“Morning is an important time of day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” – Lemony Snicket
Do You want to know how to start a day with the beautiful morning routines? You may want a beautiful start of your day but you often can’t. You might be the non-morning person who loves to sleep more than to wake up in the morning and start your routines.
But you also know that it is important for us to have a good morning to have a very good day. So you want to become a morning person.
Initially, it is difficult to manage mornings if you are a non-morning person but I am here to share some of my own experience which I have gained when I was struggling to get a very good morning back then I used to be the same non-morning guy like you. So here I am going to share how to start a day and how to become a morning person.
Go to bed on time

If you want to get success on how to start a day early then you have to sleep on time because sleep plays a vital role in how to become a morning person. If you are not able to sleep on time then it is not possible to wake up early in the morning. Most people go to bed late at night and they assume that they will wake up early in the morning but they can’t.
Further, if you go to bed late at night and still manage to wake up early then it will not be beneficial since your body has not gotten proper rest. If you don’t get proper sleep at light then it affects how to become a morning person.
Furthermore, before getting into bed I suggest you to not use any kind of mobile phone and laptop because they emit blue rays which block the hormones called melatonin that make you sleepy.
Prepare the day before
The main aim of waking up early in the morning is that you want to start your day with a productive morning. Especially, if you are in the process of becoming a morning person then you can get difficulties in managing the things needed to be done in the morning time.
So, I recommend you to prepare the things the day before. If you prepare the most common things the day before then you will get enough time in the morning for your other productive and useful work which eventually helps you to grow in your life. Also, it will help to gain ideas on how to start a day.
The things you can prepare the day before can be;
- Preparing clothes you want to wear the next day
- Make a coffee or tea for the next morning
- Arrange the files and documents that you are going to use the next day
- Make a plan for the breakfast that you are going to have in next day
These are some of the preparations that I do before I go to bed which helped me a lot on how to become a morning person. If you want to make some add then you can obviously add more things according to your preferences. This will help you on how to start a day.
Don’t Snooze your Alarm

This is not only about how to start a day but it is also how to start a day early. We often set multiple alarms on our mobile so that we can wake up on time. But you may have also noticed that most of the time we snooze the alarm multiple times just only for some little sleep.
In the initial period, getting awake in just one alarm was very difficult for me also. But waking up early is necessary on how to start a day. So, we have to build a habit to wake up in just one alarm.
I suggest you put your mobile in some distance so that you have to wake up from bed to stop it. Recently, in markets, there are lots of alarms available which makes you get off from your bed to put it off. You can use one of those alarms.
The best thing I did to manage this problem was I used to connect the phone with the speaker so that I could hear loud sounds and also I put that speaker in some distance where I had to walk to turn off that speaker. Honestly, it helped me a lot.
Quit putting strain to have an ideal morning
If you are a non-morning person and you manage to wake up early in the morning, you probably get confused on what to do and what not to do at that time. In that situation, we often panic and end up doing nothing productive. We always think of the perfect morning every day but in the search of perfection, we can only get pressure for a perfect morning.
The main aim of getting up early in the morning is to manage your morning in such a way that it can make you have a good day but just after waking up if we get into the pressure, obviously that’s not how to start a day.
You should not necessarily have perfect strict morning routines to start a good day but what is necessary is to spend your time in productive work. It is not bad to have a specific morning routine but if you are not comfortable with the strict rules and routines then you can simply do whatever you want to do but it should be something productive.
Give a start to some productive morning rituals
After waking up and getting refreshed you can start your morning rituals. Remember, these rituals must help you to make your day productive and peaceful. If we start our morning with a peaceful mind then the prefrontal cortex of our mind which manages your logical thought stops for the moment which helps us to overcome the overthinking problem. This period of time is best for some of the best and productive work you want to do.
In your morning rituals, you can add those things which turn you on for the whole day. Here I have suggested to you some of the morning rituals which you can follow. You can have your own rituals but these are some rituals if you follow then it will be beneficial;
Light exercise

