The right pay structure helps in boosting the morale of the employees as well as develops loyalty towards the organization. Side by side, it helps in retaining talented employees by improving their skill expertise.
Providing them compensation in the form of the right pay structure can help in the productivity of the organization.
Before understanding what kind of stipend structure is suitable for the employees. We need to understand why does the right stipend structure matter?
Pay evaluations can be founded on showcase costs or real pay rates, or a blend of the two strategies. For instance, you could utilize market information to build up the strategy to go for a compensation evaluation and utilize genuine pay rates to decide the midpoint in the range.
To build up to pay grades dependent on real compensations. Make bunches dependent on levels in the authoritative chain of command. Hence, for instance, directors and VPs would be two separate compensation grades. For instance, various jobs with comparable hierarchical worth, necessities, and pay rates can be remembered for a similar gathering.
The base and limit of a range can be determined from the midpoint or comparative with a lower and higher evaluation to shape a consistent movement.
Why does Pay Structure Matter?
- Firstly, organizations need to ensure they are reliably paying their employees according to their talent. The stipend structure considers various factors to ascertain the compensation rewards. Hence, the best decision for your business will solely rely upon different divisions of the organization. Choosing the right compensation structure is very important in strengthening the organizational culture.
- Secondly, the organizations need to take into consideration certain factors such as employee engagement and satisfaction to boost the morale of the employees indeed the defined goals and objectives can help the employees in providing a clear understanding of their work area.

Factors considered while creating the right pay structure
Some of the factors which are taken into consideration while forming an equitable reward structure are as follows:
Occupation adverts ordinarily indicate how long of experience they need for the post and offer a relating pay. Usually, Indeed, even inside a compensation band, your offer will rely upon your experience level.
Although, Your compensation is straightforwardly corresponding to how much ability you bring to the activity. But, when in doubt, places that require talented workers or individuals with explicit capabilities will be paid more, while the broader positions, like organization, will draw in lesser compensation.
Your degree of instruction and its quality (for example the foundation you are from) likewise affects your pay. The executives move on from the IIMs, for example, will order a superior cost in the activity advertised than MBAs from different establishments.
Although, the area you are posted in has a great deal of effect on the amount you are paid. But, pay rates for a similar position will change across various towns and urban communities since they consider contrasts in the typical cost for basic items.
Although, organizations must offer pay rates on a standard with industry norms. But, with the rise in inflation, the buying intensity of pay rates is on a consistent decay. To pull in new workers, organizations must guarantee that pay rates are balanced for expansion with the goal that buying power increments or if nothing else continues as before.
Different Types of Pay Structure
To begin with, there are wide varieties of pay structure followed across different organizations depending upon the criteria set by the management authorities.
Individual Pay Rates
It is generally considered to be one of the most recognized stipend structures across various organizations.
But, It involves a fixed salary based on the employee’s roles and responsibilities in the organization. The salary is paid usually in a weekly and monthly duration.
The benefit of this process is that it gives the organization an initial idea of the distribution of salaries in an efficient way meanwhile creating employee value in the organization.
But this type of stipend structure is not volatile due to the payment of a fixed salary as there is no static growth in the reward structure. The only growth in their career is through promotions or transfers which takes a lot of time due to which employees get demotivated. Thus, It is most feasible for small organizations.
The individual pay rate should not be confused with individual pay ranges as both are different forms of stipend structure where the latter focuses on a predefined scale rather than a fixed pay. Thus, this type of pay structure is most common in government firms.
Narrow-Graded and Broad-Graded Pay Structure
Although, in a narrow graded recompense structure, the grade range is usually made up of large grade ranges with various jobs distributed into the particular grade range respectively. Hence, this type of stipend structure is usually followed in the public sectors
Grade | 1st step | 2nd step | 3rd step | 4th step | 5th step |
12 | 80000 | 82000 | 84000 | 86000 | 88000 |
11 | 75000 | 76000 | 77400 | 78000 | 79400 |
10 | 60000 | 61300 | 62000 | 63900 | 64600 |
9 | 55000 | 56300 | 57600 | 58300 | 59300 |
8 | 50000 | 51200 | 52700 | 53400 | 54800 |
7 | 45000 | 46200 | 47500 | 48000 | 49600 |
6 | 40000 | 41600 | 42400 | 43300 | 44400 |
5 | 35000 | 36400 | 37200 | 38900 | 39800 |
4 | 30000 | 31200 | 32300 | 33200 | 34700 |
3 | 25000 | 26500 | 27200 | 28300 | 29400 |
2 | 20000 | 21600 | 22300 | 23500 | 24900 |
1 | 15000 | 16500 | 17200 | 18400 | 19500 |
In a broad graded pay structure, the grade range is usually on the lower side as compared to the narrow-graded stipend structure. Hence the salary bandwidth is lower and hence, keeps the employee motivated as the pay scale jumps are quite high.
