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7 Special Types of Pranayama For Best Results

As we know, yoga has evolved from Ancient people of India.

It gives a sound of peace in our life where we can find our inner peace. In yoga, the most important thing is breathing. 

Science also says that if a person breathes perfectly then most of his disease will go away.

If you want to know the science of breathing, then you have come to the right place.

What is Pranayama?

First of all separate the word Pranayama

Prana means life force and

Ayama means to restrain.

When We combine both Prana and Ayama the new term comes where we can control our breath because our breath has immense power to control our body.

The main aim is, to make our body and mind feel relaxed with the proper breathing process.

Benefits of Pranayama

As we have already mentioned above that breathing can control our body’s action.

So, the first benefit is that it manages our stress,  hypertension, gastric problems and headaches.  It also improves the body’s blood circulation.

It also increases our respiratory function and gives deep relaxation to our mind and body.

Types of Pranayama

There are basically 8 types of Pranayama which everyone can do are as follows:

  1. Bhastrika
  2. Kapalbhati
  3. Anulom Vilom
  4. Brahmari
  5. Udgeeth
  6. Ujjayi
  7. Pranav

Now we will discuss each one of them in detail

Bhastrika Pranayama

In a meditative posture, filling the breath from both nostrils directly to the diaphragm and leaving it slowly with ease is called the Bhastrika Pranayama. 

Firstly take a deep breath and hold it for 2.5 seconds and then calmly exhale breath with the same flow.

Repeat this procedure 12 times in a minute and on an average do this till 5 minutes so you will be able to practice it for 60 times in these 5 minutes.

This is also be known as diaphragmatic breathing

Things to remember?

Those people who have the problem of high blood pressure, asthma and heart disease should not Bhastrika Pranayama quickly.

When we are doing this Pranayama makes sure that our stomach must not swallow with breathing, the breath should deeply come to our diaphragm.


This helps in curing cough breathing problem allergy asthma etc.

Also helps to make our lungs strong and also helps in providing oxygen to the heart and mind.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

If we translate Kapal Bhati, Kapal means the forehead and the name Kapal Bhati signifies the glowing forehead not from outside but also from inner intellect.


Firstly take a deep breath and exhale it completely outwards then start exhaling breath with a gentle push and keep your concentration on exhaling.

Repeat this procedure once in each second. It should be done 60 times per minute without stopping and on an average, the whole round of KapalBhati Pranayama should be 300 times in 5 minutes.

Things to remember

After the operation, it should not be done before 3-6 months.

Women should not do this Pranayama if she is pregnant or running in periods.

Those having high blood pressure and heart disease should do this slowly on an average of 40 to 45 per 2 minutes.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Sit in the meditative pose while keeping the waist and neck straight. The position of hands should be straight on the knees.

Now pick up your right hand, on the right nostril place the tip of your right thumb and take a long breath with the left nostril, hold it for 2.5 seconds and exhale slowly.

Hold it for 2.5 seconds and then exhale from the right nostril and after exhaling release the thumb. 

Again take a deep breath from where you had exhaled by pressing your left nostril with two middle fingers of your right hand. 

Again take a deep breath from the right nostril and hold the breath. After that put your thumb on the right nostril and exhale from the left nostril. 

The right side nostril is known as ‘ida’ and the left nostril is known as ‘pida’ Repeat this process slowly and calmly.

At the time when we deep breath, try to hold for 2.5 seconds and then exhale. We should do this exercise at least 15 minutes and it helps in curing diseases like cancer, muscular dystrophy, migraine etc. 

And for those who have these problems should do this pose for 30 minutes in the morning as well as in the evening daily for at least 10 days for better results.

Brahmari Pranayama

Sit in any meditative pose and take a deep breath, put your both hand’s index finger on your forehead and rest of the fingers on your eyes and close your eyes.

Keep your mind relaxed and concentrated. Now bring a sound like a bee from within. 

Do this work till you completely exhale.

Again take a long breath for 3-5 seconds and exhale for 15 to 20 seconds by keeping your eyes closed.

Repeat this procedure for 5-7 times.

This helps in curing cancer depression, migraine etc.

Things to keep in mind

Don’t make a rude noise from your throat. Keep it simple and bring a sound just like a bee.

Udgeeth Pranayama

Sit in a meditative position and then take a long breath for 3-5 seconds, put your mind in immense concentration with a noise of om for 15 to 20 seconds.

After the completion, again repeat this procedure a single round completes in 3 minutes for a healthy person he should do these rounds for 7 times. 

This Pranayama helps in breath rate, pulse rate, oxygen consumption etc.

It also helps in the anxiety and depression of any person.

Udgeeth Pranayama is the backbone of Pranayamas because the first thing we should learn about is making our mind concentrated and relaxed. 

So, this is the perfect exercise which helps in concentration towards our mind.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Take Om meditative position, exhale all the Carbon dioxide.

Now Shrink your neck and while shrinking take a deep breath by coming out a throat noise like snoring from the mouth.

Make sure that you do not breath from your nose all the breath must be taken from your mouth only.

After taking a breath, hold it for 5-7 seconds with ease.

What are the benefits?

It helps in curing thyroid tonsils, sleep Apnea etc.

Things to keep in mind.

Do not give pain to your throat; it may cause you with severe disease in your throat.

Pranava Pranayama

After doing all the Pranayamas, now it is time to take relaxation.

Take a straight meditative pose by putting both hands on the knees keeping your waist and neck in the straight position, keeping your breathing rate normal. 

Start chanting Om in your mind without making noise outward. This Pranayama helps in giving good sleep and also helps in getting rid of nightmares.


Now to conclude, we have seen the benefits of Pranayamas and also discussed the importance as well as the precautions for Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Ujjayi, Brahmari, Udgeeth and Pranav Pranayama.

I hope you find this blog helpful. Stay tuned for more yoga related stuff.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Do these pranayamas actually help in weight loss?

Yes definitely, if we practice them regularly then it will be helpful for weight loss.

Which is the perfect time to do these pranayamas?

The Morning will be the best time to do so.

What is the main thing to focus on in this procedure?

Keep the focus on your breathing, as it will help you to remain in concentration.

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