The DiSC model is used to study the behavioral aspects of a person within a specific situation. If you don’t know your behavioral model, don’t worry just visit this blog and get an idea about your true behavior.
What is the DiSC Model?

A DiSC is a quadrant behavioural model based on the book “The Emotions of Normal People” published in 1928 and written by Psychologist Dr William Moulton Marston.
The DiSC Model is used to study the behavioural aspects of a person in his/her known environment or within a specific situation. It, therefore, focuses on 4 aspects by testing the styles and preferences of human behaviour. It is a very good model that can help you connect with those around you in a better way.
The diSC is an acronym for Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness. Most of us would be able to identify ourselves as dominant in one of these four areas. Sometimes we would also have a secondary character including the other four personality types. We will know more about the words later.
DiSC Matrix

The four behaviours of DiSC, Dominance Influence Steadiness and Conscientiousness, can be drawn in a square box with 4 parts with D and I in the top row and representing extroverted factors of the human personality and C and S below representing introverted factors of the same.
The left column contains D and C which represents factors relating to tasks and I and S share the right column which represents factors relating to social aspects. In this matrix, the vertical dimension represents a factor of assertive or passive while a horizontal dimension represents open or guarded.
Understanding Human Behavior with DiSC Model

Everyone is different, right? But the cool thing is that everyone in the world is predictably different! Human behaviour can be predicted. One can easily predict how a person will act or react in a given situation by just knowing his behaviour.
Earth has people with only 4 types of behaviour. The Dominant or the D style, the Influencer or I style, the Steady or the S style and the Conscientious or the C style. Let’s take a look at each of the behaviour and understand them-
Dominant people are those who want to control their environment and then do something to make a difference in their world. Dominance is related to control power and assertiveness.
They are confident individuals, determined and driven to move forward to accomplish the things in front of them to create things of significance. They enjoy challenges and are looking for control. All they need is respect.
For example, We all have seen a person waiting for the elevator and pressing the button again and again. Yeah, that’s a D style. The frustrated person may be thinking that he/she can make the elevator move faster. But it actually won’t do so! Such styles are Dominant, direct and results-driven.
People with high D scores are the people who are very active in dealing with problems and challenges while people with low D scores are the ones who want to do more research before committing to a decision.
High D factor people are described as
- Demanding
- Forceful
- Egocentric
- Strong-willed driving
- Determined
- Ambitious
- Aggressive and
- Pioneering
While Low D factor people are described as
- Conservative
- Low-keyed
- Co-operative
- Calculating
- Undemanding
- Cautious
- Mild
- Agreeable
- Modest and
- Peaceful
Influencers are those people who want to engage others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. Influence means the power to control or affect something. Sometimes the word Inducement is used in place of Influence.
These people are optimistic and are inspiring. They are big enthusiastic that love bringing fun and energy into every project they’re involved in. They are very imaginative when involved with other people. They’re good communicators and they always focus on the big picture. They’re friendly and optimistic. All they need is recognition and popularity.
For example, A talkative person who always finds someone to talk to. They are strong-armed people and love to engage with others. They are compliant and obey the rules and want everyone else to do the same.
High I factor people are described as
- Convincing
- Magnetic
- Political
- Enthusiastic
- Persuasive
- Warm
- Demonstrative
- Trusting and
- Optimistic
People are low I factor influence more by data and facts and not feelings.
Low I factor people are described as
- Reflective
- Factual
- Calculating
- Logical
- Suspicious
- Pessimistic and
- Critical
Steady people are relaxed and are never in a hurry. Steadiness relates to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness. These individuals are steadfast and loyal. They are patient and they’re the ones helping people connect.
They’re stable, consistent, supportive, and very often shy. Most of them are caring, dependable, calm, and patient. All they need is security and approval.
For example A steady man keenly aware of his surroundings. He wants everyone to be happy and he finds happiness in it. Seeing everyone happy makes him happier. He doesn’t judge others; instead, he tries to help them.
People with high S factors want a steady pace, security and do not like sudden change. Those individuals are
- Calm
- Relaxed
- Patient
- Possessive
- Predictable
- Deliberate
- Stable
- Consistent
People with low S scores are those who like change in variety. And those are described as
- Restless
- Demonstrative
- Impatient
- Eager or even
- Impulsive
People with high C scorers adhere to rules, regulations and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time. Conscientiousness relates to structure and organization.
These people are systematic. They are analytical, careful and wanting to do things the right way every time that they do them. They love structure. They’re perfectionists and very accurate. All they need is value and excellence.
For example, A man who is very careful about his surroundings. He always keeps an eye on everything to be cautious.
High C factor people are
- Careful
- Cautious
- Exactly neat
- Systematic
- Diplomatic
- Accurate and
- Tactful
And those with low C factor challenge the rules and won independence and are described as
- Stubborn
- Opinionated
- Unsystematic
- Arbitrary and
- Unconcerned with details
As a leader, it’s important to know these DiSC tiles so you can begin to better understand the people around you. It’s also important to understand that we are all a blend of these styles. Sure you can adapt those blends based on our environment or when a specific situation calls for one style over the other.
The diSC is not just used to predict behaviour rather it is meant to free you from those components. It gives you a foundation of understanding what makes you, you! What makes you unique and how you can get a greater understanding of who you are!
Also you can read our blog on Self-motivation: 5 Practical steps to motivate yourself
The diSC represents the four behaviours of humans. The full form of DiSC is Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness where each word stands for different behaviour.
Psychologist Dr William Moulton Marston founded the DiSC model and mentioned it in the book “The Emotions of Normal People” published in 1928.
The diSC is a model founded by Psychologist Dr William Moulton Marston that helps to identify or predict human behaviour. Henceforth, it is a behavioural model, not a personality test.
As a leader, it’s important to know these DiSC tiles so you can begin to better understand the people around you. It gives you a foundation of understanding what makes you, you!
The four DiSC profiles are Dominance Influence Steadiness and Conscientiousness.
The four behaviours of DiSC, Dominance Influence Steadiness and Conscientiousness, can be drawn in a square box with 4 parts with D and I in the top row and representing extroverted factors of the human personality and C and S below representing introverted factors of the same. The left column contains D and C which represents factors relating to tasks and I and S share the right column which represents factors relating to social aspects.