Grade | Bottom | Mid | Top |
5 | 55000 | 57400 | 59200 |
4 | 50000 | 52100 | 54300 |
3 | 45000 | 46800 | 48300 |
2 | 40000 | 42500 | 44100 |
1 | 35000 | 37500 | 39200 |
Pay Spine
In short, the pay spine follows a company-wide pay structure which is widely used to bring simplicity in the organization. However, the pay spine is said to cover all the grade pay salaries from a lower managerial position to a senior managerial position. Hence the recompense structure is said to be equitable as it usually covers the fixed salary as well as the incremental income.
The pay progression is said to be not that huge in ranges but ceases to provide clarity to its employees building compatibility and trust towards the organization.
Job Families
To begin with, the job family reward structure provides some kind of harmony between the large number of compensation frameworks provided by the organization. So, it usually groups all the homogenous roles and separates the individual roles based on the information and supremacy. Job families are usually created for multiple departments specifically to combine all the facts about knowledge and experience.
This type of pay structure usually works well due to the cost control factor. Furthermore, management can easily work upon and examine the salary structure on an interval basis and can rectify it for the same. Thus, The structure is versatile and is very much recommended for progressive recompense structure.
What is the right pay structure for your organization?
It is one of the extreme situations a company faces while selecting which type of pay structure should be followed in the organization. Selecting the right reward structure can motivate the employees to work hard on their roles whereas a wrong recompense structure can demotivate the employee and ultimately low productivity in the organization.
Few of the things to consider while selecting the right recompense structure are:
- So, If you are a developing organization, and there is no decent evaluation pay structure, the activity of building a new reward structure can help to resolve the problem of achieving the advancement of the organization. It assists set with increasing a framework for pay so you can settle on recruiting choices rapidly. It guarantees that you will manufacture your developing association on a framework that is reasonable and agreeable. Furthermore, perhaps above all, while setting up an evaluation structure, your association will be compelled to settle on hard decisions about how you need to organize pay. Hence, A right pay structure paves the path to remove the blocks from the deconstructive roads.
- If there is any unique objective that needs to stand out from the competitor’s areas such as technology, medical, sales, and other ground reality work can follow the hybrid pay structure i.e. compilation of different types of reward structure to create a new structure suitable for the respective organization.
- To begin with, setting up job-based ranges is a decent stage for having some reasonable rules for pay. At that point, you can start to explain how representatives go into and travel through and between ranges.
Finally whichever structure you choose, recall that the most significant action is to communicate with the employees. So, tell them what you choose about how to adjust your compensation to your hierarchical objectives. Further, it’s insufficient to simply pay the individuals, you’ll need to convey your method of reasoning for pay practices to help connect with and spur your top representatives. Hence, towards the day’s end, the pay is about individuals and results, and we need to get both rights in our associations.
Also you can read our blog on Motivating Employees without bonuses in Top 15 ways
As startups initially said to have low capital and dynamic structure due to which they tend to provide low fixed compensation structure to its employees. Hence, with the period of evolution, startups can build a standard structure such as individual pay rates depending upon the policy of each organization.
In short, creating the right structure motivates the employees in their workforce and determination to dedicatedly work for the organization. Thus, it also helps in maintaining a standard procedure of disbursement of payment in the organization.
In short, no the structure is not similar to every organization. Thus, every organization has different missions and visions on which the company works throughout their business cycle.
In short, no, as with the changes in the inflation rate in the market, the organization should make themselves adapt to these changes promptly so as to sustain the business. Thus, for government organizations, fixed pay is generally for a period of time whereas in startups the pay structure is dynamic seeing the dynamic nature of the organization.
Although, Choices about remuneration increments depend on monetary conditions, economic situations, hierarchical needs, and staff part execution, all of which may change in a given year. But, Swarthmore’s training has normally been to offer staff individuals a yearly increment toward the beginning of the financial year; notwithstanding, these increments have never been ensured. Thus, staff individuals who have been in their situations for a brief timeframe may not be qualified for expansion toward the beginning of the financial year.