Home Marketing Why On page SEO is Important? complete guide 2020

Why On page SEO is Important? complete guide 2020

The success of your webpage depends on its ranking in the search engine. If you are having great visuals on your webpage with zero relevant traffic, all your effort, time and money are wasted. In order to rank higher and get the relevant traffic, you need to optimize your webpage. You can do so by formatting your content and optimize your HTML code. So, in simple words, The things you can do on your webpage to get a higher rank in search engines are called the on-page SEO activities.

on-page SEO

Table of Content

  1. What is on-page SEO
  2. Why on-page SEO is important
  3. On page SEO Techniques
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQ
Why On-page SEO is Important? complete guide 2020

What is the On page SEO?

The short answer to your above question is already explained in the introduction. Let’s discuss it in detail.

Onpage SEO refers to the factors that are completely in your control.

You can try and test these factors on time and again to check the impact on search engine rankings.

These factors include the quality of your content, the title of your page, description of your page, anchor text, text formatting, etc.

If you really want to beat your competitor’s website, you must learn and do the on page SEO properly. On-page SEO is not difficult at all. But you need to understand this art properly. You cannot over-optimize your webpage.

Overdoing on-page SEO can affect negatively search engine rankings.

Why on page SEO is Important

Almost 80% of your rankings in the search engine depend on your content and the way you optimize your content.

The search engine bots will crawl to your webpage and index your content. If you have written the content in an optimized manner, it will be easy for these bots to remember.

Let’s understand this with an example.

When you got a new book, what you do first? You just go through content rapidly with its index page. You cannot go through the whole book instantly. So is the case with the search engine bots.

Bots crawl to your page and try to store the content which is highlighted with header tags (H1 – H6>, text with bold, italic and underline, etc. By highlight the text content we guide the search engine bots to remember and store the most important part of our content.

You must remember that the search engines are not humans but are the bots with artificial intelligence. The bots follow the set of instructions to rank your page. just need to follow those instructions and optimize your page accordingly. may be able to cheat the search engine bots occasionally, but you can’t do it for a long time.

You will surely be caught by the algorithms of the bots and eventually get panelized. Never, ever try to over smart the search engine bots. Now it’s time to quickly go through the on-page SEO techniques.

On page SEO Techniques

Why On-page SEO is Important? complete guide 2020

Page Title:

Page title is the most important factor of on-page SEO. As the name suggests, it is the title of the webpage. You can see the page title on the title bar of your browser. When you make a query in the search engine, the titles are displayed in the search results. These are clickable, which means it will take the user to the searched page. So, it becomes very important to make a title that has keywords relevant to your content.

Meta Description:

It is also called the page description. It is small text information that describes your webpage just below the page title in search engine results. This is very much important for the increase in click-through rate (CTR) of your webpage. You must write a precise description of your webpage usually in 155 characters. The description should always be relevant to your content with proper keywords.

URL structure:

It is the next important factor of on-page SEO. The link mentioned in the address bar in the browser is called the URL.

Let’s understand the URL structure with this example. Let’s say there are two websites in the same niche i.e kitchen appliances. Both the websites are selling a microwave oven. Website A writes the URL as websiteA.com/best-microwave-oven and website B write URL as websiteB.com/post-1275. Website A uses the best structure to write an URL. Because it is clear for bots as well as for the users that the website A is selling the microwave ovens from the URL itself. In this example, the website A will have a slight advantage over website B in search engine results.

Keyword Density:

The number of times a keyword is used in the content is called the keyword density.

The ideal keyword density is approx 3%, which means if you are writing content of about 1000 words, then you should not use a keyword for more than 30 times. The search engine rankings of a keyword are largely depended on the keyword density. But you should do this smartly. Don’t overdo this.

In the early 2000s, if you want to rank your webpage on a particular keyword, you just stuff that keyword all over the webpage and Bingo. You got the ranking for that keyword. But it is not the case in the 2020s. Bots are smart enough to penalize you for a keyword overstuffing.

Flesch–Kincaid readability:

It is the readability test to determine how much your English content is difficult to understand.

