Emotional Intelligence- Developing Strong “People Skills”

Emotional intelligence is one of the critical elements of people skills so you need in this world to sustain and live a happy life.  Hence, skills are required and must be focused to develop alongside your career.  These skills will help you excel and attract lots of people to praise you personally and professionally.  So […]

Number Shape Mnemonics System – A Guide to Improve Memorisation

Number Shape Mnemonics System is one of the particular types of mnemonic memory method so for remembering the number. You can create familiar images for shapes following the number. Then link your helpful image to your number. Also, That’s a kind of mnemonic peg system. Let’s see an example the digit-1 might look like the […]

The Charette Procedure-Brainstorm Ideas With Multiple Stakeholders

Sometimes we find that it is way more challenging to reach a conclusion or a proper. It may require expertise about the topic, experience in the field you are working in. But, hardly we can say, a person has all these qualities. It became a prevalent problem in itself. Everybody who was facing  problems when […]

Learning Curves – Improving Efficiency Through Faster Learning

Before knowing about the learning curve theory let us know what is learning? so If we talk about the term learning, it is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences. The ability to learn is in possession by humans, animals & some machines.  Any changes in our behaviour […]

How to Run Successful Lunch & Learn Events? Complete Guide

“Lunch & Learn” events are training sessions, voluntary for people, or presentations that take place during lunchtime and where food is provided by the employer or by the organisation. So, They bring people together from companies or organisations to collaborate to learn, improve skills, and develop leadership.  WHAT’S IN IT? What is a lunch & […]

What Is Personal Empowerment & Techniques to build it?

Nowadays, depression or mental health issues are becoming severe. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide. The reason behind that, people do not have control of their own life. In the age of remote control technology, people are losing their control of life. In our day […]

How Much Emotional Intelligence Do You Have ? 11 Ways to Improve EQ

Emotional intelligence is something that you can find only within yourself. Those who have higher emotional intelligence skills have more control over their emotions. They will never get stressed out when some crisis comes in front of them; they just calmly handle the situations. Suppose you know how to develop emotional intelligence. In that case, […]

List of 9 Best ways to Future Proof your Career | Career Guidance

Looking at the present advancements and quickly changing technology, nobody will be sure about the job or profession they will be available or not in upcoming decades. Even the employees who are experts with skilled works are worried about the future due to chances of advancement of AI, which results in the replacement of them […]

MATRIX ORGANISATION – Everything about Matrix?

Do you want to know what is Matrix Organisation? We all know that in today’s highly competitive world a company must be well organized, and also, we can say that it should be a good organisation. There are different type of organisations that are Hierarchical structure, Horizontal/Flat Structure, Network Structure, etc., but today we are going to […]

The Talisman of Leadership – Everything you need to know

The Talisman of leadership is needed as although there is So much of the work-oriented culture around, still, most people believe in some magic and luck factor. There goes the word ‘talisman’ of a leader as high and parallel to the word ‘effort’. To a maximum extent, we cannot ignore luck and magic when it […]