Home Website & Development Advanced JavaScript | Tour with powerful JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript | Tour with powerful JavaScript


If you learn some basic JavaScript then ready to make an advanced tour with JavaScript.But first, we start the advanced journey with JS, we first look at some summary of that journey.

What is an Object?

 In JS, as in most programming language, object collection of named values and associated methods.

 Do you know what is web browser?

 When you navigate via pages of content this is commonly known as the “web-browsing” or “surfing”.

Did you know how the web site will be host on the server?

Can you get an idea of it?

Every website has hosted, and their domain on web-server.

Now if we want to make an attractive website, and we use some animation on your web.

So how to use and create animation on your web pages?

Web server is used to host websites, and generating responses by invoking a script and communicating with the database.

Without wasting time, we can start our tour with JavaScript.

Let’s start ….

What’s the new in it to learn

  1. JS DOM
  2. JSON
  3. JS Closures
  4. JavaScript ES6 Class
  5. Server-side scripting
  6. Client-side scripting
  7. Sever-side vs Client-side
  8. FAQ

What is DOM?

It is known as the “Document Object Model”. It is a large subtree to access the HTML document.

DOM is a world wide web consortium standard, and language-neutral interface that can allows the programs and scripts to dynamically access, and update, change the content, and the structure.

Three parts of DOM standards

  • Core DOM (for the all document types)
  • XML DOM (for the XML document)
  • HTML DOM (for the HTML documents)

With the help of DOM, you can create the,

  • Animations
  • Events
  • Navigation
  • Nodes
  • Collections



In that we can create the animations, events, and nodes with the help of JS HTML DOM.

In JS animations programming gradually change their element’s style, and the changes are called the “timer”. When the timer interval is less in time then the animation looks continuous.

DOM animation, in style container element created with “position: relative”, and the animation element created with “position: absolute”.

JS has the ability to execute code at specific timing intervals using set Timeout ();


#container {

    Width: 400px;

    Position: relative;


#animation {

    Width: 800px;

     Position: absolute;


How to write animation script,


   anim = new Array (4);

   var frame = 0;

   var timeout_state = null;

   function imageLoad () {

            for (i=0; i<=3; i++) {

                             anim [i] = new Image ();

        anim [i]. src = “anim” + i + “.jpg”;



 function animate () {

      document. animImage. src = anim [frame]. src;

       frame = (frame + 1);

         if (frame > 3) {

               frame = 0;


     timeId = setTimeout (“animate ()”, document. animateform. speed. value);



DOM Navigation

The nodes in the tree have a hierarchical relationship to each other, and their parents, child, and sibling are describing their relationship.

In that top of the node is called the root, and every node has at least one parent, and number of children.



<title>………. </title>



<h1>………… </h1>



Here the <html> is root node, <head>, and <body> their children.

<head> has one child <title>, and <body> has one child <h1>.


It is known as the “JavaScript Object Notation”. It is used for storing, and exchanging data.

JSON will encrypt the data, and the data will exchange between the server, and browser.

JSON parse the JS, and send it to the server.

In sort, JSON is a medium that server can interact and understand our data, and language. So, if you communicate with the server then you can – use JSON.

JSON Syntax

Data is in name pair, separate by commas, {} braces hold objects, and

[] brackets hold the array, and name must be in double-quotes.

JSON values must be one of below data types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Object
  • Array
  • Null
  • Boolean


   var per = {name: “Sahil”, age: “30”, city: “Mumbai”};

Access like this

     per. [“name”];

In JSON we can parse the Frontend language data, because the web-server does not understand the direct language. That’s why we can first parse or encrypt the language, and convert it into the server level language.

JS Closures

A closure is the combination of a function and the lexical environment within which function was defined.

It is an inner function that has access to the outer enclosing function’s variable. The closure has three scope chains:

  1. Access to its own scope
  2. Outer scope
  3. Global variable

Example of Closure,

  function User (name) {

                   var displayName = function (greeting) {

                      console.log (greeting + ‘ ‘ + name);}

             return displayName;


    var myFun = User (‘Soham’);

    myFun (‘Welcome’); // output: Welcome Soham

In this code, We have an outer function User () which returns an inner function as displayName ().

JavaScript ES6 Class

JS classes, introduced ES6 are primarily syntactical sugar over JS existing prototype-based inheritance.

The class syntax does not introduce a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript. In early ES5 using function expression.

Defining Classes:

Classes are in fact “special functions” and just as you can define function expressions and function declarations, the class syntax has two components:

  1. Class expressions
  2. Class declarations

ES6 class:

Class laptop {

  Constructor (color, model) {

          This. Color = color;

          This. Model = model;



Benefits of Using class

  • Convenient, self-contained syntax
  • More familiar to people from a class-based language background
  • A single, canonical way to emulate classes in JS.
  • Use of ES6, there were several competing implementations in popular libraries.

Server-side scripting language

The Server-side scripting language is run-time and especially useful to executions of the task.

In this language we can use PHP, JS, Python, JSON, and Ruby.

That means this language is also known as the “backend” language. In that client data store and validate for server. If you can run this type of language then it will be run on a web server.

That language source code is not visible to the user, and the client can not access this source code, or it’s data.

For example, if you create a login page or sign-up page then if any user can log in to your page the user data will be run on the server, and store it.

In that code, the user can not modify this data, and not change it.

I hope you can clear server-side scripting language.

Client-side scripting language

Client-side scripting language is including the scripts, and run on the web browser.

It used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This language code style visible to the client, and their result also show the client.

Here web browser send request to internet, and internet respond according to their request.

This language is known as the “frontend” language. In that language manage the layout, content, graphics, and launch the website.

JavaScript with Python

Ajax, is used to get more information from the server without needing to reload an entirely new page.

This is not done by pre-loading all possible exchange rates, but by making an Ajax request to flask server.

JS can then be used to update the DOM to render the new content. Moreover, If you are creating a more interactive website then we will use the JS Framework.

Difference between Server-side vs Client-side scripting language


Overall, we conclude that in the advanced JS concept cover many more functions and classes like JS protocol, ES6 classes, DOM, Closure and JSON. You can understand all the function and classes and implement to your project.


1) Which of the JS objects is the base for the rest of the objects?

Window JS is the base for the rest of the objects.

2) What is Event-driven?

Using events to trigger the execution of specific code.

3) What is Image caching?

It is a technique for improving animation by loading and storing the images to be used ahead of the time of use.

4) What is DHTML?

It stands for Dynamic HTML and a combination of HTML,CSS and JavaScript to enrich a Website.

5) What does “lowsrc” property of the IMAGE object represent?

It is used for the URL of the alternate low-resolution image.

6) What is Regular Expression?

That describes a set of strings according to specific syntax rules.



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