Home Education What to say when you talk to yourself: 6 Powerful Ideas

What to say when you talk to yourself: 6 Powerful Ideas


What to say when you talk to yourself summary will teach you how to develop a better self talk and to eventually do positive programming of your brain. Here you will get best self talk solution.

How to talk to yourself?

This article consists of various ideas from the book what to say when you talk to yourself by Shad Helmstetter. Talking to yourself is a habit if you perform it wrong then it might cost you success, happiness or achievement. Read the article ad learn the best way to have a self-talk.

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself: 5 Key Ideas

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself Summary

Discovering a better way

How to be successful in life? It is a question every individual on this planet had thought of. You might have searched for the keys to success or the secret to success on the internet or various books or in seminars.

You might have also got the answer to it but it didn’t work for you for a longer duration, you were motivated for a few days and then forgot about it.

The solution lies in managing one self and thus ultimately managing our life. To manage yourself you need to understand that your brain is programmed in a negative way. You are unaware of this negative programming. Seventy seven per cent of your mind is occupied with negative thoughts.

What you need to do is that you need to reprogram you mind thus erasing or replacing the negativity with positivity. Imagine how fulfilled your life would be if you were someone who is programmed with more positivity that you are right now. It is a sign of a mentally strong person.


Reprogram your mind exactly the way you did it for the first time; repetition. You have heard thousands of negative words since you were born and now your brain believe them. It’s the same way we can reprogram it with positive words and positive self talk.

How can positive words or thoughts reprogram your subconscious mind? The answer lies in how brain works. Imagine you are in the control center of the brain here you can see programs like happiness, fear, motivation, excitement etc.

Actions are taken when your mind gives a command and this command is given via electric impulses, that is, your thoughts.

Now if you keep repeating positive words and thoughts you will end up taking positive actions. Brain doesn’t care if what you say to yourself is true or not it just starts believing it.

The self-management sequence

In this part, the author shares the 5 steps that control success or failure. These five steps are:

1, Behavior

Your behavior is what you do or not do, if you do the things that make you successful, in most case, you will land up being successful. If you don’t do the right thing at the right time you might not become successful. Yes I know that you already know this but still why don’t you take the correct actions? The answer is your feelings.

2. Feelings

Every action you take is filtered by your feelings. If you feel positive about something you will do it more often and vice versa. You might be afraid of swimming but is it really about swimming or your feeling towards swimming? Your feelings about something will affect how you do it. But what develops your feelings towards something? It’s attitude.

Learn how to better manege your self

3. Attitude

Attitude is your perception towards life or how you view it. Your attitude is a decider of your feeling and your feeling are a decider of your actions. So you must a good and positive attitude towards things you want to accomplish. But where does this attitude come from? It comes from belief.

4. Belief

Your belief is the decider of your attitude, feeling and behavior which further decides whether you will fail or succeed. Brain doesn’t require this belief to be true it just needs to believe that it is true. So if we believe that we can be successful we will be. Now where does this belief come from? It comes from programming.

5. Programming

How you are programmed will decide you belief, attitude, feelings and actions. Till date you are programmed with negative words and thought now when you reprogram it with positivity you will start to feel positivism in life. That’s why you need to learn what to say when you talk to yourself.

The five levels of self-talks

The five levels are:

1. Negative acceptance

I can’t do, it’s not meant for me, I am not the one etc. are the negative words and thoughts that you have accepted. Accepting these thoughts created fear, self-doubt, and unhappiness in your life. When you get rid of these negative thoughts you will attract positivity in your life

2. Recognition and need to change

This level includes words like “I should’ and “I need to”. Instead of giving birth to ideas we care about things that we should do or need to do, are these things actually what you need to do? No these are the thing you burden yourself with because you think what my parents, friends or peers with think about me if I don’t do it.

