Home Education How to grow sweet watermelon in pot/garden ( 5 best methods )

How to grow sweet watermelon in pot/garden ( 5 best methods )


If you are want to know how to grow sweet watermelon in pot or garden in your home or in balcony and have enough space for vines to grow. Then you can go forward and I will tell you how to do this all things in budget.

keep reading this article to know all things to now about how to grow sweet watermelons in pot/garden and at the end you will get awesome understanding of all this things.

Steps you need to follow to grow sweet watermelon in pot :-

Buy good quality pot 

*only for those who want to grow in pot 

If you want to grow in pot then first of all you need to buy a good quality pot. 

  • This is important to have hole in bottom 
  • It is of good quality and not breakable easily 

Do you want to grow this sweet watermelon in your pot not in garden, you can use this advices provided by us. 

Put best quality soil 

After finding proper place for the seeds to where to plant, then you can go to 2nd step which is choosing the soil. If you want super big and sweet watermelons to grow in pot.

You have to choose good quality soil and avoid using regular garden soil which is not rich in nutrients. So, go to plant shop and ask them for good quality soil. It will cost you a little but the results were massive. 

Put manure to improve soil fertility 

When you complete this above steps you can add god quality manure to soil. Mix soil properly with manure, But if you want to add market fertilisers. Then you should avoid adding manure to same soil. It is mandatory to grow sweet watermelon in pot

Either you should add manure or fertilizers, but never mix them both with soil. I have faced this 2 times and every time many every plant die. So, suggest you to add them but only one in a month. 

Put it in dark untill seed grows to prevent water loss 

For 1st week if you are growing in pot, keep the pot in shed and away from sunlight. Ones you can seeds grow about half inch, then you can take them to sun.

Sun is also most important for growth but for starting it only do water loss which this seeds need. So, ones they grow put them under sun and rest things water and sun can handle lol.

They can take upto one week to grow from seeds to small plant. So, keep patience amazing fruits are loading. 

Give water timely 

The most important thing is adding water to them. As watermelon have 92% water. That’s it needs much water to grow sweet watermelon in pot. The top thing which affect its vine growth is water.

I have experience it lots of time and everytime I get the same results. If you not give water properly your plants will die and you no longer to get fruits from them. So, then the next question arise how many times in day. And the answer is atleast two times.

It is better to give in morning and in night. For example – we can’t eat whole week food in one day, just like that we need to give time to them and need to be consistent to get best out of them. After you follow this instructions you will get amazing fruits and even very sweet. 

Proper place for vine

This questions also arise when growing sweet watermelons in pot i.e. do we have proper place for vines. Because we know we are not growing tomatoes which consumes very less space to grow.

But growing sweet watermelon in garden or pot were consumes space. So, you need to find proper place for that and manage all things for all this. I suggest you to if you don’t have much space and still wants to grow, you can tie a rope.

And move tendrils to rope and the rest you get amazing results, you can see more examples on google also. 

When to cut off them when they ripe and

So, follow this advices to know how to choose a ripe watermelon :- 

Look at its tendrils – if you find its tendrils green, then they show that that delicious juicy fruit until now and you need to give more time to them. But if you see brown tendrils, you can cut them and eat them 

Beat a little bit – if you can hear a hollow sound in it. Then it shows it is ripe fully and have great taste. But if sound like rock, you need to keep patience. 

Take a look at it’s soil spot – if you find white spot, then it shows it is not ripe fully and you need to wait for some more days. But if you find yellow spot under it you can break it and eat it confidently. It will definitely sweet in taste. 

And if you have two similar size – if you successfully grown two watermelons of same size, you can easily check which one is more sweeter, just pick them up and compare their weight. The one which has more weight is sweeter. 

Precautions to avoid while growing this fruits

Avoid them from pest – you can you many fertilizers to kill pests from ruining your plant. If you find pests on leaves, small holes in leaves, and also take a look under leaves. Many pest hide themselves under leafs 

• Avoid overwatering – it is good if you give water to plants, nut over watering can cause opposite results. So, my advice is to give water them just to keep soil moist.

Avoid cutting before ripening – as I told you before also, don’t cut them before they ripe. You can follow the above steps to do this. Otherwise your project fails of growing sweet watermelon in pot.

Care them – from time to time you need to destroy weeds which grow near them. They will eat all macro and micro nutrients which are useful for them. So, plough nearby watermelon from time to time. 

How to get larger watermelons – you can get big and sweet watermelons by caring them and feeding them water properly. You can also add tea compost in them to get best results. You can find many sprays and fertilzers which help in growing big and sweet watermlons 



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