Home Education Public Speaking 101|Speak like an Expert

Public Speaking 101|Speak like an Expert

Public Speaking

Public speaking is the presentation or a talk of communicating information to an audience. It is basically done live before a group of people. It is done in places like school, college, workplace or even in a place where any event is organised.

Person who speaks is known as the orator. Public speaking can cover a wide variety of divergent topics.

To be better at public speaking some skills that are included are verbal and nonverbal communication skills also the art of critical analysis of audience.


What is public speaking?

It is one of the most important skill that you can learn and acquire in modern times. It is just like any other skills which can be learnt. There are a lot of good reasons why you need to learn it.

The reason why you should be learning public speaking:-

1. You become more self-confident and comfortable around people.

2. It’s an amazing way to show how much you know about a subject.

3. You can create impact on people lives.

4.You can connect with a lot of people in a short period of time than having one to one conversations.

5. Public speaking is very important in order to generate more sales in your job or your business.

Getting rid of stage fear

It is completely normal to be fearful of going on the stage in front of the audience. it is okay that you get sweaty palms and getting stage fright. I know you might be thinking nothing is worst than when you’re about to walk on stage for a performance or presentation and you get so frightened that it almost becomes impossible to speak even a word.

But the magic is when you master this skill your earning ability goes up. My question is how many opportunities have you missed because you didn’t take the time to build this skill?

And imagine if you actually have that skill, how much more money you would have made or how many sales you would have made, how many deals you could have closed and how many leads you may have generated and lastly how many opportunities you would have taken advantage of.

Fearful of speaking unprepared? Check our blog post on Impromptu Speaking.

Tips to overcome stage fear

1. Mindset shifts you could use when you go onto the stage and they are:-

a) Focus on your audience, not on yourself –

If you feel anxiety or anxious or you don’t like people looking at you, you are afraid that you are going to say something wrong or you don’t look smart enough, etc. These all are internal factors that stop you, stop being so selfish rather focus on the audience.

Your focus should be external, make sure your audience get value from you. That is what matters. Your job there should be teaching and helping people grow.

b) Ask yourself the right questions-

Ask yourself why are you even there and what is your objective? If that is clear, everything else becomes easy.

c) Be calm-

Do a quick calming exercise before you go onto the stage or before your audience. visualize after your speech is over the audience present over there are applauding as if every single person who is attending your workshop or speech presentation is going to walk away with some kind of value.

2. Get your energy up-

The thing is every time you speak, what you do determines the attitude of your audience. If you would impress an audience, be impressed yourself.

If you are warm so will they be, if you are cold they will be too. Turn your mental switch on. Whatever works for you, have a power move that might be a deep breath or making a fist and cheering up the audience.

Go to the zone and shift you energy instantly.

3. Confidence comes from competence-

Many a times, the reason why people worry that their speech might bore the audience is usually because they have not practiced enough. If you are good with what you do and you have the skills, you’re not nervous just do you thing.

If you haven’t practiced or rehearsed your speech, obviously you’re going to get nervous. Practice more to lower your anxiety. If you still feel anxiety, practice a few more times.

Public speaking for introverts

An introvert is quiet person that doesn’t like to talk very much and likes to keep their thoughts mostly to themselves. They’re the kind of person that goes home just to relax and have time to think.

But that’s not fair to say that an outgoing person can’t be an introvert. Just as long as they enjoy the quiet time to get to know themselves, they’re most likely an introvert to a certain extent. There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert.

As an introvert it might seem very hard to achieve the standards to speak in public in front of a large audience. Keep in mind, within this large group of introverts there are people such as Elton John, Emma Watson, Michael Jordan, Audrey Hepburn, Albert Einstein and so many more incredible and inspiring people. Do you think being an introvert has ever stopped any of them from achieving their goals or being happy? No!