It scores between 0 to 100, where 0 means very difficult to understand and 100 means very easy to understand. Ideally, web content is recommended to have a score between 60-70. You can easily check the Flesch–Kincaid readability score using MS-word with the F7 key. So, next time, you should check your readability score before publishing your web content. There is a quick tip for you to improve your Flesch–Kincaid readability score. Try to form sentences as small as possible. The text should be split into small paragraphs. This will make your content easy to understand and your Flesch–Kincaid readability score will improve.

Heading Tags:

These tags are the HTML tags that identify the headings and sub-headings of your web content.

These tags can be written in H1 to H6 tags. H1 is the main heading of the web-page. You should use the H1 tag only once in your content. H2 to H6 tags are sub-heading of your contents.

You can make some part of your content prominent than rest by using the heading tags. If you have used the heading tags properly in your content, the bots can easily make an outline view of your content. It will gradually boost search engine rankings.

Images & Image Tags:

Images play a key role in your content.

One good expressive image can say more than 10k words article. But for search engines image is not more than a bunch of pixels. So, how you can balance your content between a user and search engine bots?

You can do so by using image tags i.e . You should learn a few things before using an image tag.

First, the name of the image should be descriptive. For example, if you showing an image of the LG microwave oven then the image name should be LG-microwave-oven.jpg. Then the alt attribute of the image tag should describe the image. Last but not least the image should be properly compressed and web-optimized before uploading to the webpage.

Text formatting:

It included formatting the text with bold, italic and underline. Proper text formatting should be made to the important keywords. You need to mix things well. Again don’t overdo text formatting. Format most keywords still let some keywords in normal text. Overdoing the text formatting can make a negative impact. So, do the text formatting wisely.

Internal Linking:

Why On page SEO is Important? complete guide 2020

Internal linking your website content is a powerful technique for on-page SEO.

It facilitates the search engine bots and website users to go through the other web-pages of your website. This increases the traffic on your website and helps in reducing the bounce rate of your website.

The search engine bots can crawl to your whole website if you have done the internal linking properly. The link juice will also flow naturally to all your web-pages. There might be chances that the least optimized web-page can pop-up in the search engine rankings with proper internal linking strategy.

Canonical Links:

It is an HTML element that helps to eliminate the duplicate content issue. To understand the Canonical Links concept let’s take this example. Your website may have different versions i.e www.yourdomainname.com?example=1234 or www.yourdomainname.com/example/1234. If you have not chosen the preferred domain then the search engine may index the same content with two different versions and the issue of duplicate content will arise.

The search engine takes the duplicate content very seriously. It can harm your search engine ranking very adversely.

To overcome this issue the Canonical Links element is used. Basically, it is the way to communicate the right version of your web-page to the search engine bots. Canonical Links are used in the section of the web-page.

Also read


I hope you have understood the concept of on page SEO. It is recommended to practice and implement all the on page SEO techniques on your website. Your search engine ranking can improve only when you implement each and every trick minutely. If you are facing any difficulty or having any issue in using these techniques, you can ask in the comment section. I will be more than happy to help you. Have A Happy Blogging!


1. What expertise do I need to do on-page SEO?

In order to do the on-page SEO properly, you must have the knowledge of basic HTML and good operating & typing skills.
Does on-page SEO is different for the WordPress, HTML or other platforms?
No, there is no change in on-page SEO across several web development tools. Basic thing is to highlight the most prominent part of your web content and let search engine bots understand your content.

2. How much on-page SEO affect search engine rankings?

At present, on-page SEO affect majorly on your search engine rankings. On-page SEO does not just mean highlighting your web content. But it is the quality of content that actually matters. If a user comes to your website for a particular topic and if he finds all the answers regarding that topic on your web page then it is quality content. Because it is adding value to the user.

3. What Are SEO Factors On-The-Page “On-Page”?

There are several seo factors on the web page that affect the search engine rankings . These include: Importance of SEO factors on the content of the web page
The content of a web page is what makes it worthy of getting a position in a search result. This is what the user has come to see and so it is extremely important for search engines. As such, it’s important to create good content.


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