Have you ever commented on any brand’s offer post on social media? Did you get a reply from there? If Yes, then you have become a part of the Community marketing strategy of the company.
In earlier days, people don’t have any platform or resource to communicate with the company directly. They could not share their reviews of the product or about the company.
But nowadays people have the Internet and many resources to reach out to the company. So, They Directly review the products, give ratings and feedback on the products on the company’s official website and app.
Here we will study all about Community Marketing
Community Marketing is the marketing strategy in which the company forms an online platform between consumer to consumer as well as between consumers to them.
Thus in the online platform, consumers can interact with the brand directly. So that they asked their queries about any offer or products on social media posts, direct messages, or through live chats given on the company’s website and app.
So, Nowadays, every company has Social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, Youtube, etc. Consumers can also visit the company’s social media account.
Some companies also have Online Question answer forums to communicate directly with the consumers and resolve their queries and issues.
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Types of Community Marketing
Basically there are mainly two types of Community marketing. So, these are as follows:-
- Organic
- Sponsored
Organic Community Marketing
Organic marketing is one of the most active community marketing because it develops with the help of words of mouth marketing.
So, in Organic marketing, consumers interact with each other without any assistance from the company. However they can share their reviews and experience with the company with other consumers.
For example, if you use Flipkart or Amazon for shopping purposes, you will have seen the ratings and reviews of the product, where consumers share their experience. Past consumers also answer those questions which are asked by the new consumers.
Sponsored Community Marketing
It provides the platform to interact not only with consumers but also between consumers and the brand.
For example, You want to buy a t-shirt, but you are confused about the color. So, you can comment on the post of brand social media profile. Hence, you will have seen that you get a reply from the brand.

Tools Used in Community Marketing
- Online Social Networking – It is the medium for Community Marketing, which revolves around Web 2.0 such as internet forums, Wikipedia, Social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Blogs.
- Community-Specific Tools & Features – This tool is used to encourage community participation. Many companies offer tools and features to the members of the community.
- For example Webcasts, Podcasts, and email.
All the Communities revolve around CRM messages like information, support, tips & tricks, etc but not promotional messages.
The Strategy of the Community Marketing Campaign
So, let’s check the primary strategy to reach out with the consumers and make a good Community marketing campaign:-
Be Accessible
The company has the chance to engage with their customers on a platform which is built for conversation. Therefore, the companies should Focus on the customer and their needs through genuine communication.
Be Consistent
Generally, the company should consistently publish the campaign. It will not only help the community growth but also helps to grow the target audience.
Thus, getting consistent feedback from current and potential customers is worthwhile, so listen, engage, and adapt what your customers say.
Contribute Like an Expert
Contribute to your consumers like an expert. However, as a part of a content marketing strategy, publish educational articles to online communities.
So, companies should provide tips, and how-to examples to highlight the company’s expertise and help reach the target audience in their natural environment.
Companies should publish educational content that is informative and helpful.
Use Community Advertising in Creative manner and Different Way
Hence, Companies should use a creative and different way of community advertisement. They should find and use advertisements that promote educational and leadership content and make these positions more about the content than making a sale.
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Community Marketing Jobs
So, There are various posts in Communal advertising and Marketing. Major Job Profiles in Communal Marketing field are as follows:-
- Marketing Manager
- Social Media Coordinator
- Social Media Manager
Marketing Manager
Salary (Annually in INR)
2.4 lakh- 6.5 Lakhs
Minimum Qualification
Bachelor’s Degree in Market Research, administrations, statistics, or related fields.
- Strategize campaign activity
- Establish brand guidelines and growth strategies.
- Tweak marketing plans dependent on success.
- Evaluate Customer’s Needs.
Social Media Coordinator
Salary (Annually in INR)
1.8 lakh- 5. 4Lakhs
Minimum Qualification
Bachelor’s Degree in marketing, communications, or related field.
- Maintaining a brand value in social media.
- Monitoring customer interactions.
Social Media Manager
Salary (Annually in INR)
1.4 lakh- 4.6 Lakhs
Minimum Qualification
Master’s Degree & experience in Marketing advertising or Business Management. Also may have experience in this field.
- Monitor all social media marketing & advertising.
- Developing social media and community marketing strategies.
- Monitoring brand reputation.

So, Community Marketing is an essential element of marketing in which consumers can interact with the brand directly.
Therefore they ask their queries about any offer or products on social media posts, direct messages, or through live chats given on the company’s website and app.
Nowadays, the Internet has become so useful where all people link with a standard line and help each other in every field on the Internet. People contribute their part on the Internet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Marketing is the marketing strategy in which the company forms an online environment between consumer to consumer and between consumers to themselves. Thus, the term “Online environment” can be a social media group, online message board forum, live chats, or targeted blog websites.
There are mainly two types of Community marketing. These are as follows:-
The past customers of the company responded positively to the company. So, they never turn back to share their experience with the company’s products.
There are various posts in Communal advertising and Marketing. Major Job Profiles in Communal Marketing field are such as
Market Research Analyst
Public Relation Specialist
Advertising Promotions and Marketing Manager
To plan a successful campaign, the company should follow the following steps:-
Be Accessible
Be Consistent
Contribute Like an Expert
Use Community Advertising in a Creative manner and Different Way.
If you use Flipkart or Amazon for shopping purposes, you will have seen the ratings and reviews of the product, where consumers share their experience. Past consumers also answer those questions which are asked by the new consumers.