What Is Interruption – How To Manage It

What is Interruption? it hinders the internal and external way of doing any work, due to which you are unable to complete your work on time. Everyone in the world faces it once or a while. Everyone faces it whether they are student or job worker/employee. I know you must have faced it too. If […]
9 Best Way To Meet The Deadline

There are many ways to complete any work on time, you just have to follow some rules. You always need to stick with this rule, so that you can do any work before the deadline. Successful are the people who get their work done on time or before the deadline. They never leave their work […]
Is This a “Morning” task? – 11 schedule of activities for the right time of day

Is this a morning task? No, it’s not a morning task. Meanwhile, every successful person who is currently in a good position follows this schedule. This is the secret of all the rich people of the world, that they follow their schedule strictly. Because they know that this is important (key of life) to live […]
How to get more done in less time: 10 simple productivity hacks

Everything in the world is according to the time and as a result nothing is free from time. The truth is that life is minuscule in which we have many things to do, but we don’t know how to utilize time. Due to time management, each one of us has the same hour in a […]
How to Keep People Satisfied?

By the end of the week, Radha has to complete a project, but she has another more important project that she needs to finish for another customer, and there is no way that she can complete both projects on time. How does she tell her client that his plan isn’t as urgent as the other […]
What is the urgent v/s important Rule? How it works

So, Have you ever wondered what time management is? also, How does this happen? Some people have a lot of time to do what they want. While some people are unable to finish anything. Today in this blog, we will try to understand how to manage time so that we can do all the work […]
How to use our time and resource?

Time management means to manage and utilize time. But In simple language, we can say that making the list of work for the whole day and setting the deadline of every task according to time. So, The benefit of time management is that we will not waste our time and also use the time to […]
Email Management – Managing Email Effectively -Strategies for Taming Your Inbox

Hello guys, Welcome to our new blog. Here, we are going to talk about email management. I am your productivity guide who is going to talk about email management. Managing your emails effectively and efficiently is very important, From Monday morning to Sunday evening. We always See our mails whether it is on phone, laptop […]
Managing Your Documents and Your Time – The Art of Filing

Hello guys welcome to today’s blog and today we are going to take an amazing topic about. The Art of Filing – Managing Your Documents we have tons of files and documents in our life I am I right. So mentioning the documents and files there is a thing like we have to manage all […]
What Is Program Management? 7 Types And 4 Core Values Of Program Management.

Imagine you have two projects that are related to each other. For example, you need to build a business website for a coffee shop and also you have to run a marketing campaign. In conclusion, both the projects are related to each other under Program Management, now you have to structure the plan as a […]