Gagne’s nine levels of learning provide a grade by grade technique that can assist managers, trainers, and facilitators to shape or groups to get the maximum from their studying opportunities.
In this blog, we will learn how to use this device when training your team. The models are helpful for all types of learning.
Who was Robert Gagne
Robert Gagne (1916 – 2002) turned into an American instructional psychologist who pioneered instruction and learning technology in the 1940s. His book “The Conditions of Learning,” first posted in 1965, identifies the intellectual situations necessary for powerful learning.

Background of the model
Gagne first laid the essential groundwork for what makes ‘proper instruction’ when he implemented his work and the American Air Corps in World War II. In later years, Gagne carried out his learning concept standards to computer-primarily based gaining knowledge pf and investigating training with several multimedia formats.
Gagne’s Nine levels of learning
The nine levels are split into three categories, which are then divided even further.
1. Preparation Gaining attention Informing newcomers of the objective.
2. Instruction and Practice Presenting the stimulus Providing studying guidance Eliciting performance Stimulating keep in mind previous to learning.
Providing feedback
3. Assessment and Transfer Assessing Performance Enhancing Preparation and Transfer.
Level 1:- Gaining Attention
Start the learning experience by getting to know your audience’s attention. Ensure the learners are organized to investigate and participate in activities by offering a stimulus to capture their attention. You ought to try this via posing stimulating inquiries to your students or starting your lesson with detail of surprise.
How to implement
- Asking stimulating, thought-provoking questions
- Lead an ice breaker activity
- Pose thought-provoking questions to students
- Showing an animation or video
- Have students pose questions to be answered by other students
- Just playing a piece of music also does wonders.
- We are giving them exciting information.
- Stimulate students with novelty, uncertainty, and surprise
Level 2:- Informing Learners of the Objective
The next thing you’ll ensure that your team knows what they need to learn. What target will you cover? What must they understand at the end of the education that they didn’t have before?
This tells the learner what he/she is going to learn and what is he/ she is going to do with the knowledge.
This tells the learner what to expect from the teacher and also motivates them to complete the session. These learning objectives also form the basis of content and evaluation.
How to implement
- Explain to your crew what they’ll have learned out through the end of the session.
- You could install a social membership to share your upcoming target along with your learners. This gives them an excellent chance to put ahead of any questions they’ll have approximately the topic.
- Describe criteria for standard performance
- Describe the required performance
- Include course objectives on assessment prompts
- Have learners establish criteria for standard performance
For Example, the teacher can,
Explain that they are going to learn about types of triangles
Identify different types of triangles when the teacher shows them various examples.
Draw the triangles
Identify the types of triangles from the things they see in their surroundings etc.
Level 3:- Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning
It is about making the learner recall their previous knowledge about the trainer’s topic.
Relating the subject again to a comparable experience your learners have had builds a bridge from the vintage to the new. This hyperlink offers the learners a base upon which to analyse the new content. Associating further information with prior knowledge makes the learning of new concepts easy
How to Implement
- Conducting a quiz or giving them puzzles to solve, or play games
- Asking easy question leading to answers
- Relate previous course information to the current topic
- Asking questions about related issues learned earlier. Then make connections among what they may be gaining knowledge of their prior learning.
- This will help them bear in mind what they already know while supporting personalisation and applying the training at the very start, and accommodating new knowledge becomes much more accessible.
Level 4:- Present the content
Content should be broken up into small chunks because learning or making sense of a small amount of information is more straightforward than learning a big piece of small details. Organise and group content in meaningful ways, and provide explanations after demonstrations.
Make sure to adjust and use suitable techniques if you are developing an instructor-led studying program or a digital online learning program. The content should be organised from simple to complex, easy to difficult, known to unknown this enhances learning
How to implement
- The trainer should use instructional strategies to teach the content so that learning is efficient and effective.
- Assign activities and projects
- Post homework assignments
- The trainer can also use different media such as charts, flashcards, 3d objects, or multimedia such as a film, a video, etc.
- Incorporate active learning strategies to keep students involved
- Provide access to content on Blackboard so students can access it outside of class
Level 5:- Provide learning guidance
To assist your group in learning and holding the information, Now you’ve taught the content, you’ve been given to discover a manner to fill any expertise gaps. Advise students of techniques to resource them in getting to know content material and of sources available.
