Home Uncategorized 13 Books to read for crazy perspectives in 2020 (My Favorites!)

13 Books to read for crazy perspectives in 2020 (My Favorites!)


I am writing this blog predominantly to share some of the best books to read because,

Reading Books is the one skill that almost every successful person has in his life.

But where do I start?

In this blog I am going to talk about the books to read during this lockdown!

What are we are going to learn:

  1. Why Should you read books?
  2. How to build the habit of reading?
  3. One hack to read faster
  4. My top book recommendations!

Why Should you read books?

Reading books have numerous benefits. It can help us learn and understand new things and make us smarter. Reading books also expands your vocabulary and thinking skills. Ok we understood that Reading books have numerous benefits.

Our parents have told us that, our teachers, elders everyone has told us since childhood that reading books is a good thing.

How to build the habit of reading?

Building the habit of reading is easier than you think. Here’s a step-by-step process!

  • Make a Reading List:

Make a list of books you are interested to read. It could be story books, holy books, fictional, non-fictional, political, biographical, sports, or scientific or anything else for that matter.

It should bring a sense of interest in you to read.

  • Set a specific time for Reading:

Now that you have created a reading list which interests you, go and buy 2-3 books out of that list.

And then set specific time in a day, daily when you are going to read. It could be in your morning routine, it could be before going to bed, it could after your lunch, it could be while your work commute.

Lock a time, when you are only going to read a book. It could be as little as 10 minutes, but set a time fixed time frame and try to achieve this goal 9 out of 10 times.

  • Join a Reading Community:

There are various reading communities and forums on the internet. Get involved. It will keep you on track for reading books on a regular basis.

  • Reduce technology and internet usage:

Internet and Technology take up a lot of time of our lives. Try to reduce it during a certain time of the day (during your morning or evening routine).

You can use up that time to read books because you won’t have anything else to do at that time.

  • Lastly, Enjoy the Process:

If you don’t enjoy the process it’s not worth it. That’s why I said choose books which interest you. Choose topics that excite you. Once you start enjoying the process, it would get easier and easier to maintain the reading habit in the long term.

What’s the one hack to read faster?

So, I have a very simple hack which will help you to read way faster than you read right now.

Use a pen or a pencil to point on every word you read. A pointer like a pen or a pencil helps you to keep track of where you are reading, in return helping you to read way faster than you used to.

I have talked about why and how to read books. Now it’s time to know what books to read during this lockdown.

My Top Book Recommendations!

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People?
  2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  3. The Power of Habit
  4. Emotional Intelligence
  5. The Power of Subconscious Mind
  6. The Rudest Book Ever
  7. Presence
  8. The Magic of Thinking Big
  9. The Power of Positive Thinking
  10. Smarter Better Faster
  11. Crushing It
  12. Who Moved My Cheese?
  13. Man’s Search for Meaning
  14. The Power of Now

How to Win Friends and Influence People?

Are you an introvert? Do you want to increase your communication skills?

Do you want to form long lasting relationships and friendships?

If yes, then this is the book you should start with.

Written by Dale Carnegie, it has sold more than 32 million copies worldwide. The book is easy to read in simple language and is a complete guide to be more popular, persuasive, influential, and entertaining.

Many have said, this book gave birth to the current massive self-improvement industry. So, you can start with this magical book

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of my personal favorites. It was the first self-help book I ever read in my life. Written by Robert Kiyosaki, the book has been the #1 Personal Finance Book for the last 20 years.

The book has new perspectives and talks about how the rich use money to make money and how the poor make the mistakes which keep them poor for life.

Robert brings various perspectives like, buying a house is a liability, the school system is useless and the rich are not cruel.

The Power of Habit

The Charles Duhigg written book was the second book I read and it is an all-time best-selling book. This is easily one of the best books to read.

The book is filled with value, from beginning to end. It goes deep down into how habits work and how to build new habits and eliminate the toxic ones through real-life examples and case studies.

The Book uses scientific studies to back the things written in it. I think it’s a must-read book for anyone!

Emotional Intelligence

Throughout our life, our parents, teachers and elders have always focused on the IQ levels of us. How much we could memorise and how much we could write down in exams.

This Daniel Goleman book goes deep down why EQ aka Emotional Quotient or Intelligence is more important than IQ in the real-world and why we need to focus on it more than ever.

The Power of Subconscious Mind

Written by Joseph Murphy has sold millions of copies all around the world and quite deservingly talks about way you can control your mind and how your mind works and how you can reprogram your subconscious mind for success.

This Book puts a lot of emphasis on affirmative things and spirituality. I think it’s worth a read!

The Rudest Book Ever

My current favorite book, The Rudest Book Ever is written by Shwetabh Gangwar one of India’s top youtube stars and problem solvers.

It is a book that will open up your mind to insanely practical ideas and perspectives that work in real life. He talks about dealing with rejections, Happiness, Social Media Influencers, How to think, and lots more.

This book is an absolute gold mine and if you have seen some of his content on youtube, then it’s just a no brainer to go and read this book right now!


This book is written by Harward Professor, Amy Cuddy which revolves around facing life’s biggest challenges and difficulties and also talks about stuff that matters.

She talks about body language and how it influences our mind and how to flourish during tough moments

Man’s Search for Meaning

It’s a very small book and you can literally finish the entire book on one go but is a very powerful book. It’s written by Victor E. Frankl. The book goes back to the time of World War 2, where he spent 3 years in the concentration camp.

He brings out some tough life lessons from his experience during that time and talks about them in this book.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Again one of the best books you would ever read, written by Norman Vincent Peale is a very simple and practical book that goes deep down as the name suggests, “positive thinking”.

You will learn how to believe in yourself, having a peaceful mind, creating your own happiness, getting people to like you, and lots more.

Smarter Better Faster

Another book written by Charles Duhigg, is a book based on research and scientific studies just like The Power of Habit about goal setting, decision making. Productivity, motivation, and innovation.

Crushing It!

Again, one of my favorites, Crushing It! It is written by Internet Marketing Legend Gary Vaynerchuk, where he gives real-life case studies on how to grow in various social media channels and grow your business online using practical ideas given in the book.

If you are young and want to build a personal brand online by leveraging social media, then this one of the best books to read!  

Who Moved My Cheese?

A book you can finish literally in an hour, but the ideas in the book will live with you for the rest of your life. Written by Dr. Spencer Johnson is an all-time best seller talking about how to deal with changes in life and in work.

It’s a very simple book and a story of two mice and two little people. The book is so engaging and interesting. Trust me, once you start reading it, you won’t be able to stop reading until it’s over.

The Power of Now

Lastly, a book written by Eckhart Tolle, is one of the best spiritual books you will ever come across.

The book talks about unheard stuff to enlighten your mind with spirituality. You will learn about understanding your mind, enlightening relationships, your inner body, consciousness, and a lot more.  

And that’s a wrap!

My 13 books to read for crazy perspectives about life.

Comment down below with which book, are you going to start your reading habit!



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