If you start your day with some light exercise like stretching, running etc then it will be beneficial for your health as well as your whole day will become energetic and active. You will not get any laziness if you do exercise for sometime in the morning. Also if you exercise early in the morning then it will increase a protein called BDNF(Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) which helps to make new neurons connect in our mind.
With the help of meditation in the morning, you can refresh your mind and fill positive vibes in you. It will help you to handle all the problems you are going to get all day. Mindful meditation also helps you to control your anger and give peace inside you. That’s why I recommend you to practice meditation early in the morning. If you are not a morning person then it will be the best practice to start your morning with.
The next thing you can add in your morning rituals is an affirmation. Affirmation means practicing positive thinking and self-empowerment. With positive affirmation, you can motivate yourself on what you want to achieve. It will provide positive thinking capacity toward your goal and can increase a chance to get success. Further, being thankful to the god by some praying is also a very good practice to make your soul pleasant which helps you throughout the day.
Managing your to-do list

Another thing you can do in your morning ritual is to manage your to-do list. I mean to say that you can list all of your works that you are going to do on that day. It helps a lot to achieve your personal goals.
Managing your work on the list helps you to figure out how you can handle all those works. It will lessen the pressure on you all day and your day will not be that much hectic. Moreover, it will provide you with the idea of your workload. Sometimes many important works are missed out just because we forget them but if you manage them in the to-do list then we can remember our important work. That’s why I suggest you make your to-do list in the early morning.
Doing growth-related works
When you are not a morning person you might think of what to do when you get up early in the morning. You would feel that there is no work to do but actually, it is not. As we all know our brain has limited willpower in the day and researches show that in the morning time we have full willpower to do something. So, in this period of time, we can do those important things that can grow us.
Some of the things that you can do are:
- Prepare for the office meeting
- Complete the office project
- Listen to the podcast, interviews etc.
- Read books, journals etc.
- Learn new skills and so on.
- Evaluate potential mistake you can do in your goals
Have Light and Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is also a very credential thing which helps to start a day. If you eat fresh, healthy and light breakfast it will help you all day. You will stay healthy, positive and fresh with the start of a good breakfast.
Most of the people neglect what they eat in the morning but I realised that food impacts our all day works. Research shows that food not only impacts your physical health but also impacts the mood of our brains. If we consume good food then it has more possibility that our brain will function in a good mood and vice versa. So, I recommend you to have a good healthy and light breakfast in the morning and start the day.
It is not a very big deal on how to become a morning person. Just you have to be persistent and you should never quit the idea of becoming a morning person. This is obvious that it will take some time but eventually, you will get success on how to start a day with beautiful morning routines. The ideas given above on how to become a morning person are those ideas which I had followed and applied in my life. It is not necessary for you to apply the same plans but you can take the idea for your own morning routines. I hope you get the idea for how to start a day with a perfect morning.
Also you can read our blog on The Flow Psychology Model – Balancing Challenge and Skills
Many people have their own preference for drinks to start their day. Some love to have Tea,
some love to have coffee. But I personally prefer and also suggest to have something
healthy to drink. I prefer to have a glass of warm water with some holy basil (Tulsi) leaves. It
is considered as a medicinal herb useful in tackling stress and anxiety and helps on how to
start a day.
Starting your day with Yoga can help you to improve your digestive system. It also stretches
your body and makes them fore flexible. After yoga, you can feel that your body becomes
light and fit. It helps to reduce laziness all over the day.
There are numerous reasons to become a morning person. The best reason to become a
morning person is that at morning time our mind faces no form of distraction and also the
limited will power that we have gained is potentially high in the morning period of time. So
you can use that willpower for good goal setting so that you can achieve big goals in your
life. That’s why you should become a morning person which eventually helps you on how to
start a day beautifully.
Yes it is good to become a morning person because at morning time our mind is more
productive than that of other times. So at that time we can do more productive things than
other times in a day. Also, we can get more time to plan about our day if we become a
morning person.
The amount of sleep that people need differs from people to people but an adult healthy
person must have 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day. Relatively from young person children and
teens need more sleep.