Eight ways to improve Self-Regulation – Ultimate Guide

Are you here to know how to improve self-regulation? Or how to be self-regulated? Here in this article, I will clear all your doubts about this. If it comes to your self-worth, just one opinion matters — you’re personal. Absolute human value supposes that each of us is born with the abilities necessary to live […]

David Rock’s SCARF Model – Using Neuroscience to Work Effectively

David Rock Scarf Model is a neuroscience process that helps to comply better with our employees’ cum colleagues.  It is better used for influencing people to develop their inherent capabilities; it is best to fit those who are not optimum with their efficiency.  For instance, consider a scenario; Raj is the marketing head in a […]


People having strong and sharp memory are not much different from us. Neither there is any such thing that they all have great recall time by birth and are god gifted. The main thing is that they just use some combination of alphabet technique effectively that works well for them. Such memory techniques will make […]

The DiSC Model | How to Understand Human Behavior with DiSC Model

The DiSC model is used to study the behavioral aspects of a person within a specific situation. If you don’t know your behavioral model, don’t worry just visit this blog and get an idea about your true behavior. WHAT’S IN IT What is the DiSC Model? A DiSC is a quadrant behavioural model based on […]

Fast reading- How to absorb information quickly and Effectively?

We know the fact that reading is the key to success. Reading opens up people’s minds to different ideas, different outlooks, different literary points, etc. Every successful person reads at least 20 books per year.  How much time do they take in reading? Not much. When the person reads regularly, their reading speed increases eventually […]

Career Journal – Effects of Journaling on Professional Development

Do you want to improve yourself every day? Do you want to be a confident, self-aware, and better communicator person and learn quickly from mistakes and avoid repeating those mistakes? Career Journal – a powerful tool for professional development, which can solve all the questions above even also solve more than that. Career Journal might […]

Learning From Your Mistakes – Ultimate Guide

We often make mistakes in our life, almost daily, be it small or big. Many times we even do not realise that we have made a mistake. It is natural for humans to make mistakes because mistakes just happen. However, do you know what is the biggest mistake we do in our life? It is […]

Building Self-Confidence – Preparing Yourself for Success!

Self-Confidence is the key ingredient to have a successful life. Everybody admires a confident person with their ability to perform any task with ease and their  “Can Do” attitude. This quality can help anyone in almost all aspects of one’s life whether it’s a relationship, job interview or debate competition. Given the importance of this […]

Identifying and Developing Leaders in your Organization

In every company, the main leader gives instructions to the other leaders under him or her and that leaders also do the same. So, a pyramid type of structure is created for proper work distribution. A great leader always keeps developing leaders in the organization. For every company, identifying and developing leaders is difficult and problematic work. […]

Leading Equals and Feiner’s Seven laws of Leading Peers

“Leadership is about managing relations”, said Micheal Feiner, and so is Leading Equals. Whenever it comes to equals, the word itself justifies when two people are the same in authority and influence.  But how is it possible to lead a diverse group of people with similar authorities? Let’s see some key facts towards leading equals. The essence of […]