As a tutorial designer, you want to make the learning experience as easy and as simple as possible.
Sometimes which means providing precise commands on which to click and what to do next. It can also appear intuitive to you. However, it frequently facilitates being overly clean in your instructions to keep away from any confusion.
How to implement
- Model varied learning strategies – e.g. mnemonics, idea mapping, role-playing, visualising
- Learning steering may be provided use of examples, non-example, analogies, and activities.
- Provide expectations as needed
- Write clear and concise instructions
- Provide case studies and metaphors – Case studies provide real-world application, visual images assist in making visual associations, and analogies and metaphors use familiar content to help students connect with new concepts
- Provide an accessible ‘next’ button for online learning experiences
- Include tips on how best to navigate the course
Level 6:- Elicit Performance
This event involves practising new content or skills learned. At this stage, you want to make sure that your people can show their expertise in what you’ve taught them. The blend of repetition and recollect is essential to any deep learning.
Provides an opportunity for the learner to confirm what they have understood. It helps the instructor identity in the learners’ understanding.
How to implement
- If you have taught new information, ask questions that will display their knowledge.
- Facilitate pupil activities – e.g. ask deep-learning questions, have students collaborate
- eLearning branching scenarios
- Role-playing situations
- Activities, projects, and writing assignments
Level 7:- Provide Feedback
Performance is essential to be followed by feedback. Feedback is the handiest manner your learners recognise what they’re doing effectively and what they want to enhance upon.
Provide well-timed comments on students’ overall performance to evaluate and facilitate learning and permit students to discover gaps in understanding earlier than it’s far too late. Specific and corrective feedback is given to the learner. It corrects misconceptions and confirms correct learning with the learner.

How to implement
- Detailed rubrics outlining both positive and negative feedback
- You can provide positive and negative feedback depending on the answers.
- Personalized written feedback on assignments and projects
- Do evaluative feedback apprises the student of the accuracy in their overall performance or reaction; however, it does not guide the progress.
- Do the confirmatory feedback inform the student that they did what they were supposed to do. This feedback no longer tells the student what she wants to improve, but it encourages the learner.
- Help learners pick out knowledge of gaps and overall performance shortcomings in their very own and peers’ work.
- Give direction to students to find the correct answer but do not provide the right solution.
Level 8:- Assess Performance
Till now in Gagne’s learning levels, you have already informed your learners of their test results in the previous step. Now, it’s time to talk about retention as a formal way of ensuring retention.
Before the learner proceeds to perform, there may be a need for additional learning guidance and practice. During such an assessment, the learner must be able to function without any assistance or any aid.
How to implement
- Implement a lot of assessment strategies to offer students more than one possibilities to illustrate proficiency
- Scenario-based quizzes are a fantastic way to check if your learners have retained the information.
- Administer pre-and post-tests to check for progression of competency in content or skills
- Assess often throughout the course
Level 9:- Enhance retention and transfer
Although, Gagne proposed that the learning journey’s final step is to put the learner in an expert’s position. But, at the end of your level, Help learners retain more information. Thus, providing them opportunities to practice their knowledge in real-world situations.
How to implement
- Engaging videos and high definition animations are incorporated to sustain learning for a long.
- Repeated exercise is a satisfactory manner to make sure that humans retain information and use it effectively.
- Continually include questions from previous exams in the following examinations to boost course information.
- Mobile-enabled guides are designed to allow learners to get entry to applicable information anytime and anywhere.
This checklist certainly helps you stay on track and gives you a sequential order to train your team effectively.
So, Gagne’s nine learning levels can help you build a strategic framework to prepare and deliver step by step perfect instruction. Hence, Gagne’s Nine Levels of Learning’s assistance offers a beneficial approach that facilitates managers to shape the learning process.
Also, you can read our blog on VAK Learning Style – How to Identify your Learning Style
A. Gagne identifies five major categories of learning: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes.
A. This theory stipulates that there are several different types or levels of learning. The significance of these classifications is that each different type requires different types of instruction.