3. Decision to change

This is a positive level of self-talk it includes “I never” and “I no longer”. When you are working on changing something or some situation use these phrases for example “I no longer have issue waking up earlier.” Even you are not waking up early yet if you use this phrase your subconscious mind will believe it.

4. The better you

This level of self-talk is related to improving you. It includes phrases like “I am in control of my life”. Stop living in the past self-talks and use “the better you” this will help you reprogram your brain. This level is opposite of level 1 this one is positive. It reduces fears, self-doubt and unhappiness.

5. Universal affirmation

It is the self-talk of “oneness” with God. It includes spiritual mantras. You should avoid level 1 and level 2 and start practicing from level 3, 4 and 5.

Enjoying What to say when you talk to yourself summary? Also read How to stop worrying and start living.

Changing habits and attitudes

The two main habits that you should have:

1. Self-talk in the present

Your self-talk should be written, thought or spoken in the present tense. Talk like the change you want to make has already happened. For example “I no longer have issue waking up earlier.” If it based on what will happen then your brain thinks that the task is still not accomplished.

2. Get specific

When looking at a problem or the change you want look with every angle. Make a list of every area within changes or problem you want to overcome and make a positive self-talk. Every goal or change can be covered with a number of self-talks.

Attitude you have about you will determine the attitude you have for everything else. Self-talk with a good attitude includes phrases like “Being in charge of my life”. A good attitude can lead to positive feeling about something and eventually to positive actions. If your attitude about yourself is positive you will have high confidence and you will always stand for yourself.

Creating your own self talk script

Now it’s time to create your own self talk according to the changes you want in life and goals you want to achieve. It’s easy to create a self-talk, you just need to rephrase you negative self-talk into a positive one. It should be in present tense and should be specific. You should write it and read it like a script.

Give yourself a challenge: Start with positive self talk for 21 day after for 90 days. And then challenge yourself for 365 days of positive self talk. 

Here are a few positive self talk examples

“I don’t know what to do in my life” this can be rephrased as “I take full responsibility of my life”

“I will never be able to quit smoking” can be rephrased as “I no longer smoke”

Visit here for: Top 100 positive affirmations.

What to say when you talk to yourself: Lessons Learned (Summed up)

The best way to talk to yourselfDescription
Discovering a better wayYou have heard thousands of negative words since you were born and now your brain believe them. It’s the same way we can reprogram it with positive words.
The self-management sequenceThe sequence is – Programming, Belief, Attitude, Feeling and behavior or action.
The five levels of self-talksNegative acceptance Recognition and need to change Decision to change. The better you Universal affirmation
Changing habits and attitudesSelf-talk should be in present and should be specific. You attitude towards yourself should be positive.
Creating your own self talkYou just need to rephrase you negative self-talk into a positive one. It should be in present tense and should be specific.
What to say when you talk to yourself summary in a tabular form


If we want to change and become successful in life, we need to reprogram our subconscious mind with the help of repetition of positive words and thoughts. Now if you keep repeating positive words and thoughts you will end up taking positive actions. Brain doesn’t care if what you say to yourself is true or not it just starts believing it.

Programming makes an impact on our belief, attitude, feeling and finally our action. So we should prepare a script of self-talk that should be in the present tense and should be specific.

I hope you learned how to reprogram your negative mind into a positive one. What to say when you talk to yourself is one of the best Shad Helmstetter books Feel free to comment below to give your suggestions, recommendations and feedback.


1. Who is the author of the book ” What to Say When You Talk To Yourself”?

Shad Helmstetter, he is an author of more than 20 self-help books focused on personal growth.

2. What is the book ” What to Say When You Talk To Yourself” about?

The book explains how to have a positive self-talk. Your brain is programmed in a negative way. You are unaware of this negative programming. Seventy seven per cent of your mind is occupied with negative thoughts.

3. How to have a positive self talk?

Discovering a better way
The self-management sequence
The five levels of self-talks
Changing habits and attitudes
Creating your own self talk



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