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11 Personality Development Tips you need to know! (Cheat Sheet)


A person’s personality is built over time and is a clear reflection of his thinking. People think beauty is key, I agree to disagree. So, I am going to share with you some actionable personality development tips which can help you build a better personality.

With age and time beauty would fade away, but the personality of a person stays with him till death.

Let’s have an overview of the Personality Development Tips I am going to share with you:

  1. Be an Active Listener
  2. Have a Growth Mindset
  3. Learn how to Prioritize
  4. Build a Routine
  5. Start Reading Books
  6. Think before you speak
  7. Have good eye contact
  8. Dress like a MAN
  9. Be grateful for what you have
  10. Try New Things that scare you
  11. Greet people with a Smile
  12. BONUS: Carry yourself with confidence

Be an Active Listener

How much do you speak in a conversation? A lot?

Do you listen to the other person before speaking?

Most probably the answer is NO!

Most of us don’t even listen to the other person while talking to them. It’s toxic. When you are just waiting for your turn to speak. That’s not how good conversations span out.

If you always want to have a good conversation then always remember this one simple rule (that 99% of people miss), LISTEN BEFORE YOU SPEAK.

Listen carefully to what the other person is talking about. Don’t just mindlessly use your phone, scrolling Instagram while talking to your friend. Get engaged in the conversation.

Listen well and ask deep questions from what he said.

This will make sure that you have a good conversation and over that, the other person will perceive you as a respectful guy and think of you as a person who gives and takes respect.

Have a Growth Mindset

Most of us always think inside a box. We just don’t let ourselves think out of the box. We keep doing the same things over and over again, expecting better or new results, which is kind of foolish, to be honest.

Having a fixed mindset could be detrimental to your overall career and life. Always try to have a growth mindset.

Keep your ears open to new stuff and learnings which could help you grow in your field and life. Don’t underestimate the power the continuous learning.

Having a growth mindset in every aspect of your life is crucial and which shows up in your personality if you have one.

Learn How to Prioritize

When we talk about prioritization skills, I would say, apply this one trick every single day on every task list or project list you have.

This is a very famous productivity trick that Billionaires like Steve Jobs used on a regular basis. It’s called the ‘BIG 3’

Ask your what are the three things, if completed today will make your entire day a win? (even if you don’t complete the other tasks in the list).

In the process of your personality development, you have to apply this trick to every aspect of your life.

What are the three things you need to work on, in your business which would make your entire business a win?

You can also ask yourself, What are the three things you need to complete, to make this a 5-STAR project?

You can learn more about this in My Ultimate Guide to Increase Productivity!

What are the three things you need to learn, to grow in life?

In this way, you can easily know what’s important for you and what’s not in the current moment. It will increase clarity in your mind and you would be able to work upon the top three things which would yield the maximum results, which would reflect in your personality.

Build a Routine

Building a daily schedule and a routine is important. When you add a bit of structure in your day, working and focusing become easier.

Blocking out time for the various tasks throughout the day to designating time to even unproductive tasks, designating time to learn every day. It’s all very crucial for your mind and growth.

And when you are building your personality, the main focus is always on your mind and growth.

Build a simple morning and evening routine. Space out time for exercise, reading, and journaling during these routines.

It could 20 minutes each, but you must have these routines to just declutter your mind from all the stuff throughout the day.

Start Reading Books (My Favorite Personality Development Tip!)

Reading Books is by far one of the most positive habits you could build for yourself and your personality development.

You could read any kind of book. It’s your choice. It could be storybooks, fictional, non-fictional, biographies, novels, religious books.

It’s just your choice. You should just enjoy reading in the first place.

Once you have built that repetitive habit of reading a book daily, you can move on to the books which could bring growth in your personality.

Some of my Book Recommendations:

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (All-time favourite finance book)

The Rudest Book Ever by Shwetabh Gangwar (Opens your mind)

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie ( The Best books written on building killer Communication Skills)

Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance (Biography on the greatest entrepreneur of our generation)

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (Just a must-read book!)

Refer to this for My Complete books to read list!

Think Before You Speak

This point is an extension of the first point, Active Listening. You have to be an active listener first, but then before you speak, think about what you are going to speak of.

Thinking before you speak is the first step before you speak something.

I struggled with it (still struggle a lot with it), but I am still trying to get better at this because I know it’s critical for my personality development.

Have a Good Eye Contact

Having a good eye contact shows quite a bit about your personality. It shows you are confident. You carry yourself with respect.

Just try to make eye contact with the person you are having a conversation with. You don’t need to stare at the other person.

A good rule of thumb is to look at are middle of both the eyes. This would reduce anxiety for you to make eye contact and the other person also won’t feel any discomfort.

Dress Like a MAN

Dressing and carrying oneself is a very important skill that everyone should have.


We don’t need to buy costly branded clothes to look good.

Just make sure the clothes you buy are evergreen, simple, and well fitted. If your clothes qualify these three criteria, I think you have a pretty good wardrobe.

Personality Development is also about carrying yourself well.

If you don’t have the essentials, start building a wardrobe for yourself. You don’t need to buy hundreds of clothes. Choose neutral colors, like Black, White, Navy Blue, Grey, Brown, Olive Green, and Maroon, and build a wardrobe.

Be Grateful For What You Have

Being grateful for what you have makes you more grounded and increases happiness. And in my belief while building your personality, finding happiness is also very important.

And being grateful is the first step towards finding happiness. It’s just the easiest way possible.

You have a roof under while you can live, you have food to eat, you have a bike to travel, you have a caring mother, you have a job, you have access to the internet.

You are the lucky 10% of the population in the world who has access to these many things. Isn’t that crazy?

Being grateful for these things will not only keep you happy but also keep you close to reality.

You should practice gratefulness daily. Maintain a Gratitude Journal and take 5 minutes to write down things you are grateful for every morning.

Greet People with a Smile

There is something about smiling that can attract people towards you. Smiling just makes the whole conversation lighter (BONUS, It also makes you look prettier)

A smile on your face just gives the other person a signal that you are approachable and fun-loving.

Try New Things that scare you

Trying new things that scare you helps you to just get out of that fixed mindset I talked about earlier.

It helps you to get out of the comfort zone in an easy fun way. Just try out things that you have an interest in without thinking about what will be the outcome.

This takes fear out of the equation and builds a strong personality.

Keep trying new things every now and then.

Better, make it a point to do at least one new thing every weekend. It can be anything. Learning how to swim, learning how to cook, etc.

BONUS: Carry yourself with confidence!

Carrying yourself with confidence is the one thing you can do right now, without even following the first ten tips given above. The way you carry yourself speaks a lot about your personality.

This is very important for your personality development.

How you walk, how you talk, how you greet other people, how you start a conversation, how you sit, all of this adds up!

Stand or sit with your back straight. Keep your chest up. Walk slowly. Talk slowly.

These are some things which you can do right now to carry yourself with much more confidence.

Comment down below what you are going to implement starting today out of these personality development tips!



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