Time Worth – Finding Out How Much Value of Your Time

Hello guys, welcome to today’s blog today we are going to talk about your time worth, costing your time, don’t you think your time is very important and precious. Hence, Time is the luxury which can’t be measured in words of money. So, Today we are going to see and work of your time. Hence, […]
How to get more done in less time: 10 simple productivity hacks

Everything in the world is according to the time and as a result nothing is free from time. The truth is that life is minuscule in which we have many things to do, but we don’t know how to utilize time. Due to time management, each one of us has the same hour in a […]
Time Marketing: An Unknown Concept

Have you ever heard of this term Time Marketing? Maybe or maybe not. It sounds like a new concept right, but it’s not, timing is always needed in marketing. So let’s understand what exactly this concept means. Time Marketing, formally known as “purchase timing “behaviour, is the concept of when to introduce a new product […]