So, The companies are very dynamic nowadays. You might also have seen a list of organizational changes in your company.
also, Change management is a necessary part of any company. hence, In this article, we will discuss The Burke-Litwin Change Model of Change.
What’s in it-
What is the Burke Litwin Model of Change?
This performance and change model is a tool. This model is used to understand the components of the organization.
They also provide information about how they are related to each other in terms of change.
W. Warmer Burke and George H. Two renowned organizational change consultants. Who is known as Burke Litwin?
In the 1992s, both of those famous organizational change consultants invented the model. Which is known as the Burke Litwin Model of Change?
With the help of this model, you can identify three levels of changes in any organization. To know about these three changes, you have to study the important information obtained by the 12 factors or drivers of change.

Three Levels of Changes in the Organization
Transformational Change
It is caused by the environment outside. It has a direct as well as effective impact on leadership and organizational culture, mission, and strategy.
Transformational change is defined as a 2nd order. Frame-breaking changes that completely change your current operating structure.
These changes lead to huge changes in processes, people, and usually on a large scale of technology.
When one acquits you adopt these changes. After this, you are unable to return your mind. Because of which you are not able to go back to the old way.

Transactional Change
Transactional change affects your structure, management practices, system and process, and functionality.
Under the Transaction Transformation Project, you have to facilitate the achievement of strategic objectives by shifting the functions of the organization, overall duties, and specific tasks.
This process provides an opportunity for an objective project or organization of modification.
Organizational Change
Organizational change refers to simple policy related to disorder and progress in growth, decline, and also change within the organization.
You should know a lot about organizational change. With which you will get a different level increase in progress.
However, there is a thinking among you that the organization is making the structures permanent in the changing society.
While this is not the case at all. The truth is that organizations are changing all the time. Organizational change is taking various forms.
Sometimes organizations keep changing radically to maintain their name. The new organization may not have anything special in the name other than the old one.
Burke Litwin Model of Change identifies the relationship between the level of changes and factors of changes.

Elements of Burke-Litwin Model
Burke is about defining and also establishing the relation of all-cause and effect to the organizational change of the Litwin model.
Model implies the folowing organizational elements that determine a change within an organization.
External Environment
An outdoor environment made up of all the factors or influences outside. This external environment affects business operations. Businesses must work continuously or keep reacting to maintain the flow of their work.
Organizations do not work in isolation. Many external factors have an impact on the organization such as economy, culture, social norms, competition, market conditions, etc. Organizations have control over external factors.
These are the strongest factors for change due to all these factors.
The outdoor environment is divided into 2 types of departments.
Microenvironment- Factors that directly impact any company. Such factors are called in the microenvironment.
Macro environment- These are common factors in general terms that do not have any kind of impact on business. The success of any company always depends on its favorable circumstances and presence.
Mission and Strategy
The mission is simple sentences. How will you get your vision? Strategies are an excellent range of ways to use the mission to achieve the vision. This series is very effective.
A lot of implementation, specific action timelines, and techniques are used to achieve the goal. Time plays a very important role.
Mission and Strategy are referencing the purpose and goal of the organization. Which are called Mission and Strategy?
Prepares mission and strategy leadership in organizations. It is also a very powerful factor in change. For this reason, it is among the transformational factors according to this model
What is leadership? In simple language, leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to achieve a common goal.
A business can direct workers and associates with a strategy to meet the needs of the company for rapid growth in the right direction.
Leadership is also one of the strongest transformation change factors. They are champions of change and change leaders. They explain the change.
Lead its process. Let’s evaluate its performance. Take corrective action to make changes in the right direction.
It is always ready to be able to define leadership and inspire others.

Organisation Culture
Another transformational factor is organizational culture. It is about norms, the behavior of employees, and also value the system prevails in any organization.
It is less tangible and formal but it has a strong influence on the future and process of organizational change.
Organisation Culture is thus one of the most useful factors. All companies have a distinct personality.
So, The unique personality of any company is known as its culture. In a group of individuals working together, organizational culture is the power that affects the behaviour of members of that group.
So, how do we define organizational culture?
Organizational culture is a collection system of shared beliefs, values, and beliefs also. Organizational culture governs how people treat each other in organizations.
These shared values have a strong impact on the people in the organization. It also tells them what kind of acting they do, how they dress, and do their jobs.
Each organization develops and maintains a unique culture. Provides guidelines as well as boundaries for the behavior of members of the organization.
Let us know which elements make up the culture of the organization.
The structure is a tangible factor. It is about hierarchies and departments.
It also includes communication channels and decision-making relationships between those hierarchies and departments. According to this model, the structure is a transactional factor.
The next transaction is the factor system. So, It refers to rules and regulations, procedures, policies. It also helps employees to function in an organization.
These are very basic factors of change. This requires a complete understanding of the existing system before initiating any organizational change.
Transactional systems are the company’s databases. So, Plain information and records of the company’s daily transactions are collected and kept.
There are three major types of databases.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management),
HRM (Human Resource Management),
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
For example, to record a sales transaction it will be stored as a piece of data in the CRM database.

