Imagine you have two projects that are related to each other.
For example, you need to build a business website for a coffee shop and also you have to run a marketing campaign.
In conclusion, both the projects are related to each other under Program Management, now you have to structure the plan as a part of the program. For example, you group related projects as a program.
So, When you group related projects as a program. As a result, you use specific tools, skill management techniques, knowledge to manage the program.
It is common to see non-structured program management teams performing comparatively weaker than well-structured teams because of lack of guidance.
Hence, A project can be of any size and is present in almost every industry.
A project manager may face difficulty in supervising the projects make sure that the project meets the requirements and quality.
You as a project manager and your team must understand few things such as project goals and objectives, their challenges, and using correct tools technology, and resources for the project.
What are the three types of Project Management Structure?

The matrix Organization structure is further divided into the Balance matrix, Strong Matrix, and Weak Matrix.
1. Functional Organizational Structure
2. Matrix Organizational Structure
3. Projectized Organization Structure
Functional Organizational Structure
Functional organizational structure components are arranged in a hierarchy system, i.e. ranking things from top to bottom based on their importance, power, etc.
The project manager manages decisions such as budget, schedule, equipment on an authority-driven basis.
Now, projects are broken down and divided based on different departments such as the sales department, marketing department, development department, etc.
In this type of project management structure, the work could become repetitious, eventually leading to a lack of creativity.
As a result, it can lose employee loyalty towards the organization. This might affect decision-making in the wrong way.
On the positive side of the functional organizational structure of project management, the employees mostly appear to be more skilled and experienced in their departments.
A matrix-type of Organizational Structure
Depending on the type of matrix structure being run, Matrix Organizational Structure falls between Functional Organizational Structure and Projectized Organizational Structure.
If an organization is functioning in a dynamic environment, then a matrix organizational structure might be the right type of project management structure.
As it helps in responding to customer’s demands or the changes occurring in the market at a faster rate.
This is because the present project manager does so in a vertical manner that flows downwards; meanwhile, the trained project manager exhibits the project in a horizontal way.
Matrix Organizational structure has significant similarities with project organizational structure in a manner that the project manager is responsible for a project.
But, if the organization is functioning on a week matrix structure, the project authority and responsibility would fall on the shoulder of the functional manager.
Furthermore, in a balanced matrix organizational structure, both the project manager and functional manager share equal authority for any project they are working on.
Projectized Organization Structure
Even though the organization might still group staff according to their work function, but project organization structure is entirely on the opposite side of functional organizational structure.
In such a type of project management structure, the project manager has full authority, i.e. he has control over the budget, schedule, and other terms of the project.
He usually resides at the top of the hierarchical structure, performing supporting roles for the project with his team members.
On the positive side, this kind of structure establishes a line of authority very clearly that results in faster decision making and approval process.
It enhances better communication and helps the members gain more experience because they tend to work on different projects as the need arises.
However, there is also a negative side to this structure of project management, i.e. employees can be under constant pressure if they are working on multiple projects.
This often leads to bad communication between team members because everyone in some way or other is playing “catch-up”.
Difference between program management and project management? (Project vs program) management

A program manager mostly handles multiple projects and sometimes even more than one program.
Whereas the project manager manages the team that is responsible for completing the project and delivering it.
Generally, a program manager has higher responsibilities than the project manager.
The thinking pattern of a program manager is more strategic, whereas a project manager is confined with day-to-day tasks on a more distinct level.
Projects are confined to a limited time frame or deadline whereas programs are more focused on long-term-goals and as a result last till a longer duration.
Projects have a definite budget within which the project manager needs to accomplish the project.
On the other hand, the financial planning of programs are much more complicated.
They involve of multiple-level management in project governance. However, the decision-making process is not as formal.
Whereas in projects, top-level management is associated with the project that helps to bring more authority and control in solving company-wide problems.
Project managers plan in detail, by building a roadmap to accomplish the project.
However, program managers visualize a complete picture comprising of functions and forms of the program, organizing multiple projects within the programs.
Types of project management
Every type of project management has one end goal, i.e. to meet the customer’s needs and requirements and deliver the product, that can be done with a different approach.
Below I have told you about 7 types of project management that are most commonly and widely used throughout organizations.
1. Waterfall
2. Agile
3. Scrum
4. Kanban
5. Lean
6. Six Sigma
It is a traditional type of project management.
Waterfall focuses on the concept that one must complete the previous or current stage of development of a project in order to move forward, i.e. on the next development phase.
It can prove to be useful to have structure or predictability.
Unlike waterfall, agile is a faster and versatile type of project management.
It is centred around a mindset that welcomes changes and is focused on engaging everyone to achieve a better and creative result.
In agile, the result might be very different from the visualized result at the starting of the project.
It comprises of 6 significant steps and 4 core values that guide you on your way.
Scrum is similar to agile; it is fast, considerably small in scope, and can turn on a dime. It is mainly about sprints to accomplish any given project.
Sprint simply means the small pieces of a project that are performed in this process, i.e. a big project is broken down in small pieces and is completed in short sprints of work.
It is another variety of agile project management. By all means, it is focusing on the organization.
Kanban focuses on streamlining, i.e. minimizing the number of tasks that go into any process.
It is generally beneficial for organizations whose output doesn’t very typically.
It is operated on 6 general practices, namely:
- Visualization
- Limiting work in progress
- Flow management
- Making policies explicit
- Using feedback loops
- Collaborative or experimental evolution
As the name suggests, it primarily focuses on cutting off the fat, i.e. providing maximum value to the customer while using a minimum amount of resources possible.
It is similar to Kanban but to put it another way it lays more emphasis on streamlining the waist and unnecessary steps, leaving the customer with the affordable, best product in a shorter period.
Six Sigma

It straightaway focuses on improving the quality of any product.
In this process, it locates the problems and errors, i.e. what is not working and removes them from the process.
This can be useful to you if you underwent a lean project management model and arrived at a result that does not meet your satisfaction.
You can use six sigma-model to improve the result and deliver a better product.
It is commonly seen that the PRINCES2 method is using by private sectors and focuses mostly on both efficiency and minimizing risk and errors.
This is a detail-focus method focused on braking projects into product-based divisions which are handled one at a time, ensuring everything remains in its determined place.
Here, I have told you about
What is project management?
Talked a little bit around it and shared a basic idea about project management. Also learned that different projects are grouped to make a program.
Also, What are the three types of project management structure? And discussed 7 significant types of project management.
And lastly shared some differences between project management and program management.
Also you can read our blog on Complete Guide On Agile Project Management With 12 Principles 4 Core Values 6 Steps
In a program, the projects that are related to each other in some way are grouped and managed by departments using a different approach to complete a project.
The 7 primary type of project management models is Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Six Sigma, PRNCES2.
Program management the tasks of a complete project is broken down into small divisions to complete which different resources are put to work.
These divisions of the word divided into small rounds of tasks are known as sprints. These short sprints have a duration ranging from few days to few weeks.
A project manager is a person who is a professional in the field of project management whose job coordinates multiple projects across the organization and supervise them.