Some tips and hacks that introverts can use to improve their public speaking skills are:-

  1. Start your speech by accepting that you’re an introvert and tell them you’re generally an awkward human being.
  2. Before you start talking, start off by taking 2-3 minutes of deep breaths what they do is they slow down your heart rate a little bit any they prevent your mouth from getting dry.
  3. Practice smiling more often and as long as you can because when you enter the stage, it’s much better than just awkwardly standing with your eyes wide open.
  4. Engage with your audience beforehand if possible to build up hype so that people know who you are.
  5. Start with a question so that it engages the audience get people contributing to this.
  6. Use supporting quote that way it can help you prove your point instantly even before starting the speech.
  7. State friction points in the first 5 slides that will help people relate to you.

Body language in public speaking. (Dos) 

The 3 elements of body in public speaking are extremely important feet, hands and eyes.

  1. Plant your feet firmly on the ground preferably at the same distance as your shoulders and remember to not cross your feet because you won’t be able to have a steady posture.
  2. Stability in your body means credibility in your story. Take big steps as opposed to small and shifty ones.
  3. Make your arms and hands a part of your story. Use them to emphasize the points that you’re trying to make.
  4. Don’t hide your hands behind your back or keep them in your pockets.

Body language in public speaking. (DON’Ts)

  1. Avoid crossed arms as it forms a barrier between you and your audience.
  2. Avoid holding objects in your hand that might cause distraction.
  3. Don’t fold up papers or your wedding ring ,no fidgeting.
  4. Avoid clicking pens, playing with paper clips that may show you as impatient, nervous, and restless. The audience will end up seeing you fidgeting and will not pay attention to what is being said.
  5. Don’t look down or up to the ceiling as you’re not there to talk to the floor or the ceiling, it shows that you’re not interested in the audience.
  6. Never turn back to the audience it might show that you don’t care about them.
  7. Don’t roll eyes because it shows that you don’t respect them.

Smart people also make Body Language mistakes.

Some powerful tips to start your speech.

Your opening determines how long the audience will pay attention to you. If you make your speech boring right from the beginning itself, there is a very little chance that your speech or presentation will be taken seriously.

Your audience will shift their focus to their phones or talking to one another.

13 effective ways to prevent it from happening –

Start with a relevant quote– Opening your speech with a related quote will ensure that the rest of your speech is prepared effectively and prepare them to be attentive.

Thank the organizers– The easiest way to start a speech is to thank the organizers and the audience. Make sure when you thank them be specific like use their names.

Start with a positive statement that will set a tone and flow for the speech.

Start with an anecdote or story– Think of the factors how that story relates to the content that you have to speak upon.

Compliment your audience- Tell the audience that are primarily important and the things that your audience wants to hear.

Give reference of some data something that has been closely in existence. When you deprive people for something they get stimulated and are forced to listen.

Start off with some facts- Never make up your facts and be very particular about the data that you’re about to tell.

Make your audience do an activity. That way, they will remember the activity and stay connected.

Ask a question immediately when you go onto the stage. Ensure that your audience start thinking. Make sure not to ask them open ended questions.

Long pause- When you go to the stage people expect you to speak something.

Usage of prop- You can also use a prop to start the speech or even explaining things to the audience.

Speak about yourself.

Make your audience visualize.

How public speaking will help you in your personal life?

1. Efficient and effective Public speaking skill can improve your leadership skills.

2. Public speaking can help you with your career advancement as they focus on creative thinking and critical thinking.

3. It helps you to understand human psychology which helps you in effective management skills and will make you able to read and understand people.

4. Speaking at various events and conferences is an amazing way of building credibility.

5. Public speaking helps you building confidence throughout your life.

6. Communication skills are so very important for personal as well as professional success.

7. When you are good at public speaking you automatically become good at making new social connections.


Remember that no one knows your speech but you. With every speech, your speaking will become easier. Even if you mess up for the first few times, don’t let being anxious or nervousness lower your confidence. Embrace it. Enjoy your experience of being the center of attention! Think it as an opportunity to outshine others and sharing a part of yourself with the world.



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