To boost productivity many leaders apply different techniques. Either it is path-goal theory, action centred leadership, etc. Six emotional leadership styles are one of them. Emotional intelligence is one of the styles that lead to productivity.
Three people named Richard Boyatiz, Annie Mackies and Daniel Goelman initiated or discovered six emotional leadership styles.
This theory has different emotional leading effects on the followers of leaders.
In this article, we will expand all six leadership styles.
Visionary Leader or Emotional intelligence

As the name suggests, a visionary leader shows vision to their team members. Visionary leaders help the team members by sharing the vision with their team members.
It should be noted that visionary leaders can only show the path to their team members. But don’t tell their team members how to do that task. Visionary leaders openly shared the information that they have. Doing this will help the team members to boost productivity and motivation.
Many research also suggests that doing this also helps to increase the emotional intelligence of team members.
The visionary leaders’ styles only work when team members are new to the work. Or they don’t have the minimum skills that they need to do a particular task.
Also, visionary leaders’ styles don’t work when team members are experienced and they all require skills. Also, if they already have their visions then this style will not work. Overall, this leadership style leaves a very big impact on the working environment.
Coaching Leader Style

In coaching leaders’ style, leaders find weakness and strength in their team members. It also boosts productivity. The ladders hold a long meeting with team members and organized goals. Finding the strength and weakness of team members helps to boost team productivity too.
Caching leaders are good at assigning any assignment or task to their team members.
They are also good at showing loyalty in their work and assigning tasks.
The only set back of this style is that it requires micromanaging. Also, people use the commanding leader style when they want to build long term business relationships with their team members.
Just like the visionary leadership style, this also helps to impact positively on the work environment.
Afilative Leader Style
The affiliative leaders help to create harmony and people connected to the organization. This style is solely focused on emotions, intelligence or emotional needs over work needs. Not doing this step properly will create emotions distressing and finally leads to negative feedback and impact.
It is better to not use this technique if you don’t know anything about this. Or use this when you simply need this input. This style also helps to lift the uncertain situation tension and stress. If done properly this will lead to a positive impact on the work environment.
It is better to establish good communication before doing this leadership style.
For healing rifts and personal tension of team members this technique is one of the best techniques.
Democratic leader style

The democratic leader’s style is one of the new leader’s styles that is introduced in six emotional leadership styles.
The democratic leader adds values, commitments and input by listening to both sides either it is a bad one or a good one. Although it sounds easy when done. But in many cases, if it is not done properly it may hamper the image of the leader and team members too. Also, when not done properly it causes a lot of listening and very little or effective action.
Just like affiliative leaders style. It is better to not use this technique if you don’t know anything about this.
Or use this when you simply need this input. This style also helps to lift the uncertain situation tension and stress. If done properly this will lead to a positive impact on the work environment. And like other techniques, it is better to establish great communication before practising any such leadership styles.
Democratic leader style also helps to maintain the proper work environment and emotional intelligence. Which is not only good for you but your team members too.
Pace-setting leader style
Sometimes in our team, some team members need or want to show their excellence. And here is the pace- leader style is introduced.
The pace-leader style helps you to build challenges and goals for team members who want to show their excellence? in their respective work. These challenges and goals help them to find their weakness and poor performance. Also, these challenges and goals help them to find the demand skills that society of work culture demands from them.
The most interesting things about these team members are that at the required time they are always ready. At the final time, they will roll up their sleeves, and help you in any situation themselves.
These team members expect from you that you should know what you want to achieve or for what purpose you need assistance.
More about Pace-setting leader style
This low guidance is only perfect if you are looking for a short term result. Any long term result will cause a decline in performance and exhaustion.
The only side back of pace leader style is that this style lacks emotional intelligence. If leaders did it badly especially in self-management. And the main problem arises when leaders promote these star team members.
Pacesetting leadership style is only perfect when you want to motivate the team members. Also, for a competent team and motivated team, you can use these leadership styles too.
The main problem with pace-setting leadership is that it leaves a big negative impact on team members. It is because people did pace leadership often badly.
The commanding leader style
In commanding leader styles, the leader soothes fear and gives a direct path to their team members with his/her powerful stance. In this leadership style, the leader expects offered tasks and commands their team members to complete their task within a given time frame.
For the commanding leader’s style, the leader should have emotional intelligence and self-control for success.
People use the commanding leader style when team members need rapid action on any task without being questioned about any task. People use the commanding leader style when there is any problem with employees or team members. Who does not respond with any leader style.
Oftentimes you are required to boost the productivity of your team members. And to boost the productivity and emotional intelligence of your team you need to take a step further toward six emotional leadership. But always remember that a leader takes care of their team members as their child and shows the correct path for their success.
It is always important that they understand the importance of their team and motivate them to achieve their task.
There is a quote by Dan Goleman
“Our emotional intelligence determines our potential for learning the practical skills that are based on its five elements: self-regulation, self-awareness, adeptness, motivation, empathy, and in relationships.”
Also, you can read our blog on The importance of emotional intelligence in the leadership
The only side back of visionary leader style is that. The visionary leaders’ styles only work when team members are new to the work or they don’t have minimum skills that they need to do a particular task.
Also, visionary leaders’ styles don’t work when team members are experienced and they all require skills. Also, if they already have their visions then this style will not work. Overall, this leadership style leaves a very big impact on the working environment.
The only side back of pace leader style is that this style lacks emotional intelligence. If leaders did it badly especially in self-management. And the main problem arises when leaders promote these star team members.
Pacesetting leadership style is only perfect when you want to motivate the team members. Also, for a competent team and motivated team, you can use these leadership styles too.
The main problem with pace-setting leadership is that it leaves a big negative impact on team members. It is because people did pace leadership often badly.
People use the commanding leader style when team members need rapid action on any task without being questioned about any task. People use the commanding leader style when there is any problem with employees or team members. Who does not respond with any leader style.
The only set back of this style is that it requires micromanaging. Also, people use the commanding leader style when they want to build long term business relationships with their team members.
Just like the visionary leadership style, this also helps to impact positively on the work environment.
It is better to not use this technique if you don’t know anything about this. Or use this when you simply need this input. This style also helps to lift the uncertain situation tension and stress. If done properly this will lead to a positive impact on the work environment.
It is better to establish good communication before doing this leadership style.
For healing rifts and personal tension of team members this technique is one of the best techniques.