Start visualization to achieve your goals

Did you want to know what goes in the mind of an athlete while they complete? So, There are millions of people watching them, they felling nerves, seeing their competition. Hence, Did you want to know how they deal with that level of pressure? Hence, Visualization is a technique that athletes do with their practice […]

Complete Achievable goal setting with Reverse Planning

So, The standard approach for any kind of goal planning is to start planning from beginning and end with the final task. But there is a problem with this type of planning when you are wanted to tackle any big goal. Also, In recent years, a method known as backward goal setting or reverse planning […]

Using well-formed outcome in goal setting

Everyone on the planet has their own goal in life and wants to archive them. So, Someone wants to build their own business, someone wants to get their dream job, someone wants a dream house or someone wants to travel dream destination. But did you know only 5 percentage of people archive their goal in […]

SMART Goals – How to Make Your Goals Achievable

You take a flight but you don’t know where to go, did you get into any destination? You write a letter and post on post office without mentioning the address, did that letter ever sent to anybody? Goal setting is the same as that. Many people set goals but they don’t set clarity of goals. […]

Time Management: How The Pickle Jar Theory Will Help You

Pickle jar theory determines what is useful and what is not helpful. So, It helps to set time for our daily hours. It helps to set in such a way that not a single minute or don’t waste an hour and utilized nicely. Meanwhile, The pickle jar theory is mainly for management. Pickle jar theory […]

What is an Action Priority Matrix?

A diagram which helps people to determine which task to be the focus on and in which order. Meanwhile, We can make the Matrix using two components and First is by measuring Efforts along the X-axis and impacts along the Y-axis. Meanwhile Next, add four boxes to the graph, two stacked on top of the […]

Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory: Setting Meaningful and Challenging Goals

Locke’s goal-setting setting theory is a research-based theory that was introduced by Edwin Locke in mid-1960. Locke created and refined his objective setting theory during the 1960s, distributing his first article regarding the matter, “Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives” in 1968. So, Locke’s goal-setting theory provides the blueprint to make setting meaningful […]

Eight Common Goal-Setting Mistakes

Our goals give us a clear idea of where we want to be in the future. A good goal-setting helps us to improve in our ability and potential to get what we are capable of. Many people set their goals but they barely achieve them. Most of the people quit. The reason they can’t pursue […]

How good is your goal setting?

If you want to be successful in your life or if you want to achieve something then you should have a goal. So, A good goal setting gives you the path, motivation, and enthusiasm to achieve what you have desired. But how to know that your goal setting is good? Good goal setting is a […]

Personal Goal Setting: How to Set a Goal

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” —Andrew Carnegie Many people want to achieve something in their life. But only a few can achieve what they want. Also, Everyone dreams of something and it is ok to dream for something you want. […]