Analyzing Learning and Training Effectiveness
You are here; It means you are an Entrepreneur, Businessman, or a trainer. And you will need to train your team at some time. You will give your 100% in your training, but you will not get the results you expect. We will talk about an exclusive model of training, “The Krikpatrival Evaluation Model,” and how to implement it.
So after the next training, you will need to know…
How effective the training is?
Is your team putting your education into practice?
Do your training making a significant positive impact on your team?
Did your training bring positive changes in your organization, and the organization is benefiting from your training?
Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model (Four-Level of Training Evaluation) will help you find answers to the above questions.
You can use it to make training more effective. To know how well your team has done and how much they will improve themselves in the future.
In this article, we will understand the Kirkpatrick’s model in deep and find out how we can make our training more effective by using it.
What is the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model: Four-Level of Training Evaluation

Kirkpatrick developed this model in the 1960s. Whose full name was Donald Kirkpatrick, former professor of the University of Wisconsin? He published the first version of this model in 1959, which was then updated in 1975 and 1993.
Each level of the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model is an accurate measure of increasing the effectiveness of a training program.
Of course; The Kirkpatrick Model is the most popular assessment of training in any business. But Over time, the model was getting older and less active.
That is why his son James developed this model further, and then James and his wife Wendy Saffron Kirkpatrick together revised and clarified the basic principles of the model. And then published the revised model with his book “New World Kirkpatrick Model”.
It has Four Levels of Kirkpatrick assessment model, which are as follows…
Level-1 Reaction

This level of the Kirkpatrick model focuses on the team’s response after training. You need to know by questioning how the participants are reacting to the training.
The questions you asked will help you assess whether the participants were enjoying training or getting bored.
Was the training useful for them? This particular form of training assessment we commonly know as “Smile Seat.”
As described in the Kirkpatrick Model, each training program needs to be evaluated at the model level to improve because the team’s response is necessary to determine how they will perform in the Angle levels.
Even though we cannot determine from someone’s past reaction, how he will learn next, still, we can guess it to some extent.
Now, how will we know the reaction of the team? In this work, you can take the help of the following…
Questions and Techniques for Level-1
After analyzing the feedback, consider the points that you can apply to the training.
Level-2 Learning

What did the participants learn through second-level training of the Kirkpatrick model? And what didn’t you learn? Focuses on it.
The main objective of this level is to develop knowledge and mindset among the participants. Because this level also shows the confidence of the participants with skill, knowledge, and attitude. So it can be more challenging and time-consuming than the first level.
Now it comes to how you will find out what the participants learned. To evaluate this, you can use the following…
Questions and Techniques for Level-2
Level-3 Behavior

The third level of the Kirkpatrick model focuses on the application of knowledge or skills learned by participants and their behaviour.
In this, we have to compare the current knowledge and skills of the participants and their knowledge and skills before their training, which will make it easy for us to know what he learned from training and applied in his work.
This level of the model may be the most difficult to evaluate for most individuals. Because after some time of training, it is complicated to estimate how much change in their work and behaviour. That is why this level is usually started after 3 to 6 months of training.
Now we know how important it is to know the behaviour of the participants. But now it comes to know how?
To know the behaviour, you can use the following…
Questions and Techniques for Level-3
Level-4 Result

This level of the model focuses on the training results. In this, we have to find out whether the companies or organization has benefited from the training?
It is generally considered as the goal of a program or training.
We also have to find out if its results are good for the company or organization as well as its employees.
In this, you also have to recognize your biggest challenge and the benefits of training and the final result will also be known.
To evaluate the result, you can use the following…
Questions and Techniques for Level-4
The Kilpatrick model is the most popular model for training evaluation. It has 4 levels. Which are as follows….
Firstly Level 1 Reaction- In this stage, you have to measure how the participants are reacting in training.
Then Level 2 Learning – Find out what the participants learned from the meeting.
Level 3 Behavior – Find out what changes have occurred in the behaviour of the team and the participants from the meeting.
Level 4 Results- In this stage, you have to find out whether the organization or the company has benefited from the training.
You can use this model in any training program, whether it is traditional or digital.
This model is probably the best model for evaluating all training programs. It takes into account any style of training to evaluate the program based on four levels of criteria.
There are four levels of training in Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results.
Yes, you can buy your Kirkpatrick model book. This model was developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in the 1960s, which updated in 1975 and 1993.
Its new version “Book New World Kirkpatrick Model” was published in 2014.