Forecasting and demand measurement (in terms of marketing) is a tool required to forecast the future of product life. This tool is used by firms to anticipate product life span, how long this product can run in the market. In the process of forecasting and demand measurement, a firm understands the market behaviour, after that, […]

What are the competitive strategies? Complete Guide

Competitive Strategies are a part of marketing strategies, where companies make strategies to make a company grow, make their brand grow stronger and make a significant number of the customer base. Competitive strategies can also be coined as SWOT analysis as SWOT is used as a strategy for challenges which a company has to face […]

What is Consumer Adoption Process ? Complete Guide

Boost Your Product/Services to be sold with Consumer Adoption Process Strategy.  Selling a Product/ Service to the consumer is very EASY!  The consumer Adoption process is a strategy to make aware of a product, create interest among the customers, organize a trial run to check how the product is performing and at the end allowing […]

Consumer Behaviour (in hindi) क्या होता है? Complete Guide In Hindi

क्या आप अपने बिज़नेस को एक बड़ा ब्रांड बनाना चाहते है ,क्या आप अपने प्रोडक्ट को घर घर तक पहुँचाना चाहते है,तो इसके लिए आपको कस्टमर के माइंडसेट को समझना होगा और कस्टमर के माइंडसेट को समझना पड़ेगा और कस्टमर के माइंडसेट को समझने के लिए आपको customer behavior को जानना पड़ेगा | Consumer Behavior […]

Consumer Behavior Process | A Complete Guide

What is the meaning of the term ” Consumer Behavior” Consumer Behavior Process is a term that is affected by various factors like cultural, social, personal, psychological, marketing campaigns, economic conditions, personal preferences, etc. But before discussing “What influences” we must know “What consumer behavior” is. So in this blog, we will learn What is the […]

SWOT Analysis क्या है? SWOT Analysis कैसे करते है? Complete Guide

क्या आपने SWOT Anyalsis के बारे सुना है? स्वॉट विश्लेषण 1960 के दशक में अल्बर्ट हम्फ्री द्वारा गढ़ा गया एक शब्द है। इसमें ताकत, कमजोरी, अवसर और धमकियां शामिल हैं। किसी कंपनी की Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats  जानने के लिए और उनके अनुसार कार्य करने के लिए स्वॉट विश्लेषण किया जाता है। यह संभव […]

How To Calculate Customer Value, Satisfaction & Loyalty | Complete Guide

Customer Value is a primary part of marketing. Customer value means the value which the customer gives after taking service or after purchasing a product from a vendor. Customer value is important as it helps in creating a brand image and also helps in promoting the brand for the better result. Customer loyalty helps in […]

What is Database Marketing? Complete Guide

What do you mean by Database Marketing? Do you ever wonder how Database Marketing works? Database Marketing is a term that is used for maintaining a database for marketing and selling products directly to the customers. Database Marketing is mainly applied to B2C type business. Database Marketing consists of a database that is maintained by […]

What is SWOT Analysis? How to do SWOT Analysis?

Have you ever wondered if the term “SWOT Analysis”? Or Ever had a chance to do SWOT Analysis for yourself? SWOT Analysis is a term coined by Albert Humphry in the 1960s. It consists of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats. Swot Analysis is done to know a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and weaknesses and act […]

Marketing में STP क्या होता है ? Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Guide

क्या आप खुद को एक मार्केटिंग गुरु के रूप में स्थापित करना चाहते हैं ताकि व्यवसाय एक ब्रांड के रूप में आपके पास आए? आइए आगे मार्केटिंग  के उन्नत तरीकों को प्रकट करें- प्रत्येक व्यवसाय का मुख्य लक्ष्य पैसा कमाना है। कोई नहीं चाहता कि उनका कारोबार घाटे में चले। इसलिए अपने व्यवसाय को विकसित […]