Everything about strength-based leadership – Best qualities of a leader

The word leadership qualities can bring many meanings to your mind. Like a political leader leads youth for their interest by their strength-based leadership skills or a team leader leads the team for mutual success.  One can achieve their dream and goal by a leading team no matter how evil their plan will be. Leaders […]

Build Your Rapport Online With These Secret Methods

Relationships have many factors involved, and one of them is rapport. Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines affinity as “a close relationship; social relation; association.” And with that definition in mind, you can see that build rapport online is essential in all relationships. But what is it on the Internet? There is a real sense of secrecy […]

Job Analysis- Zeroing on What Your Job is About

Many times we face situations when we have a lot of work to do but we don’t have sufficient time to complete that work. Instead of looking for the reasons behind such a situation, we focus on completing the work as soon as possible without job analysis. This becomes the reason that most of the […]

Eight Ways to Cope Up When You are a Team of One Person

Human is a social animal. We all enjoy it when we have people around us. When we have people around us we have someone to talk to, to share our feelings and opinions, to discuss something or the other. But how to cope up when we are alone or a team of one? As human […]

Metaphorical Thinking – Express Ideas and Solve Problems

Metaphorical or symbolic thinking has a close relationship to an individual’s learning capabilities as it determines an individual’s ability to associate the given concept with experiencing outside its environment. E.g. If a teacher explains the concept of Radioactivity in the class, Metaphorical thinking determines the power of the individual to associate the concept Radioactivity to […]

The Journey Method: Real Practical Example | Change Drastically Yourself

Do you forget the long list? Are you facing a problem memorizing things? Are you a student and have to worry about your study? Would you like to have a great memory technique? Do you know how Some people remember such a hard thing even too many stranger phone numbers in a minute? then you […]

70-20-10 Rule – Finding the Best Mix in Training Methods

70-20-10 rule – As you know from its name that this is a rule anyone can adopt. Because all these types of rules and methods used in this way help you to move in the right direction. Also helps you to make some important decisions which can prove to be useful for you in the […]

Working with Powerful People- Relationship Management Skills

To achieve a certain level of success, you need to be good at your work. But if you want to achieve limitless success in your life, you need to have good relationship management skills to create a bond with powerful & influential people around you. Influential people have the experience, the exposure which could uplift […]


Reading is very much necessary in life; also, we should know the correct strategies to read intelligently. By reading this blog you can improve your reading skills. Let’s Go.  WHAT’S IN IT The Essentials of the Skill of Reading Reading is always good for our minds. Reading is undoubtedly the most healthy practice and exercise […]

8 Ways To Overcome Loneliness In The Workplace

In this blog, I help you understand the causes of loneliness and share some helpful ways to overcome loneliness. In today’s modern world, everyone has many problems in their life. They are lonely, unhappy, stressed, and many more problems people face every day.  Their works create one of the biggest reasons for these problems because […]