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How effortless intermittent fasting for weight loss works.


Earlier most of the people think that intermittent fasting makes you gain weight. But when intermittent fasting for weight loss comes in knowledge every myth busted. Well, fasting will surely make you gain weight if you don’t follow the right protocol or rules of fasting.

Let’s find out

  1. All about this diet? 
  2. Rules of this diet. 
  3. How does this diet work? 
  4. Some benefits of this diet?
  5. Some side effects of this diet?
  6. How does this diet work?
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions.

What is intermittent fasting for weight loss?

Unlike any other famous diet which is food or calories specified. Intermittent fasting is the time specified in which you have to create two windows.

One is a fasting window in which you have to avoid any food and drink. Except for water and milkless coffee. However, in the non-fasting window (last for only 8-10 hours), you have to eat some foods in a calorie deficit state only. Intermittent fasting helps your body and mind to stay healthy and help them live longer.

Rule to be followed in intermittent fasting for weight loss

  • You can’t drink sugary beverages and foods in the fasting window, you can only drink milkless coffee and water.
  • Your food which you eat is non-fasting should be fewer calories than your maintenance calories.
  • If you are a beginner then don’t go for 16:8 hours fast, only follow 10:14 fasting. (10 hours fasting and 14 hours non-fasting).

How intermittent fasting for weight loss works

Graph 1
Graph 2

You can easily spot the difference between the two graphs. The second graph shows the low production of growth hormones whereas the first graph shows the high production of growth hormones.

As you can see, consuming meals suppress your HGH production, whereas the production of HGH levels increases when you are in starvation mode. Now you may be wondering about the relationship between fat loss and production of HGH level.

Here are some roles of HGH in the human body

  • Promote body growth factors. 
  • Recover damages tissues after the workout. 
  • Promote fat mobilization. 

Improves insulin sensitivity:

Insulin is a hormone that helps you to put some muscle mass on your body. Although fasting doesn’t promote insulin, it improves insulin sensitivity.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss benefits

Helps you in fat loss

The first benefit or famous benefit of intermittent fasting is that this diet helps you in fat loss. Intermittent production of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormone which causes increases in metabolism are rare.

This increase in metabolism rate causes your fat loss. If you properly follow the rules and guidelines then intermittent fasting is the best tool for fat loss that you can have.

Decrease risk of diabetes:

Intermittent fasting not only causes a change in insulin sensitivity but also decreases the risk of diabetes. The study concluded that intermittent fasting causes lower blood sugar and decreases your chances to become diabetic by 55%.

Promote longevity:

Another set of study shows that intermittent fasting promotes longevity.

Improves brain health:

Some sets of studies conclude that intermittent fasting improves brain health by increasing the hormone called BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) which ultimately helps you by improving brain health. 

Reducing the risk of cancer:

Study based on animals concludes that intermittent fasting protects you from oxidative stress and cancer. However this study is based on animals, a further study based on humans still needed.

Till now you successfully learned what are some intermittent fasting benefits, the role of HGH. Now it’s high time to reveal some side effects of intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss side effects

May cause infertility problems:

Studies on animals revealed that daily long hours of fasting may interfere with the reproduction process in males and females. However, we can’t trust these studies because the reproduction process of animals and humans is a bit different.

That’s why further studies are still needed. To know the effect of intermittent fasting on humans.

You may feel body weakness:

It’s just an obvious thing that in fasting states you are away from the energy source. Many people complain that on intermittent fasting they feel weakness in their office hours.

Can be a great breakfast issue:

Doctors recommended some people to take heavy breakfast before going out to their offices and colleges. But people on intermittent fasting are unable to take heavy breakfast in the morning.

In this case, you have 2 options:

1. You shouldn’t try intermittent fasting.

2. Make your arrangements or time table for the 16:8 diet.

Not for these categories of people:

However intermittent fasting is a safe option for all. But people with these medical;l conditions should take the prescription from doctors first.

  • Underweight problems.
  • Pregnant ladies.
  • Already on medications.
  • People who already feel weak frequently.
  • Category of People with low blood pressure problems.
  • People with blood sugar problems.

How to do intermittent fasting for weight loss

Now you successfully benefits and side effects of intermittent fasting for weight loss and rules of intermittent fasting. Now it’s a great time to know how to do intermittent fasting. Generally, there are more than 3 ways to do intermittent fasting, but here we will discuss only the main 3 ways to do intermittent fasting.

We divide these 3 methods according to level.

  1. People who don’t try any fasting or diet earlier in their lifetime.

    16:8 fasting: 
    This is the most popular method of doing intermittent fasting. In this type, you have to create two windows.
    One is a fasting window which lasts for 16 hours, in a fasting window you have to avoid all food and drinks. As mentioned above. The second one is the non-fasting window which lasts for 8 hours. In the non-fasting window, you can eat some food.

  2. Intermediate level

    People who are not new in the environment of diet and fasting.
    5:2 method: 
    This method is not hours specific. It is calories specific. In this method, you have to eat only 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men for only 2 continuous days. And in the remaining 5 days, you have to consume food equal to your maintenance calories.
    This method is only for intermediate level people.

  3. Professional or expert level

    People who usually do these types of diets and fasting in their lifetime.
    24 hours fast:  In this method of doing intermittent fasting, you have to do 24 hours fast for 1 or 2 days a week.
    Although this method sounds easy, doctors recommended this method for only professional level people.


To sum it up, intermittent fasting is a safer way to lose weight

Many people shift towards intermittent fasting because of its potential to lose fat safely with some necessary supplements.

We all know every diet has its different capabilities and features, and who knows sooner or later, additional variety will be added to this list.

If you have anything you’d like to add to this article of the intermittent fasting, then please let us know in the comments section below.

I hope that you gained additional knowledge by reading this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why intermittent fasting is bad?

May cause infertility problems
Various animal studies revealed that daily long hours of fasting may interfere with the reproduction process in males and females.
However, we can’t trust these studies because the reproduction process of animals and humans is a bit different.
That’s why further studies are still needed. To know the effect of intermittent fasting on humans.
You may feel body weakness:
It’s just an obvious thing that in fasting states you are away from the energy source.
Many people complain that on intermittent fasting they feel weakness in their office hours.
In intermittent fasting can we drink water?
Yes, You can’t drink sugary beverages and foods in the fasting window, you can only drink milkless coffee and water.
Is intermittent fasting good for diabetes?
Intermittent fasting not only causes a change in insulin sensitivity but also decreases the risk of diabetes.
The study concluded that intermittent fasting causes lower blood sugar and decreases your chance to become diabetic by 55%.

2. What intermittent fasting does?

First look at these two graphs.
You can easily spot the difference between the two graphs.
The first graph shows the low production of growth hormones whereas the second graph shows the high production of growth hormones.
As you can see, taking meals to suppress HGH production, whereas the production of HGH levels increases when you are in starvation mode.
And this is what intermittent fasting does.



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