How to use our time and resource?

Time management means to manage and utilize time. But In simple language, we can say that making the list of work for the whole day and setting the deadline of every task according to time. So, The benefit of time management is that we will not waste our time and also use the time to […]

Email Management – Managing Email Effectively -Strategies for Taming Your Inbox

Hello guys, Welcome to our new blog. Here, we are going to talk about email management. I am your productivity guide who is going to talk about email management. Managing your emails effectively and efficiently is very important, From Monday morning to Sunday evening. We always See our mails whether it is on phone, laptop […]

Managing Your Documents and Your Time – The Art of Filing

Hello guys welcome to today’s blog and today we are going to take an amazing topic about. The Art of Filing – Managing Your Documents we have tons of files and documents in our life I am I right. So mentioning the documents and files there is a thing like we have to manage all […]

Leverage – Achieving Much More With the Same Effort

Hello guys, welcome to today’s blog, today we are going to talk about the most efficient way of time management. Which is leverage your time, money and each and everything to achieve much more with same efforts you will apply. So what is leverage? Leverage is Art and Science getting the things done with our […]

Multitasking -Can It Help You to Get More Done?

Hello guys, Welcome to today’s blog today we are going to talk about Multitasking and Its effect on your productivity. At the most basic level, this may involve executing multiple perceptual at the same time, such as moving your attention to different tasks. At a more complex level, this may involve interleaving the steps of […]

How To Make a Decision?

Every problem has a solution you just need to make a good decision for that problem. Decision making is a tough situation for someone, some people are not good at decision making and they don’t have any idea about how to make decisions. So here I give you some tips about how to make good […]

Organizing ideas & Info into Common Themes

Many of us will get a lot of organizing ideas to execute a plan or to solve a problem. But, the common problem that everyone faces is organizing those ideas and the collected information into a common theme. Hence It’s not a bad thing to get too many ideas to solve a problem. Whenever we […]

5 Stage Model Of Skill Acquisition

The process of Skill Acquisition isn’t always clear. It’s easy to google “learn to play chess” or “learn yoga” than to actually perform and learn it practically. What you need is an approach to keep you going once you get past the early stages of learning. It’s called the Dreyfus model. It can help you […]

VAK Learning Styles – Discover Your Learning Style

Imagine you’re studying for a test, and even after giving continuous efforts in studying you end up scoring a very low grade in the test. Although after all those studying you still got an average grade. Why?  The thing is there’s no one right way to study. One can easily learn through one style but […]

Herrmann’s Whole Brain Model – Maximizing Your Thinking Power

With a world full of different people, we all have different processes of thinking. Since we all have different thinking powers, it becomes very difficult to understand the mindset of other people from your point of view.  But in the corporate world, the success of any company depends mostly on the integrity of its employees. […]