E-learning is a Computer Based educational tool or system that enables you to learn anywhere at any time.  The terms virtual learning refer to the delivery of education and training through digital resources. However, technology has advanced so much that the geography gap is bridged—the use of tools makes you feel as if you are […]

Performance Planning – Planning to Manage Performance Stress

Poor performance is one of the most feared states in the corporate world. It’s not easy to deal with poor performance whether you are a normal employee or in management. It’s important to identify this issue and in the long run, it will adversely affect the organization’s commitments. To tackle the issue of poor performance, […]

Avoid Burnout – Maintaining a Healthy, Successful Career

Do you want a successful life? Every human being wants success in their life. Everyone has their definition of success. For someone, it can be in terms of money, fame, happiness, etc but the real secret lie in how you Avoid Burnout. Everyone tries to achieve their goals. But, does everybody become successful? No. Why? […]

10 Awesome Ways to Make a Bad Day Better than ever

We all have a bad day, and some are much worse than others. When Something goes wrong or incorrect, we see that nothing seems to go right; we could Stay on this negativity or follow how to Make a Bad Day Better. So, at the end of the day, one question comes up in our […]

What are HALT Risk States?

The key to Maintain a life in recovery is a combination of both self-care and self-awareness. By taking care of ourselves and recognizing a few signs, we can prevent sickness. One of the tools people use is HALT risk states. WHAT’S IN IT HALT Risk States In general, HALT means to Stop. But here, It […]

Kano Model Analysis – Delivering Products That Will Delight

The main aim of any organization is to ensure the fulfillment of the satisfactory needs of customers. Also, The Kano model is a theoretical concept or a tool used for determining Product Development and customer satisfaction.  Noriaki Kano developed it, so, a Writer and an educator in the field of Quality management in 1891. The […]

Understanding Creativity: Meaning of Creativity & Why it’s important?

Have you seen 7 humans made wonders? also, The first thing that comes to mind after seeing wonders is how they made it? how is it possible?. So, The answer is the humans made this by using the power of creativity and Understanding Creativity. Creativity is the skill of imagining something new, different or innovative […]

What is a Healthy Work Environment? Ways to Create a Healthy Work Environment

Create a Healthy Work Environment: Boost Employees Productivity Your team works hard all year cooped up in cubicles staring at computer screens running from meeting to meeting over time. The everyday stress smog and traffic builds to a boiling point resulting in a negative work environment. And unhappy disengaged employees this engaged employees have 37% […]

5 BEST Meditation For Stress Relief: Take a Stress Relief Break

Do you want to do meditation for stress and anxiety relief? Then, first of all, let us understand what meditation is?  We have to look at our own lives. First, there’s something that we’re doing every single day – for the majority of the day, we’re thinking.  We’re always thinking; we can say that humans […]

Coping With Change: 3 Ways to Deal With Change

When I was younger, I hated the idea of coping with change at work, I hated the idea of being not able to control my life. One thing my father used to always say to me is that the only thing consistent in life is Dealing with change. And I hated this to no end […]