Management Practice
Management practice usually refers to all of that work, ideas, and also those innovations. which managers work systems look towards good impressive success. Meanwhile, Helps in use to improve effectiveness.
Common management practices involve too many skills.
Hence, to train employees, empower employees, introduce various schemes for quality improvement and introduce various forms of new technology.
so, Management behavior refers to the activities and behavior of managers towards implementing the strategy.
All these practices suggest that managers, leadership, and employees play an important role in following rules and regulations.
What is the nature of relationships between different hierarchies and departments and also establishes relationships among them? also, Management practices have an impact on organizational change.
Working Climate
Climate is the perception of the work environment by the employee. What kind of connection do they feel when they work or stay at work. How are they motivated to work so that they can do good things?
The work climate refers to and also influences the organizational environment. What is the attitude of employees towards work?
for instance, Are they comfortable in organizational culture? Are they able to adapt themselves to work climate?
How they feel or understand about leadership. This working climate is also a driver of change and how it affects the change process.
Tasks and Skills
So, You should know very well and be precise about these two words. Let us understand.
Work and skills. Work is an activity carried out within a period. Also, it is a prefabricated work activity and specifies how. A skill is an inferior ability.
The tasks assigned by the employees are required to be completed within the time limit. So, Work and expertise are well accepted by this deadline.
So they complete the work within time. meanwhile, For an organizational change, employees’ skills must be aligned to new roles and task.
Individual Values and Needs
How do you reflect those principles in your life and your specific needs? Which you consider important for your selfishness.
So, Personal values reflect all these things. also, Personal values include creativity, enthusiasm, humility, and personal fulfillment.
Also, Most of the employees come from different backgrounds and The organization has different expectations regarding work climate, growth, wage opportunities, etc.
This affects the efficiency as well as productivity of employees. Hence it Exerts a strong influence on success or failure. organizational change.

Motivational LevelMotivation has usually been defined as a force. It plays a special role in stimulation, direction, selection, and also in continuity of behavior.
Inspiration means a strong desire to do something.
Hence, It reinforces the level of dedication, determination, and commitment of employees towards achieving organizational goals.
The motivation level of employees depends on many other factors such as what is the organizational culture, values, remuneration, management practices, etc.
This is a very soft factor but it is an important prerequisite for implementing change initiatives in an organization.
Individual and Organizational Performance
The performance of individuals refers to the completion of tasks effectively and efficiently.
And the total of individual performance is the organizational performance. The organizational performance is assessed by the achievement of organizational goals in a given period.

So, According to me, very deep information has been given in Burke Litwin Model. Burke Litwin Model of Change explains three levels of changes- transformational, transactional changes, and changes in performance.
Also, You should understand these three changes. You should deeply understand all these factors as well as changes for your business.
so, Among these drivers, some are hard factors and some are soft; some are tangible and some are intangible.
Ans. The TTM believes that every person goes through 6 stages of change. Those 6 stages are as follows – pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and completion.
Termination was not part of the original model and is less often used in the application of stages of change to health-related behaviors.
Ans. There are many examples of chaotic, uncertain, frustrated, and stressed. Many Surrey leaders use the burke-Litwin model to describe the current state of their ‘organizational health’. Change agents are usually the first most stung ones. Those who try to reach ‘health’ issues to a good level and often rely on very good organizational assessments as diagnostic tools.
This article presents the reliability and validity findings from the best survey of Burke-Litwin organizational evaluation and helps Burke-Litwin spy on organizational performance and change models.
Ans. I have found the Burke-Litwin model very useful as a framework for thinking about organizational change at a deeper level,
But some of its recent critics must keep in mind that with the help of the latest thinking, one can grow well and fast.
The reliance on transformational and transactional leadership concepts, and their application to organizational change rather than leader-follower relationships, seem problematic, and are ripe for refreshment. I look forward to learning about recent academic literature that will contribute towards this direction.
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