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Yoga for Diabetes-7 Yoga Poses to Cure your Diabetes


Numerous researches have now demonstrated that yoga (poses and meditation) is an incredible alternative for assisting with battling Diabetes. It can diminish high glucose levels and help blood glucose control.

Yoga is the key or an effective way to live a happy and prosperous life.

Yoga will help you in controlling your intellect, emotions, mind, will and give you the power to look at life in all its aspects evenly.

In human being’s personality, there are some unique aspects like physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual, spiritual inculcate; Yoga is the key to achieving balance in all of these aspects.

What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that includes issues with the hormone insulin. Ordinarily, the pancreas (an organ behind the stomach) discharges insulin to enable your body to store and utilize the sugar and fat from the nourishment you eat.

Diabetes happens when one of the accompanying happens in your body:

1. When the pancreas doesn’t deliver any insulin.

2. When the pancreas creates next to no insulin.

3. When the body doesn’t react fittingly to insulin, a condition called “insulin obstruction”.

Can Yoga cure Diabetes? Numerous researches have now demonstrated that yoga (asana and meditation) is an incredible alternative for assisting with battling diabetes. It can diminish high glucose levels and help blood glucose control.

Furthermore, yoga assists with controlling pressure, which additionally assists with diminishing raised blood sugar levels.

Here are the set of 7 most beneficial Yoga Pose and pranayama that can help cure your Diabetes –

(Follow the give sequence below for maximum benefits)

  1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
  2. Pranayama – Anulom Vilom (Alternate breathing)
  3. Surya Namaskara (Sun salutation)
  4. Vrikasana (Tree pose)
  5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  6. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  7. Paschimottanasana (Forward bend – seated)
  8. Conclusion
  9. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

End with Shavasana (Corpse pose) again for 10 minutes.

1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

How to do Shavasana –

  • Lie down on the floor with your back.
  • Move your hand slightly away from your sides and also maintain a distance between your legs.
  • Relax and keep breathing deep.
  • Be in the position for 8-10 minutes.

Benefits of Shavasana –

  • It calms the brain and relieve stress and depression.
  • Relaxes the body.
  • Relieves headache, insomnia, fatigue, and back pain.
  • It helps to lower the blood pressure.

Avoid doing Shavasana –

  • If you have any back injuries or back pain.
  • Pregnancy: keep a pillow below your head.

Learn More About Shavasana (Corpse pose)

Learn to loss weight with Yoga!

2. Pranayama – Anulom Vilom (Alternate breathing)

Pranayama – Anulom Vilom (Alternate breathing)

How to do Anulom Vilom (Alternate breathing)

  1.  Sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana with your hands lying sideways on the knees.

  2.  If you start from the left at that point close the correct nostril with your correct thumb and breathe in gradually to top off your lungs.

  3.  Now, breathe out gradually from the correct nostril.

  4.  It is basic to concentrate on your breath and practice the method gradually.

  5.  Repeat multiple times or for 5 minutes. You can do this anytime of the day.

Make sure that your back is straight and shoulders are loose while you are doing this pranayama.

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3. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)

How to do Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) – follow the 12 step below:

Step 1 (Prayer Pose) –

Remain at the edge of your tangle, keep your feet together and balance your weight similarly on both the feet. Extend your chest and loosen up your shoulders. As you take in, lift the two arms up from the sides and as you breathe out, unite your palms before the chest in petition position.

Step 2 (Raised Arms pose) –

Taking in, lift the arms up and back, keeping the biceps near the ears. In this representation, the goal is to extend the entire body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers. To get the greatest advantages, you may pull the pelvis advance and guarantee coming to up with your fingers instead of going in reverse.

Step 3 (Hand to Foot pose) –

While exhaling bend forward, as you completely empty your lungs, bring the hands down to the floor, alongside the feet.

Step 4 (Equestrian posture) –

Taking in, push your right leg back, as far back as could be expected under the circumstances. Carry the correct knee to the floor and gaze upward.

Step 5 (Stick pose) –

As you take in, take the left leg back and get the entire body a straight line and keep your arms opposite to the floor.

Step 6 (Saluting with eight focuses or parts) –

Tenderly bring your knees down to the floor and breathe out. Take the hips back somewhat, slide forward, rest your chest, and jaw on the floor. Raise your back somewhat. The two hands, two feet, two knees; chest and jawline (eight pieces of the body) should contact the floor.

Step 7 (Cobra pose) –

Slide forward and raise the chest up into the cobra act. You may keep your elbows twisted in this represents, the shoulders from the ears. Gaze upward. As you breathe in, put forth a delicate attempt to push the chest forward; as you breathe out, put forth a delicate attempt to push the navel down. Fold the toes under. Guarantee you’re extending the same amount of as you can; don’t constrain.

Step 8 (Mountain pose) –

Breathing out, lift the hips and the tail bone up, chest downwards in an ‘altered V’ (/\) pose. On the off chance that conceivable, attempt and keep the heels on the ground and put forth a delicate attempt to lift the tailbone up, going further into the stretch.

Step 9 (Equestrian posture) –

 While inhaling, bring the right foot in the middle of the two hands, left knee down to the floor, press the hips down and gaze upward, and place the right foot precisely between the two hands and the right calf opposite to the floor.

