language to retrieve data from the database.

Set up of hibernate

  • Install hibernate
  • Download .zip file
  • Set your CLASSPATH variable on your application
  • Add all the JARs

Hibernate session main function is to perform like create, read, and delete operations.

Mapping types are used to translate from Java to SQL data types.

  • Primitive types
  • Data and Time types
  • Binary and large object types
  • JDK-related types

In hibernate application first you create POJO class. They consider like getXXX, and setXXX method to compile the java bean class.

What is POJO?

POJO stands from the “Plain Old Java Object”. It does not implement classes, and interfaces required by the EJB framework.

Next step is like

  • Create a database table
  • Mapping Configuration file
  • An Application class
  • Compilation and execution

The hibernate caching structure

Caching is enhancing the performance, and reduce the database of a system.

First, level cache request pass, and updates the object. Then in the second level, we locate the object. Query level cache physical cache holds the query, and the timestamps update the table.

The Concurrency Strategies use like

  • Transaction
  • Read-write
  • Nonstrict read-write
  • Read-only

Hope you clear the basics of hibernate, and how to set up in your system.


Django is a web application. This language is written in the python language. It is based on the Model view template, and very rapid, and quick feature to build web applications.

It takes less time to develop an application. Django designed in that manner like they handle configure things automatically. An Inventor by Lawrence journal in 2003.

Example of real world

  • Instagram
  • Mozilla
  • Pinterest

Are use the Django framework.

Django framework provides services like quick development, secure, and scalable, open-source, large, and versatile.

Set up Django framework

  • Download Django
  • It requires pip to install
  • Before installation check, the pip is installed or not
  • Open a terminal and write python 3, and verify the Django installation.

Django virtual environment setup

  • Install package
  • Create a Directory
  • After Design virtual environment
  • Activate virtual environment

In the Django Admin interface perform CRUD operation.

Django MVT

It handles the database, and UI phase.

In the MVT user first, send the request to the Django, and Django sends the request to the URL to find the resource. After that URL called the view, and the view is communicating with Model, and Template.

The last Django back the response to the user, and sends a result as a template.

With the help of Django, we can set or perform form validation, file upload, deploy on GitHub, mail setup, and many more.

Node JS

Node js powerful and strong JS-based platform to develop a JS V8 Engine. JS used to develop web applications like video streaming sites, single-page applications, animation, and many web applications.

It is open-source and free to use, and server-side platform and developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Provided by Asynchronous, and event-driven, very fast, single-threaded and highly scalable, and no buffering.

eBay, GoDaddy, Microsoft, Uber, and Yahoo! Are the companies who use the Node js.

Concepts of Node js

I/O applications, Data streaming, and Data-Intensive Real-time applications, JSON APIs based applications are used in Node js.

Set up the Node js

Creating Node js application

  1. Import required module
  2. Create Server
  3. Testing Request & Response

In the Node js we can use the JSON. Here JSON will parse easily.

With the help of Node js, we can create Event loop, buffers, streams, file systems, web modules, RESTFul API, and packaging.

Now I hope we can understand the concept of this framework. Moreover, we learn and understand the concept of jQuery.

Django vs Node js


Overall we conclude that GWT, Django, Hibernate and Node JS are the very famous and useful framework. They all framework are free to download and easily available. Other Framework are also useful like Hadoop, React JS etc.


1) Which of the framework used in the develop a project?

You can use angular js, node js and the Django framework to develop a project.

2) What is Django App?

It is functionality, including models and view and is a python package and extended package with base package.

3) What is the Difference between get () and load () method of session object?

get () returns null if no data is present where load throws OjectNotFoundException. get () returns actual object whereas load () return proxy object.

4) What is the second level cache in Hibernate?

The second-level cache is SessionFactory based cache and object across sessions.

5) What is the Hibernate annotations?

It is a powerful and strong way to provide the metadata for objects and mapping the relational table.



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