Developing Self Awareness – 5 Important Tips To Learn From

How do you develop self-awareness? Knowing yourself means self-knowledge and understanding yourself. I notice a lot of questions on Social media that, what it boils down to form the questions that type of questions that I get is lack of self-awareness example what businesses should I invest in? how should I get started ?, what […]
Locus of Control – Its Types and How it Affects Your Real Life

Have you ever thought about how much control you feel you have over your own life? Or do you feel as if nothing is beyond your control? Everything is about the locus of control. It is a psychological term that means how much people feel in control of the events that strongly influence their life. […]
10 Common Management And Leadership Mistakes

Before coming to management and leadership mistakes, What is Leadership? It is all about inspiring the people to believe in your vision of how you want your company to be and making them together so that they can help you achieve it. While management is something that you do on the daily basis to make […]
Bridging the Generation Gap between Young and Old

You must have observed that the generation gap is increasing more and more nowadays. Because the new generation is rapidly accepting the new technologies but the elders are not. There are many opportunities available to learn new things by bridging the gap between young and old. What’s in it What Generation Gap is Actually? The […]
Planning for crisis – Your Response to Unexpected Problems

Most of the time when a big company launches the product, they have also done testing on it and they also do planning for a crisis. But many of the startups don’t even think about this, which may affect them negatively while a crisis occurs. So, planning for a crisis is a necessary thing. What’s […]
How to Develop Fundamental Leadership Skills?

To start with the term, leadership is all about cooperating and making the team cooperate with the values while you move towards the goal. In order to identify a leader we’re quite judgmental on the fact that who is a good or a bad leader. But to be accurate about it, let us first understand […]
Ultimate Guide to 7 Transformations of Leadership

Today we are going to discuss 7 transformations of leadership you might have heard about. A transformational leader is focus on engaging and enthusing employees, making sure they understand how their work will help deliver someone’s vision within the company and the values of the organization. As a transformational leader, you lead by example while […]
Identifying and avoiding unethical behavior

When a person is starting a company, one thing that he or she mostly doesn’t even think of that, there will be any problem like unethical behavior at the workplace. How can we identify and also avoid unethical activities by team members? This type of unethical behavior has been seen many times in big corporations. […]
Six Emotional Leadership Styles and Emotional Intelligence

To boost productivity many leaders apply different techniques. Either it is path-goal theory, action centred leadership, etc. Six emotional leadership styles are one of them. Emotional intelligence is one of the styles that lead to productivity. Three people named Richard Boyatiz, Annie Mackies and Daniel Goelman initiated or discovered six emotional leadership styles. This theory […]
How to setup CEO Office – Best Guide

CEO, The Chief Executive Officer, is one of the most important people of any company. The CEO is the one who manages the company’s strategies; the CEO directly contacts the Board of Directors of the company. As the CEO plays a very important role in any company, it is very important to design the CEO […]