In this position, put forth a delicate attempt to push the hips down towards the floor, to develop the stretch.

Step 10 (Hand to foot pose) –

Breathing out, bring the left foot in front. Keep the palms on the floor. You may twist the knees, if important. Tenderly fix the knees and on the off chance that you can, attempt, and contact your nose to the knees. Continue relaxing.

Step 11 (Raised Arms pose) –

Taking in, roll the spine up, hands go up and twist in reverse a tad, pushing the hips somewhat outward. Make sure that your biceps are close to your ears. The thought is to extend up more as opposed to extending in reverse.

Step 12 – Back to Initial position

As you breathe out, first fix the body, and afterward cut the arms down. Unwind in this position; watch the sensations in your body.

Benefits of Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) –

  • Improve blood circulation in the entire body.
  • Benefits the skin.
  • It helps in calming the mind.
  • Benefit the hair and helps in weight loss.

Avoid doing Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) –

  • Ensure that none of the 12 postures is Surya Namaskara is contraindicated for you.
  • Practice Surya Namaskara on an empty stomach.
  • Make sure your joints are warmed up.

Learn more about Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)

Learn About Yoga types

4. Vriksasana (Tree Pose)

Vriksasana (Tree Pose)

How to do Vriksasana –

  • Start with standing straight and arms by the side of your body.
  • Start bending your right knee and place your right foot on your left thigh.
  • Make sure to keep your left leg straight and maintain balance.
  • Once you are balanced, slowly take a deep breath and gradually lift up your arms over your head and bring your palms together in Namaste mudra.
  • Looking straight in front of you will help you in giving balance.
  • Make sure that your spine is straight and your body should be feeling like it is being stretched and continue breathing deeply.
  • With slow exhalation, bring down your hands to your side and you can now release your right leg.
  • Stand tall and repeat the same with the left leg and right thigh.
  • You can do this asana 15-20 seconds i.e. 2-3 deep breathing. Repeat if you want.

Benefits of the Vriksasana –

  • This pose will leave you in a state of stimulation and will stretch the arms, legs and the back.
  • It brings a balance between your body and mind make your legs strong and will free your hips.
  • It is helpful and more beneficial to the one who is suffering from sciatica.

Avoid doing Vriksasana –

  • If you are suffering from migraine, insomnia or low or high blood pressure.

Learn More About Vriksasana (Tree Pose)

Click here to known most benefited yoga poses

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

How to do Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) –

  • Lie on the stomach; keep the feet together, hands to the sides, forehead on the floor.
  • Move the hand to the front, place the palm on the floor at shoulder level.
  • Placing the bodyweight on the palm, inhale and raise the body off the ground keeping the elbow little bends.
  • Keep breathing while holding the pose. Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds i.e. 2-3 deep breaths. Repeat if you want.

Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) –

  • Make the spine more flexible and stronger.
  • Regulates metabolism and helps in weight loss.
  • Stimulates the digestive, reproductive, and urinary system.
  • It also works as a great stress releaser.

Avoid Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) –

  • If suffering from hernia, intestinal disorder, back injuries.

Learn more about Bhujangasan (Cobra pose)

Click here for your beginners yoga guide

6. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

How to do Tadasana –

  • Start with standing straight and arms by the side of your body.
  • Slowly lift up your toes and while taking a deep breath gradually bring your arms up and stretch your whole body and continue breathing.
  • Do this for 15-20 second i.e. 2-3 deep breaths.
  • Then gradually bring down your hands and put down your toes. Repeat if you want.

Benefits of Tadasana –

  • This pose will improve your body awareness and posture, strengthens your legs, and establish a good balance between your mind and body.

Avoid doing Tadasana –

  • If you are feeling dizzy or light-headed.
  • If you are pregnant.

Learn More About Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

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7. Uttanasana (Forward Bend)

Uttanasana (Forward Bend)

How to do Uttanasana (Forward Bend) –

  • Start with sitting on the floor keeping your knee straight and upper body perpendicular to your legs.
  • Lift your hand up and taking a deep breath touch your toes with your hand without bending the knee and gradually touch your knee with your head.
  • Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds i.e. 2-3 deep breaths.
  • Repeat 2-3 times if you want.

Benefits of Uttanasana (Forward bend) –

  • It helps to calm the brain and relieve stress and depression.
  • It helps in improving the digestion and helps in weight loss.
  • Stimulates knee and thigh.
  • Relive from insomnia and headache.
  • It helps in healing asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis, and sinusitis.

Avoid doing Uttanasana (Forward Bend) –

  • If you have any back injuries.

Learn more about Uttanasana (Forward Bend)

Learn about Pranayamas in yoga


One thing that we all know is diabetes can not be cured, but if the lifestyle is changed then there is some chance to live diabetes-free.

Yoga can be one of the lifestyle change and diet and also some other factors.

All the poses shown in this blog are effective against diabetes. If you practice all these poses and have a good diet then you can definitely cure diabetes.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Can yoga cure Diabetes permanently?

While yoga cannot cure diabetes, but it can make some lifestyle changes that can keep diabetes symptoms in check.

What is Diabetes?

A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose).



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